DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Code Lyoko, but I DO own this story and my other fanfic.

Hey to all my readers! Please read and review, but no flames!

Thanks! Now On With The Fiction!

Chapter One – The First Day of Summer

The Kadic Academy school bell rang out all over campus. Summer was finally here. Kids ran out of every door in the main building. The sidewalks flooded in seconds. Mr. Delmas, the principal, decided to do something with the school over summer break that he had never thought about before. Thanks to Sissi.

"Daddy, can we open the option to the students to let them stay over summer break, if they want to?" Sissy had whined to her father two months ago.

"I'll think about it, darling. Now run off to class," her father had replied.

Of course, with great consideration and the occasional bribing, Mr. Delmas mailed a permission slip home to all the parents. He set up a pick-up time for all the kids who weren't staying over the summer. The whole Lyoko gang was staying over the break, including Aelita, but the story was different for Odd. His mom didn't send in a permission slip allowing him to stay. The days until pick-up day were getting closer, and Odd still didn't know whether he would be able to stay.

What Sissi was really hoping for out of this situation was to convince Ulrich to stay over summer break, so that she could try to get him to like her. Well, he had news for her. He had already planned to stay over, but not because of her, but because of one of his close friends. He hoped that this summer would change everything between him and Yumi.

"Summer at last," Ulrich said unlocking his dorm room door later that night after dinner. A strong stench made him grab his nose and burst into a loud cough. "Odd! Oh, Odd, that's gross! Put your shoes back on!" He said going into the room holding his nose due to the stench of Odd's feet. Even Kiwi, Odd's dog, had his nose buried deep beneath the blanket mound on Ulrich's bed.

"Sorry about the smell, buddy, but my mom just called and said that I can stay!!! I don't have to go home now! Just think, a whole summer with my best bud!" Odd said smiling and flopping down on his bed. Ulrich closed the door and laid down on his own bed. His mind was racing about Yumi.

When should I see her to ask if she wants to do something? What would I say without freezing up in front of her and making a fool out of myself?

Where will we go? What if I screw up and end up messing it all up for us?

Well, I'll figure it all out after tonight. One night's rest should straighten my brain out.

Ulrich let his eyes sweep across his bedside clock. The glowing read bars formed a block-like 9:14 as the time.

Ah, a little sleep won't hurt. Give me time to figure out what to do with Yumi.

Ulrich closed his eyes sleepily and drifted off to sleep. He was in a peaceful slumber until he felt a strange vibrating in his pocket. Ulrich awoke to a start. He stretched, grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket, and glanced at the caller-Id.


Yumi's Cell


Ulrich smiled to himself and took the phone call.

"Hello?" Ulrich said.

"Hi, Ulrich. How are you?" Yumi said slightly shakily.

"I'm fine, what's going on Yumi, you sound worried." Ulrich said, a bit worried himself.

"I am a little worried, to tell you the truth, Ulrich. My parents. . ." She paused. "My parents, well, you see, they went on vacation, and haven't called yet. I know it sounds silly, but I want to know if they made it ok, and there is no cell service. I don't know what to do. I'm here all alone because Hiroki asked if he could sleep over at a friend's house. Oh, what should I do?" she spoke softly into the cell phone.

Ulrich paused, deciding mentally what he should do. "I'll tell you what, Yumi. How about I come over there to make you feel better. Maybe with someone else in the house will make you calm down. How's that sound?"

"Sounds great. I don't know how my parents would react, you coming over this late and all, but I really need it. How are you going to get over here without 'Night Patrol Jim' catching you?"

"Don't worry. Odd'll keep watch outside Jim's room and phone me if something's up. I'll sneak out the front gate and head over there. See you in a minute, Yumi." Ulrich said with a hint of pleasure in his voice.

Maybe I won't have to wait until tomorrow. Well, let's not rush it. I'll figure it out.

Ulrich slipped on his sneakers and grabbed his room key. He slid out of the room, just to find Odd getting a drink at the fountain across the hall. "Odd," he said. "Odd! I'm going over to Yumi's house; she's all alone and is worried because her parents didn't call her from their vacation. I'll be back sometime before tomorrow. Call me on my cell if you want." Ulrich said, waving good-bye to Odd.

"Wait! Its like--what time is it? Oh, oh yeah--ALMOST TEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT! Hey, you said you'd be alone with Yumi tonight, where's Hiroki?"

"Yumi said he went to a friend's house to sleep over. Why?"

"Well, I know if I was in you situation, and Yumi was Sam, I'd make my move tonight." Odd said with a slight smile.

"I don't know, she's under enough stress already. And besides, I don't have anything prepared. Ah, I have to go; I don't want Yumi to think that something happened to me." Ulrich replied turning towards the door.

"Good luck! I'll cover for you and Yumi if you're not back in the morning.