Hey everyone this is my first story so please be nice but be critical. If any of you like this chapter please review, cause I won't be posting another chapter until I get at least 5 reviews. Thanks hope you like the story … well the prologue anyway. Oh yeah before I forget… uh… damn what was it… oh right the big Xs mean like a change of character or scene or something like that. It's been rewritten. 2 or 3 times.

This is wat everything means.

"Demon brat" Normal speech

"Why..y…why….y…..why……y" thoughts

'I'll kill you' Kyuubi speech

'I'll kill you' Kyuubi thoughts

:He's mine:, Shadow clone no jutsu. Inner peoples, and jutsu's

Different Languages 'sides Japanese

This sigh means me doin' something like this for example :Coughpervcough: or otha random stuff

Think dat's everythin and if it's not I'll say random stuff in the chapter.

Tell me if this REWRITTEN version is better than the original and if it's not then I could just always put this old one back up. OH and be fore I for get.

WARNINGS+++ YAOI. Non-graphic-ish rape. And otha random stuff.

(This is a/n my point of view and wat I think of stuff.).


He wanted the pain to stop. It hurt bad to even think that a person he had considered a precious person just raped him, and after he had helped get him back. He had only been back for at least 3 days then he came and took him ot this place where he said that no one would ever find him and he was right…no one had come to look for him, even Iruka and Jisan, people he thought he could count on didn't even notice that he was gone.

He waited awhile for the pain to stop, he didn't even try to fight back after the first few times. He just relixed that no matter what he did the pain wouldn't stop then finally it did, then HE left, saying that he will be back to check on him later, and with that he left… the door slamming shut with a final slam, and leaving the blond in the cold, dark dungeon thinking 'Why couldn't he just have killed me. I would have been happier. How could he do this to me, I loved (well love of a brother) him and he betrayed me." Naruto sighed wondering if anyone was looking for him. Probably not they would just be happy that he was gone. Suddenly he remembered the things kyuubi told to never forget hope, courage, faith, and other random ones but the most important one was of course SANITY but oh well he was too tired to care. He decided right then and there that he was going to get out of here as fast as he could.


When Sasuke came back thinking how easy it was to get people to hate naruto more thatn they did already did, even the people that naruto called precious didn't even bother to question him. He walked back to the dungeon thinking at how much fun he was goin to have with his dobe. When he got there he was shocked to see that the comfy (a/n yeah right) cell he had left Naruto in was empty, he turned around only ot see the dobe looking at him with nothing but pain and anger he said something that broke Sasuke's heart (a/n Does he even have one???) "I never want to see you again and if I do I'll kill myselve. With that Naruto left. Leaving an even more emotionally screwed up Uchiha. Naruto was never to be seen again… till the next day. To join the team that would betray him more than Sasuke did. To break his already broken heart and soul. (a/n…Ssoooo romantic am I not???)


Later that night after he had gotten out of that cell. Naruto shivered at the thought. He went to his favorite spot. The hokage mountain, sitting down on the 3rd hokages head he decided that he was going to leave the village. After he visited his team to say goodbye to Kakashi-sensei and sakura and to say goodbye to the last few people in this village who didn't want him to die. He wanted to sing a song that he had thought of a long time ago, and that now was the perfect time to sing it. So sighing the boy--blond teen--- weird demon possessed---- raped mother to be-----really suicidal mentally unstable teen

(a/n…NE1 'sides mi notice how the titles and little dashes keep getting longer? NE1) raised his head up to the heavens and started singing in an angelic but pain filled voice.

(A/N If no one wants to read this I understand…If you don't ur all gonna die MWUHAHAHAHA)

"Why does it seem

That things are not always

What they seem

Time passes always

With more pain filled nights

Time never seemed right

Till now and I'll leave in the night

Death is right

While love is false

Happiness is never there

Just a fake thing that is false

While darkness lays there

Buried in your soul

Waiting for the time

Too show the trueness of thesoul

Now the rightness of time

Has come

And the light pulls away

And the darkness comes

While the light travels further away

Death is right

While love is false

Pain is a thing of right

While hugs are the things of false

Everyone expects you to be happy

While inside your dead

Loneliness makes you feel happy

While kindness makes you feel dead

You wish for love

All you get is hate

It shows you that love

Is nothing but hate

In disguise

Is freedom

In disguise

Is freedom

That you never knew

That will never be known

But you found things you never knew

By finding things you have never known

You found the truth

Stead of the lies

While lies are truth

Truths are lies

While neither are real

Neither is fake

Wat is real?

Wat is fake?

But things from

Wat we dream

And things from

How we interpret our dreams

In disguise

Is freedom

In disguise

Is freedom

That you will always love

But it will never love you

Wat's real 'bout love

That never loves you

Now is the time

Waiting as always for death

The only time

I have no choice but to accept death

Now is the time for me to leave

The village that has left

Me to have no choice but to leave

Cause all the good in it has left

Now I have no choice

But to do so too

No longer is the choice

Of mine is now here too

It has left me

As I wish my life would

As I wish my life would

Now for the ending

Of my sad song

For the ending

Of my life song

Goodbye my heart

Goodbye my love

I'll hold your image in my heart,

While my love…



I'll come by again

When I learn to trust (again)

So goodbye……

for now.

Second Part: (a/n No u all are gitin' tired of this song/poem/..Suicide theme(s). Bear wit me PLZ)

Now to all you people

Who think your fair

Each of you are nice to people

But to me, your never fair

And me bein' naïve

Wondered why

Me bein' naïve

Found out why

Now all I wanna do is die—

-all I wanna do is die—

---:I wanna die:---

Now the time for me to die—

Has come.

Fin' Wrote it myself way ya think (a/n Finally it's done Muwahahaha.. Cough cough Sorry it took me 9 days '9' to write it so I hope u all read it. And if you didn't… heh heh heh Ur all gonna die.

After he finished his song/poem/ suicide themes (a/n which is wat I vote for.) whatever the hell ya want ta call it Naruto left his spot and went back to what was left of his house. He decided that in the morning he would go and say goodbye but only to people who really cared. But before he went there he got jumped by the person he just barely escaped from. The fight for his live just barely begun.

(BECAUSE I really suck at fight scenes I won't right one)

After the fight Naruto went home and back at the grounds where they fought one 'last' Uchiha was kissing the ground and it looked like he wasn't gonna get up anytime yet.


A/N Well here you go I fixed it up…a bit or a lot 'pendin' on how u take it. I'm gonna be rewriting the whole story. So chose between 3 pairings. Gaa+Naru, Ita+Naru, and last but not least SasuxNaru (a/n personally I don't think he deserves him but oh well votes r votes.) You pick if anyone wants any other pairings PLZ just review and say or you can pick ur own it could even be an OMC for all I care but you gotta pick sumthin'. But I think that it's better than how it was before…right? Well REVIEW and go ahead if you think I should change anything. Kay. PICK a pairing from the above or just choose a new one.


With lots of LUV
