"Hello", Tristan said on his phone as he walked down the hall towards Rory's locker.

"Oh Hey Luke, What's up, man?"

"Oh yah, How's she doing"

"How's basketball been?"

"oh yah, well man i have to go to class, but i'll call you tonight"

"Okay love you too."

"Mary, can i walk you to English class", Tristan said as he got to her locker.

"No", Rory said as she closed her locker and begin to walk away.

"Fine Mary, but we are going to the same class, so walking next to you is inevitable", He told her with a smirk.

"Tristan, I have known you for almost a year now. My name is Rory! R -O - R - Y! Ror!EE!", Rory said exaggrating the last part of her name.

"I like Mary better", Tristan told her.

"I'll be sure and tell my Mother that her choice of name was not up to Tristan Dugrey standards", Rory said making eye contact with Tristan.

"Talking about me to your Mom, Mare?" Tristan said smirking.

"GO DIE", Rory told him walking away.

"I love you too Mary!" Tristan yelled after her.

Tristan chuckled to himself and turned around and walked in the opposite direction of him and Rory's English.

He after all was Tristan, and couldn't be on time for class.

He went to his locker and got the books out that he needed. He slowly walked towards English. When he made it to the door he plastered on his infamous smirk and walked in.

"Mr. Dugrey, Your late", Mr. Medina told him dissaprovingly.

"Well you see what had happened was, I got lost. Have you ever noticed that this school's classrooms all look exactly the same. I was sitting in a Latin class!" Tristan said in an over exaggerated tone.

"I find that hard to believe Mr. Dugrey, considering you have gone here since you were a Freshman and this is your third year to have me", Mr. Medina told Tristan Skeptically.

"Amnesia", Tristan told him shortly.

"Take your seat, Tristan. So we can get started", He told him.

"Everybody reach under your desk and there should be a triangle taped to it, pull it off and find the person that has the same triangle as you, this person will be your partner for the next 2 weeks", Mr. Medina told the class.

Tristan looked at his triangle and then looked at Rory's, they weren't the same.

He looked at the desk next to him and smiled.

"Hey man, if you give me your triangle, i'll give you my watch", Tristan told him with a smile.

The boy named Adrian glanced down at Tristan's wrist at his rolex.

"Here ya go, man", He said giving him the triangle.

Tristan put the watch and triangle on his desk and went over towards Rory.

"Well Mary, it looks as if you and i are going to be spending alot of time together this next two weeks", He said with a smirk.

Rory looked up at him with a look of horror.

She put her head down in a pray like manner and begged God for Tristan to be lying.

Unforunately, that wasn't the case.

"Everybody take a seat next to your partner and settle down", Mr. Medina told them.

"For the next two weeks you will be putting together a family presentation. You will need to have a family tree with pictures. You will need your family history. You are to act as if you and your partner are married. You and your children will be the last on the tree and history. You can have as many kids as you want. Get pictures of them from anywhere you want. Your family history can be whatever you want it to be, be creative. This project is suppose to be fun. Now everybody is in a boy/girl group, correct", Mr. Medina asked.

Everybody nodded and begin to talk.

"So whose house are we going to work at", Rory asked.

"We could go to mine after school, if you'd like", Tristan told her.

"That sounds fine", Rory told him.

They talked about what they were going to do on the project until the bell rang.

They went out to Tristan's car and went towards his house.

When they got there they went in the living room and got comfortable.

"Ok so I was thinking we cou - " Rory was cut off by the sound of Tristan's ringtone.

"Sorry Ror, I have to take this", Tristan said apologettically as he opened his phone.

"Hey Luke", Tristan said.

"Hey Tristan, what's up man?" Luke said.

"I'm working on a project with someone from school", He told him.

"Oh that's cool, anyways the reason why i called man, something happened to Dad", Luke told him somberly.

"What's wrong with Dad", he asked.

"He was in a car accident, and they don't think he is going to make it", Luke told him.

"Oh, is Mom okay?" He asked him.

"Yah, she's fine but i thought i would call and let you know. I didn't think you'd come down here or anything given the situation but i'll keep you updated", Luke told him.

"Okay, will you give Mom my love for me and tell her that I will call her later", Tristan told him.

"Alright man, will do. I love you and will talk to you soon.", Luke said.

"You too. Bye" Tristan said hanging up.

"Is everything alright, Tristan", Rory asked.

"Oh my dad just got in a car accident, he probably isn't going to make it", Tristan told her with no emotion.

"Oh Tristan!" She said putting her hand on his.

"No Mare, it's fine my Dad and i have no relationship, we don't see eye to eye on things, He's hardly ever been in my life, I hate him", Tristan told her.

Rory gave him a confused look.

Tristan sighed, he might as well tell her.

"You see it all started when i was born..."