For Disclaimer See the top of Chapter One for Warnings look in the note section at the top of Chapter one.

Note: \talking\ represents Telepathic Speech.

Warning: Major Character Death.


Chapter Ten: The Storm


"Liam." Joshua said jumping to his feet and Grabbing Liam's arm as the white light enveloped them both. Renee, Sandoval and the twins stared in shock as it seemed to absorb them then turn to the forcefield meant to protect the Hybrids babies. The forcefield went down easily.

"No Not them leave them alone." Belle Said standing up her Shaqarava blowing brightly as a stream of energy erupted from each palm slamming the creature back into it's own lab. She tried to run for the babies but stumbled as though she had no strength left and fell to the floor. Her brother ran to her and helped her up. "No Steve ignore me get them we have to protect them they are the future."

Suddenly threw one of the walls the entity phased in coming to rest above the cribs it released tendrils of energy that absorbed them. Belle cried out as the others looked on in shock. Sandoval snapped out of his stupor and grabbed her and Steve. "Come on we have to get to the mothership." Renee noticed that his voice sounded pained she felt numb herself. Renee glanced over at him as they ran for the portal setting it to the mothership they looked back to see Steve dragging his reluctant sister toward them.

"Look out." Renee yelled when she saw the entity sending a tendril of energy toward the two. Belle summoned what strength she had left and threw her brother away from her. The tendril touched her but she smiled as she placed her hands against her chest and suddenly exploded. "What did she just do?" Renee said watching the creature retract it's energy tendril and scream in pain.

Steve stared in shock and started to run forward but Sandoval grabbed him and pulled him into the portal with himself and Renee. The portal activated and the last thing Renee saw was the entity heading toward them again.

Zo'or watched as Da'an entered the bridge warily. He was about to ask his parent what was wrong when he felt Va'on suddenly leave the commonality. "What has happened?" He asked angrily he saw fear on Da'an's face he was about to demand an explanation when a Volunteer shouted out.

"Sir Agent Sandoval has ordered the Moonbase be evacuated." Zo'or turned to the volunteer with a glare. "I don't know why Sir but we are also reading incredible energy readings they are off the scale."

Da'an stood there tensely. 'Has the Major removed Va'on from the commonality as an act of revenge?' He asked himself he knew that Liam could return a Taelon to the commonality but could he remove them as well. "Zo'or perhaps it would be wise to seal off access with the moonbase until we know what is going on?"

Even as he spoke the portal activated and he turned to see Sandoval, Renee Palmer and Steve Hartley appear in the flash. "Zo'or unless you want to die target the moonbase with all weapons and fire." Sandoval said heading towards the command chair.

"Out of the Question Agent Sandoval there is too much equipment there that contains core energy we cannot afford to destroy." Zo'or said. "Unless you have adequate proof of a threat to Taelon survival." He was shocked as his protector aimed his skrill at him. "What are you doing?"

"Showing you a threat to your survival." He said darkly. "That monster has killed my son now you will open fire with all weapons or you'll die then I'll fire them myself." All of the volunteers on the bridge stared at the exchange in shock.

Da'an however gasped and asked. "Is it true is Liam dead?" He to Renee Palmer and watched as she sadly nodded. "Zo'or fire the weapons." He watched as his child turned form staring at Agent Sandoval to stare at him. "If any trust remains in you for me my child do it please stop whatever killed Liam from harming us."

"Sir lower your arm and surrender." One of the volunteers snapped as he came out of his stupor and aimed his weapon at Agent Sandoval. Zo'or raised a hand to forestall him and turned to the weapons console.

"If you are wrong about this Da'an the cost will be on your head." He was surprised when Da'an nodded calmly. Zo'or targetted the moonbase and fired. On screen they saw the moonbase shattering under the salvo new craters joining the ones that had been there for millions of years on the Moon's surface.

"What is that?" One of the volunteers asked as a streak of light shot out of the ruined base and impacted the mothership rocking it. He turned to report an impact when he saw Da'an and Zo'or freeze. "Sirs is something wrong?"

"Taelons are dying at an alarming rate." Da'an said as he felt it getting closer each taelon it encountered ceased to exist in the commonality. "Is this what Va'on has become is this what Liam tried to warn me about."

Sandoval turned a dark glare on him. "Yes this is what my son tried to warn you about but your precious hybrid project was too important to risk trusting him." He saw Agent Sandoval raise his skrill obviously preparing to take some revenge for Liam on himself. Da'an closed his eyes preparing for the end. It didn't come as the entity burst into the room Sandoval turned his skrill and fired what resembled a bolt of shaqarava energy shot out passing threw his skrill blast and throwing Sandoval across the bridge.

Renee headed over to crouch next to him she was surprised to find a pulse his entire right arm was blackened to a crisp his skrill obviously dead. "Hang on Sandoval." She said softly if you'd told her she'd ever care about this man's survival she'd have laughed but seeing how much Liam's death hurt him made her admit he was still human somewhere underneath there after all. She watched as the mothership communications console suddenly came to life on it's own much to the shock of the volunteer stations there.

"Are we dead?" Joshua asked turning toward the extremely bright version of Liam. He didn't have to look down to know he was glowing blue with white sparks again. Just looking at Liam back in the white form with the multicolored sparks was enough to prove that.

"I don't think so we seem to be in another psychokenitic plain." Liam said looking around. "If I had to guess I'd say we are within Va'on or what he became." He turned to look at Joshua when a noise drew his attention.

Walking up to them were Jonathan Doors and Ha'Gel. "Freaks this is all your fault you failed." Both yelled out toward them loudly. As more people they knew started appearing and yelling out insults.

'We did fail.' Liam thought and felt the same thought repeated in Joshua. He turned toward the other man and saw him fading out. He turned back to see the image of Jonathan Doors renouncing his son for being a fucking faggot, but it was who was standing next to him hurling insults that made him realize the truth.

"No Joshua they aren't real." He said kneeling next to the other man. "Listen to me Joshua my mother is in there and she would never say those things it's a trick." He looked into Joshua's eyes and saw the other man wanted to believe him but just couldn't get over his father saying those things to him. "Here's how I know." Liam brought a memory that was too painful to face normally but he knew Joshua needed to see it.

Joshua gasped he'd felt Liam's emotions over his mothers death but he'd never actually scene the memory. He'd always respected Liam's privacy because of how painful it was to him. /You were connected to her as she died you felt everything she felt?/ From the memory he knew that was true he also knew when she told Liam she loved him she had meant it.

"Your right this is a trick." He said watching relief flood into Liam's eyes. He then saw threw Liam's memories himself fading out. "What do you suppose it's about?" He asked ignoring the jeering crowd.

"I think he has to make us give up because of the bond." Liam said after thinking for a few seconds. "It's holding us together instead of letting our minds disperse within him."

"Indeed." A Voice said they turned to see a ball of light open and out of it emerged another Ha'Gel who with a gesture shattered the other images. "I have been dreading this day for a long time my son."

"Your the real thing not like the Ha'Gel in that other dimension aren't you?" Liam asked he felt Joshua warning him that it could be a trick. "No Joshua that's him he's the same one that's been warning us."

"Yes I have watched you your whole life Liam." Ha'Gel said sadly. "I have wanted to appear to you so much but even though energy beings retain some influence for a time." He seemed to hang his head in shame. "I knew a day would come when all the strength I had left in the physical world would be needed to save you."

"Thank you." He said to Joshua Doors. "If not for you I would have lost my son." He turned toward them and began speaking in Kimera directly to Liam. Joshua watched as Liam's eyes widen.

Ha'Gel finally stopped speaking and moved forward wrapping an arm around both of them. "By the way Joshua Doors your father said to tell you he was proud of you." Ha'Gel then said one more saying in Kimera before calmly saying. "Remember what I said Liam." With that he closed his eyes.

Joshua heard Liam saying something in Kimera and saw Ha'Gel smile slightly before he seemed to explode outward. "Liam what's ..." He never got to finish the saying as the energy seemed to push them along.

Street stood in shock as the monitors in the Liar came on as the Mothership sent out a surge of an incredibly strong transmission. On screen a glowing light was facing Zo'or and Da'an. "I was Va'on now I am beyond anything that has ever been." It said darkly. "I have come to destroy the tainted one then to make all three races one." The Entity turned toward Zo'or and then suddenly it screamed. "This is impossible how could they do this to me I am beyond their kin."

Street's finger hovered over the preprogrammed key to trigger the portal jump to Jaridia as Liam had instructed her to do. She then nearly jumped for joy as she saw the creature shudder as two bodies were flung from within. "That's Liam and Joshua I just know it space dog." She said turning toward Spyke who set quietly at her feet. He yipped happily when he saw she no longer seemed so nervous.

Da'an watched in shock as Liam and Joshua slid along the floor as the entity continued to thrash angrily making gutteral sounds of rage. "Liam what has happened how did you return?"

Renee looked down to see Sandoval had awakened. "Look Sandoval Liam's okay he's back." She said he turned his head slightly and smiled then she saw him starting to close his eyes. "Oh no you don't." She hauled off and slapped him. He opened his eyes to glare at her. "Don't even think of leaving him like everyone else."

Liam gestured toward Da'an. "Not now Da'an I have to deal with him Ha'Gel told me what he is." He said smiling back at Joshua. "He's a living shaqarava meaning I can burn him out." He raised his palms as energy began to emit from them.

Da'an's eyes widened in disbelief. "Major are you trying to rejoin him to the commonality he is not a Taelon any longer." He saw Joshua Doors watching with concern. He started to say something else but heard an angry snap in his head telling him to shut up and watch. He turned to see Joshua Doors glaring at him slightly then turning back to watch Liam.

Liam approached cautiously and when he finally clasped hands with the entity that had resolved itself into a humanoid appearance his fingers cracked and burned. He kept holding firm and finally with a jolt was thrown back as Va'on Reappeared in his taelon form for a few seconds before screaming as his body exploded into a wave of core energy.

"Liam the commonality." Da'an yelled as he began to flicker between his form and that of an Atavus. Liam's eyes widened as he threw his mind to the plane where the commonality dwelled to see that two much core energy was now within the commonality it was breaking the bonds between the members blowing them out. "You must do something Liam if it shatters there will be thousands of Atavus to prey on your world."

Liam reached out with his mind and began shoving his strength into he commonality he felt Joshua join him. \Why are you helping?\ He asked he then knew the answer Joshua may hate the Taelons and won't them gone but if Liam tried to hold the commonality together alone it would kill him. "Thank you." He said outloud.

The two continued to try but it just wasn't enough the commonality had been ripped to shreds it was as good as gone. Liam and Joshua stood there on the psychokentic plane. "There has to be something we can do?" Liam said and then was shocked as Steve Hartly appeared beside them. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to help it's what Belle would have wanted." He said sadly. Liam nodded and began showing him what to do. "This is impossible." He said angrily his mind just wasn't as strong as the other two. "If only Belle were here she was always better at this side of things."

"She is here child." A Voice said Liam turned to see human psychics who had sensed what was going on joining in the effort. "She came to us and told us we would be needed told us to help." Even with the human psychics it took Da'an and other stabilized commonality members lending their aid to finally fully restore the fractured commonality.

Sometime later on the medical deck of the mothership. Renee Palmer watched a surreal scene of organized Chaos as Liam's burnt hands were being treated he was constantly disappearing every time the Taelon physician turned away to get something to check on Sandoval. Joshua was hovering over Liam in an extremely paranoid fashion. Zo'or and Da'an were discussing something nearby and judging from the look son their face it was a very serious conversation. Also several reporters had been invited up to the mothership and were waiting outside the medical deck like vultures.

She watched warily as Zo'or made his way over to stand near the reporters. "The synod hereby recends the warrants for the arrest of the hybrid Liam and Joshua Doors." He said with finality. "The synod is in debt to humanity this day." He said finally before stepping aside.

Da'an stepped forward. "We Taelons have made a grievous error in our treatment of humanity." He blushed blue. "We will do all in our power to make up for this as we invite the leaders of the world to meet with us to establish a partnership."

Joshua glared at them. "Isn't that what we were supposed to have with them all along." He said bitterly he saw the Taelon doctor still working on Liam's hands flinch at his words. Steve Hartly set nearby he looked up at the dark tone in his words.

"Yes we were." Liam said just as darkly watching the medic blush. "In time humanity may forgive your people but we will never forget." Joshua nodded he doubted he'd ever be able to forgive the Taelons but he knew as time moved on he would be willing to tolerate them if only for Liam's sake.

Several days later.

"So Sandoval is finally out of the hospital and back to work?" Street asked amazed that Sandoval was still acting as Zo'or protector. She saw Renee nod from where she was busy reading progress reports on Doors international Scientist attempts to duplicate the control core. "Why did he go back to working for them; Hey for that matter why did Zo'or let him after the whole threaten his life stunt?"

"My guess is he wants to be sure they really have recended the death order on Liam and help keep an eye making sure the Taelons are being honorable this time as an act of atonement." She would never have believed it if she hadn't been threw that nightmare with Va'on with him. "And Zo'or is probably doing it because of how dangerous an enemy Sandoval would be you know the old Keep your friends close your enemies closer thing."

Liam set in Da'an's office in shock. "You want me to what?" He couldn't believe he was being asked to do this.

"I have spoken with the governments of the world and they expressed an interest in having you as their official liaison with the Taelon people." He blushed blue. "It seems they feel your unique situation makes you the perfect choice." He paused. "Liam even before the revelation of the truth about you people respected you they do so even more now."

"Not all of them." He said remembering his confrontation with Urik when he and Renee had been called to an emergency ANA meeting. "There are allot of people who don't like the idea of human alien hybrids." He paused. "How is Steve by the way?"

"Still mourning the loss of his sister." Da'an said. "Yes there are those people just as some of mine still advocate hunting you down and eliminating you because you are kimera." He gestured a data stream opened showing one of the latest news polls showing that over 70% of those polled didn't care that he wasn't fully human. "Ever since your interview support for you has slowly been rising if you hide yourself away it will eventually fall." He paused. "I do believe you should take this job Liam Zo'or currently is willing to support humanity because Va'on's death has restored core energy reserves to the highest they have been in thousands of years."

"William Boone once called me the bridge between out two worlds but I'm not Liam you are." He paused. "You stand the best chance of seeing to it that my people treat humanity fairly without being vengeful and causing more harm than good."

"I'll think about it Da'an." Liam said finally. "I'm not making you any promises but I'll think about it." He saw Da'an nod. "I'll give you my answer in a few days Good Bye Da'an."

"Good Bye Liam." Da'an said as his former protector left via the underground tunnels to avoid the throngs of press that had been camped outside the embassy since the incident. He hoped the young hybrid would accept the position.

Liam was still thinking about Da'an's job offer as he met up with Joshua at Dr. Park's office. He arrived to find Dr. Park waiting there with a slightly disturbed Joshua she immediately dragged him into the examining room. /What is it?/

/Dr. Park found DNA Traces she thinks might have come from the entity in my system./ He felt Joshua's panic. /She's worried they may cause complications down the road./ Joshua felt Liam's insistence he calm down they'd face whatever happened together. Reassured he decided to change the subject. /So how was the meeting with Da'an?/

/I'll tell you later./ Liam said as he felt the pick of a needle on his arm. /I don't care what she says that hurts./ He could hear Joshua's mental laughter over the link. Liam choose to turn his attention back to the doctor. "So do I have the same DNA traces."

Dr. Park only nodded as the test confirmed them. "Yes they are there in your system." She paused. "I don't believe they are from the entity now that I've had more time to study them while waiting for you to show up." She paused. "Liam I ran a test they match your DNA by around 33.3 percent that means they are kimera traces."

"I guess when Ha'Gel helped us out something of him got left behind." Liam said relaying the information to Joshua who was relieved. "What do you think we can expect from them being in our system?"

"At the moment they are dormant that Core energy bath you two were bathed in along with the rest of the mothership was responsible I believe." She frowned. "As the charge of core energy fades the fragments may become active again and I have no way of knowing what that would do you?"

"I guess you'll just have to keep a check on them then." Liam said with a smile as his memory returned. "I think I knew this was going to happen." Memories of a fragment of a dream drifted threw his mind. "Whatever happens Dr. Park I know I can count on you to figure it out."

Sandoval stood on the bridge of the mothership the core energy he'd been exposed to had accelerated his healing. 'No one on the mothership even has a cold anymore because of the energy bath.' He thought with a bit of dry humor. He missed Raven as his new skrill Eagle was allot less compliant but it had been one of the few skrills left after the loss of the skrill queen. 'I still wonder why Zo'or did not take action against me for that threat.'

Later that night Liam and Joshua were sitting down. "So you wanted to know how my meeting with Da'an went?" He saw Joshua nod. "It was interesting he offered me the job of as official liaison from the human race to the Taelons." He saw Joshua blink in shock. "Yeah I had a similar reaction."

"Do you want the job?" Joshua asked he saw Liam nod. "Then what's the problem we both know you can't stay out of the middle of things you care to much." He shook his head. "I mean I'll have to deal with Taelons now that I'm back working at my fathers company."

Liam raised an eyebrow. "Renee got you back in then?" He saw Joshua glaring at him and knew why. "Okay I didn't know if you wanted anyone to know about our relationship and it's a very public job."

"I don't care what anyone knows." Joshua said calmly. "I've already been dealing with offers threw Doors international to do interviews about my relationship with you." He smiled slightly. "Apparently some of the volunteers were talking about how close we were acting and contacted the press." He laughed at the look on Liam's face. "You know we aren't very discreet."

Liam thought about it and realized Joshua was right on the mothership after the incident they hadn't been discreet at all. "So are you going to tell anyone about being a hybrid?" He asked and felt Joshua stiffen. "You don't have to I'm sure we are going to get enough flak as it is."

"No I want to tell them but not yet lets let them have time to adjust to an us before we bombard the world with the fact the Taelons can make anyone a hybrid." Joshua chuckled and got up. "Shall we go to bed?"

"Yeah tomorrow I'll tell Da'an I accept the job." He smiled pulling Joshua against him for a kiss. "And hopefully the negative reaction will be kept down."

Joshua smiled. "As you said whatever happens we face it together." Liam laughed and the two headed back to the bedroom to start the first night of the rest of their life.

The End

Okay so Hybrids is finished. The Sequel Hybrids2: Unions will pick up where Hybrids left off showing how the two adjust to the world knowing about them it will also involve the Jaridians more who only got passing mention in this story.

I know I know you see Major Character death and assume I ment when Street and Renee died in the cancelled future well your wrong I ment Raven Sandy's skrill it's been on the show since season one after all. I don't consider Belle a major character since she was only in the series for one ep.