STAR WARS: The Sith, Reborn

Disclaimer: All familiar characters in this fan fiction do NOT belong to me, but to Lucas Arts.

Author's Note: This doesn't take place in any official EU canon, but in a separate continuity, using some pre-existing EU history, and some of my own design- it ties in 100 with all six films (I hope!)

CHAPTER ONE: The New Jedi Order

It was the year 5 A.B.Y. Luke Skywalker stood on a high hill overlooking the capital city of Theed on the planet Naboo. He was nearly there. He had nearly reached the birthplace of his mother, Padme Amidala- Skywalker, the woman who had died after naming her children, thanks to the corruption of her husband, Anakin Skywalker, by the evil Palpatine.

Luke felt the ideally sized metallic handle strapped to his belt, the device that would unleash a deadly blade of sheer green energy- his lightsabre, and then ran his hand around the belt, finally producing a folded set of binoculars, which he clicked out and put to his eyes, surveying the city.

It had not coped well with the years of Imperial domination, and the once beautiful city now looked bleak, depressive, one might think of it as a fallen angel, once joy, grace and beauty personified, now a symbol of misery, corruption and pestilence. The Jedi clambered back onto his speeder-bike and rocketed down towards the city, where a new hope for the Jedi Order awaited; a Padawan for Luke to guide and return the Jedi Order to a galaxy that was finally ready for peace, after with the Empire near collapse, with the end of the Sith.

Skywalker entered Theed on his bike, halting it by a parking stop in the bustling streets. A strange, frog-like creature, tall, and looking as if it had once been athletically built, before heavy drinking and comfort eating supplied a somewhat noticeable potbelly, stood at the stop's gate.

"Yousa pay me the and I protectee your vee-hick," Said the creature in a strange, slurred accent. His words would have been all but unrecognisable had Luke not called on his strength with the Force.

"Are you trustworthy?" The lone Jedi asked suspiciously. He doubted the creature greatly.

"Oh, mesa try," the parking guard shrugged loosely, "Mesa try verrrrr hardy."

"Oh, I can trust you," Luke's voice was commanding, specific, positively oozing with Force power, controlling the amphibious alien.

"Annie?" The creature gasped. Luke stood back suddenly, eyes wide.


"Mesa thoughtee… you somee one I recogknowed… Annie Skywalker."

"Anakin Skywalker?" Luke was nonplussed.

"Ya. Annie."

"You will wait here for my return," Luke decided he had more important matters to attend to… for now, "You will guard my vehicle with your life."

The alien's eyes stared straight ahead; he was tense, under Luke's power:

"Mesa waitee here for you return. Mesa guarda vee-hick withee life."

The Jedi turned, smiling slightly, and raised a hand, using the Force to guide his speeder into the garage, and then he was gone…

Rask Bamudon was a blue skinned Anturan street urchin; he had fled the great planet of Coruscant a few years earlier, escaping the harsh black market slave ring of Asson Quo, his mother's former lover, before Rask learnt the truth. Asson preyed on single mothers of any race; taking pleasure from them, assuring they would write their wills in his father, leaving him money and their offspring… and then killing the mother violently.

Asson Quo had taken every one of Sych Bamudon's nineteen children, but on the way through the back alleys of the city planet, on his way to a new owner, Rask had destroyed one of the stolen "Super Battle Droid" guards, smashing it to pieces with the bone of the arm he had torn from his own body. It was lucky that Anturans had healing abilities, the young urchin reflected, as he dropped from a bar roof onto the back of a street cleaning craft, high over the city streets. Rask, having honed his combat arts in the three years since he was taken, his life destroyed when he was only nine, easily defeated the cleaning supervision droid; firing a Mechanics Disruptor he had put together from junk at the slave compound. He pushed the C.S.D from the craft and it plummeted to the streets below, leaving Bamudon to rustle through the trash for anything he could survive with; scraps of food, medicine, tools, weaponry- anything.

Suddenly, the young Anturan sensed he was being watched. There was a thud behind him and Rask gulped. Busted. Now he'd be put in an Imperial Detention Camp, or…

"You know, those droids are Imperial property," There was a sarcastic tone to that voice. It wasn't a Stormtrooper, nor any other Imperial that Rask knew of, and his knowledge was far from limited. The urchin turned slowly… to see a black cloaked figure. For a wild second, Rask though it was Darth Vader, but Vader was dead. This man was much unmasked and in black clothes, not the cybernetic battle armour that the Dark Lord of the Sith, as he was known, had infamously worn… this man was young, with short, neatly cut, light brown hair and a slight, warm smile.

"Hello," He greeted the child, "Care to land?"

"Who the Hell…?"

"My name is Luke Skywalker, youngling. And I believe you could soon herald the start of a New Jedi Order."