My Fanfic

Chapter 1

After the defeat of the Brotherhood of Evil, the Teen Titans were ready to do some serious relaxing. What with all the villains frozen in Paris, Dr. Light in prison with 'The Thing', and Slade in hiding after chatting with Beast Boy, there would be nothing happening in Jump City for at least a few weeks, right?

...Wrong, and it was of flying out of space into earth's atmosphere right now. A large sleek, black alien warship, The Wyvern's Claw, which was the ship of the most feared crimelord this side of Tamaran. His name was Ralek Thorn. He was tall and muscular with a black ninja suit, spiky black hair, and a scowl that would send shivers up your spine. This guy was known for flying from planet to planet, finding creatures with interesting powers, and kidnapping them. He would then take them back to his ship, steal their powers, and kill them.

Aside from himself, he only had one other person on the ship. This sidekick can be called just Gary. He was a little shorter than his master, and was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a hood that completely covered his face. he loved causing mayhem in the streets to lure away the authorities while Ralek went after his target.

In the control room on the ship, Gary turned and spoke into his walkie, "We've arrived at earth, master. Gravity Injectors will be online in fifteen minutes."

From the comlink, the usual stiff, no-nonsense voice answered, "Excellent, Gary. I'll be there in a moment."

One moment later, Ralek walked into the room. "Have you made visual contact yet?"

"Just a sec, should be on, now." The visual sceen flicked on, and pictures came up of the tall skyscrapers of Jump City, including Titan's Tower.

" So, who's on the hit-list now, boss?" asked Gary.

"A Changeling," Ralek answered. "Once I have his power, I will be nearly invincible. Then nothing will be able to stop us from destroying every world we want to!" He reached into his pocket and took out a picture. "These are the Teen Titans," he said. "They protect this city. This-" he pointed at Beast Boy, "-is the one I want. We need to lead him away from the others some how."

"Should be easy enough," grinned Gary. "But just to be on the safe side I think I should get a feel for the city, and keep my eye on them for an opening to attack."

"Alright," replied Ralek. "You can leave immediately."

"Yes, master."

Gary walked down to where the shuttle was parked and climbed in. He fired up the engines, made sure all systems were green, and then took off for the city below.

Back at Titans Tower...

Sweat trickled down Beast Boy's face as he sucked in a great lungful of air, and twisted as hard as he could-


"HA! Victory is MINE!!" Beast Boy yelled, triumphantly waving the pickle jar lid in Raven's face. "That's a dollar you owe me!"

"I didn't bet you," Raven said dully. "Cyborg did."

"Oh, right," Beast Boy said sheepishly, turning to Cy, who looked rather grumpy.

"Yeah, yeah, here you go," Cyborg said, tossing him a dollar. "You just got lucky, didn't he, Raven?"

"Whatever," Raven answered. She turned around and headed for her room. Beast Boy watched her go, and an all-too-familiar jolt went through his stomach.

Just then Robin walked in with Starfire. "Attention, Titans!" he called. "Seems several of the villains we froze got loose yesterday. Mainly the Hive Five, Plasmus, and Killer Moth. So we got to be ready, in case they attack."

"Awww, man! They got out kind of quick, didn't they?" complained Beast Boy. "I was looking forward to a little rest and relaxation."

At that moment Raven had reached the door. "Oh, I forgot my herbal tea." she said.

"I'll get it for you!" yelled Beast Boy eagerly. He dived over the couch, sprinted past a startled Cyborg, did a summersault under the table, grabbed the tea, and presented it to Raven. "Here you go," he said sweetly.

"Uh, thanks Beast Boy," said Raven, looking a little worried about her friend's mental health.

Outside, Gary watched this activity through his binoculars. "Shoot," he thought. "This one's a real sporty dude, he'll be tough to catch."

Later on, Beast Boy sat in his room, deep in thought, which for him, was not very deep.

"Doing tiny favours like that just isn't gonna cut it BB," he thought. "Ya gotta tell her. And you're going to do it now!" He was so sure that he got up, and marched right down to Raven's room. Then he began to get nervous.

"Just knock on the door, BB, come on now, no need to get the shivers," he thought. Bracing himself, he rapped on the door smartly with his knuckles. After a second the door opened, and Raven poked her head out. "What?" she asked.

Trying to ignore the flutterings in his stomach, Beast Boy stammered, "Uh... Well... I uh, want to say that uh..." but the words didn't come out. He could hear his brain screaming, " Say it now, you moron! You're blowing it! SAY IT!" But still nothing happened.

Knowing that he wasn't going to say it, Beast Boy desperately looked for something else to say. That's when the alarm rang.

"There's the alarm!" yelled Beast Boy, thanking his luck and taking off, leaving in his wake a very confused Raven.

"Looks like the Hive Five's wasting no time." said Robin, looking at the computer screen, "They're trashing a police station 10 miles east of here."

"Glorious!" exclaimed Starfire. "I am much looking forward to partake in the kicking of the butt!"

" Boo-yah! Let's take 'em down!" cheered Cyborg.

"Dibs on the front seat!" called Beast Boy as he bolted to the garage.

"Hmm," thought Gary as he watched them drive off. "This could be the opportunity I've been looking for." So he got onto his motorbike and zoomed off, hoping to find this 'Hive Five' and get a favour off them.

After a minute or two of searching, he saw five weird-looking kids attacking a police station. It was Gizmo, Mammoth, Seemore, Private Hive, and Billy Numerous.

" Hey you!" Gary shouted at Seemore, who was throwing eyeball bombs at the cops. "Having fun?"

"Uh, sure," Seemore answered. "We love wrecking stuff."

"Once the Titans get here, they'll take you down, won't they?"

"No, way! Not this time!"

" Well, I can see to it that one of the Titans is never heard from again."

"Really? How?"

"Once the Titans get here, you just gotta lead the green changeling away from the battle. Make him chase you to that old warehouse two blocks west. There my master will do the rest."

"Why not. I'll do it!"

"Good. Here they come, I'll just get out of here. Remember, two blocks west."

"Right," grinned Seemore as Gary got onto his motorbike and drove away. He then turned to tell the rest of the Hive Five about the deal he'd made.