No Shampoo


Disclaimer: I do not own the cast of Zoey 101, but I do own this story.

Logan's POV

I wake up at 9:30 AM. Chase and Michael are still asleep.

'Man, Michael snores as loud as an elephant with peanuts up its nose.'

I grab my towel, change of clothes and shower things and head off to the shower. Lucky for me, I'm probably the only guy that's up right now. I know 9:30, you may think it's late, but for guys 11:00 is early. All the girls are probably awake. Chase, Michael and a few other guys might way up in about 15 minutes but chances are none of them are taking a shower. The showers are basically uninhabited. Kind of gross, I know. I have got to be the only guy that showers every day. What can I say? I can't impress the ladies if I smell like sewage and left over macaroni and cheese.

When I get into the shower room, it's empty of course. I go into one of the stalls and throw my stuff into a heap on one of the benches. I turn on the hot water and let the spray wash over me.

Dana's POV

It's 9:45 AM and Nicole just woke me up with her hair drier. Typical. I don't feel like yelling at her today so I simply stand up and unplug it before heading to the showers. Once I get to the shower, I notice that Nicole used up the rest of the shampoo, conditioner and soap. I'm not using anybody else's, that's just gross. I have to take a shower today but whose stuff could I use? I grin, I just came up with a very devilish plan; involving Logan of course.

I head back to the dorm and take out my cell. I dial Chase's phone number. It rings and a very sleepy Chase answers.

"Hello," he says tiredly.

"Awes, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I feign pity.


"Hi," I do my best to sound happy. "I was just wondering if you know where Logan is,"

"Why wouldn't you just call him?"

Damn, I didn't think he would ask that. Think fast Dana, think fast.

"Uh –I did, but nobody answered."

"Fine, I'll check."


I hear him walk around his dorm and the lounge calling out for Logan.


"He's in the shower."

I smile. Perfect.

"Thanks Chase. Bye," I hang up.

I grab my towel and start off towards the boy's hall. If anyone asks, I'm going to the beach. At 10:00 in the morning? Yes because I can do whatever I want to. Got it? I walk into the shower room.

Wow! This place is shafted.

There's nobody even here besides Logan and I. Our showers were packed. I shrug it off and walk towards the shower with water running. I open the curtain and there's a small change room right next to a shower, separated by a marbled glass door which is almost impossible to see through. Then there is another curtain on the inside of the glass door. I'm not quite sure why though.

Logan's POV

I hear the door open and close.

Finally, someone else decides to take a shower. God.

I hear a curtain open and I start to mutter things to myself.

Dana's POV

I can hear him talking to himself. Slowly I take off my clothes and leave them in a neatly folded pile right beside Logan's… erm mess. I clue in on what he's saying.

"God, why does Dana have to tease me like that? She knows I love her," –Whoa, he loves me? - "Last night, I was so close to screwing her. I wish she were here right now."

I decide that now's the time to make my grand entrance.

"Why do you wish I was here?" I say while sliding open the class door and pushing away the curtain. I step in. He's too shocked for words.

"Y-you're… i-in t-t-the shower…w-with me!?"

I wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement so I turned around so that he was facing my back.


He regains composure.

"It's not that I mind. Actually, I'm glad, but why?"

"Cause Nicole used all the shampoo and shit up and I didn't want to use anybody else's. Who knows where the fuck it's been. Plus, I thought it'd be fun," I say simply and pout before I reach for his shampoo and start to wash my hair.

Logan's POV

Oh my God! Dana's in the shower with me! I see her grab the shampoo. If she turned around a little bit more, I would be able to see her chest.

I asked her why she's taking a shower with me. She tells me "Cause Nicole used all the shampoo and shit up and I didn't want to use anybody else's. Who knows where the fuck it's been." –True- "Plus, I thought it'd be fun."

Fun she says? I'll give her fun. I think as I walk up to her and place my hands on her hips. I press her body firmly against mine and start to kiss her shoulder. She sighs for a moment but then pushes me away.

"No Reese. Shower first and then maybe after." She stresses the word 'maybe'.

Typical Dana; tempt me but then ruin my fun.

I sigh and take the shampoo from her. She may not be turned around but I can still see some of her.

She's beautiful, even from behind. Now her hair is straight and it's a bit longer. Her skin is tanned and the water gives it a soft shimmer. She has a really nice ass too.

I finish washing up and wait for her to finish up too. When she's done, she stands and waits for me to start something. Just as I'm about to place my hands on her hips again, she turns and faces me. She looks kind of scared. Why is she scared?

"You okay Dana?" She nods.

There's something that she's not telling me but I won't bug her about it. But it is bugging me. I watch her look down at herself. I got it! She must be one of those girls that are self-conscious.

"You're beautiful Dana," I say.

She looks up at me and smiles. She wraps her arms around my neck and I place my hands on her hips and slide one hand up and down her thigh. She leans in to kiss me but I stop her.

"Dana, no cheating this time,"

"Why not Logan, can't handle it?" She smirks. I want to give in so badly because it's fun when you cheat but I know it's not fair.

She tries to kiss 'the spot' but I cover it with my hand.

"No." I say sternly.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine."

She pushes me back into the wall and starts to place kisses all over my chest and neck. I never realized this, but she is almost 5 inches shorter than I am. I wait till she's done and then I spin her around, pinning her to the wall. I kiss her soft lips.

Dana's POV

He kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back. So far, he's had his way so now, I think it's my turn. His tongue licks my bottom lip but I refuse to let him in. He keeps on licking, begging for entrance. I make him wait. He decides to give up and instead, kisses my shoulder and my neck. I turn my head when he kisses my neck. Then, he sucks on my earlobe. When he stops, he stares into my eyes. He gives me a pleading look as if to say "Let me in." I roll my eyes and he smiles. He leans into me and I let him in.

Before I know it, his tongue is almost being shoved down my throat. I decide that it's been enough. I push him back and open the glass door. I turn the water to ice-cold and leave him in there. He's shocked and he shrieks. I laugh and grab my clothes. I quickly slip them on and take my towel. On the way out, I steal Logan's clothes.

I walk out as if nothing happened and go back to my room. When I get back, nobody is there. Perfect. I put Logan's clothes in a pile under the bunk bed. I check the time. It's 10:30. I spent 45 minutes in the shower with Logan. I'm usually only in there for twenty.

I hear my stomach grumble. I guess I'll get changed and then I'll go eat breakfast. I dry myself off and put on my matching dark blue lacy boy shorts and bra. I go to my closet and look for something to wear. I search and I can't seem to find anything. I keep searching. I manage to find a red v-neck tank top with golden sequins. I try it on but it's not… right. I find another red tank top with lace at the bottom. I put in on and pull it down so that my bra is showing a tad. Now for the bottoms, I find my dark blue jean skirt. It's short and a bit faded with tattered edges. I put on my turquoise nylon caprees underneath my skirt and for shoes I wear my red and turquoise polka-dotted ballet flats. I put my hair in it's usually curls and add a little eyeliner and mascara with a bit of red lipstick.

A/N: Sorry for not updating. I wasn't going to continue the story but after I had thought about it, I decided to continue since I had already written everything up anyways. All that was left to do was type it up. So here it is. Hope you had fun. RxR
