Disclaimer: I own nothing from The Mummy or The Mummy Returns

 Disclaimer:  I own nothing from The Mummy or The Mummy Returns.

This is what happens after Sands of Fate. (Roughly three years)  It is probably a good idea to read Sands of Fate first.


Rebecca Medford sat at her desk, nearly hidden from view by the immense pile of paperwork that covered it.  She was holding a book in her hand, nose buried in it while the other hand was busy scribbling notes.  Her auburn hair as twisted behind her head in a severe knot, yet still managed to straggle around her face.  She blew one offending strand away, only to have it settle back in the middle of her glasses. 

She was dressed rather severely, giving the appearance of a schoolteacher, or a librarian.  Her eyes were a deep emerald, framed by long lashes.  Her mouth was full and soft, her nose small and just a bit upturned.  If one were able to touch her, they would find her skin creamy and smooth.  She was a beautiful woman, though if you were to point it out she would not believe it.

A gasp escaped her lips as her eyes lit upon a passage in the book.  She was reading the tale of Hamunaptra, though she had it memorized.  This was a book never before read.  It had been hidden in a golden box found in said city by her friend Jonathan.  He had brought it to her, knowing that while he considered it useless, she would treasure it.

"They made copies."  She whispered to herself, the pencil falling from her fingers. 

A noise from the doorway made her look up.  A smile of welcome lit her face when she saw her friend Evelyn O'Connell. 

"Just the person I wanted to see."  Rebecca said excitedly, rising to greet Evy.  "You won't believe what I just found!"

She stuck her head out the door, checking quickly to see if anyone was about.  Satisfied, she shut the door, not seeing the be-robed man that stood back in the shadows.  She turned to Evy, holding out the book to her.

"Read this.  Tell me it says what I think it says."

Evy sat, reaching over for one of Rebecca's cookies to munch on as she read.  She was comfortable here.  She'd known Rebecca since they were children.  Three years ago they'd found out their history went back even further than that.  Evy was the reincarnation of Nefretiri, daughter of Seti I, killed by the High Priest Imhotep and his lover Anck-su-namun.   Rebecca was the descendant of the daughter born of Seti I and Anck-su-namun. 

"They made copies!"  Evy exclaimed, her gaze coming up to meet Rebecca's with shock.

"That's what I thought."  Rebecca said, satisfied.  Evy's ability to translate Ancient Egyptian had always been more reliable than Rebecca's.  "They wanted another set in case the first was destroyed by Imhotep."

"My goodness."  Evy said, suddenly breathless.  "You know what that means, don't you?"

"If they're found, Imhotep can be raised again."  Rebecca confirmed.  "We have to find them."

"Rick is going to be angry."  Evy sighed.  "We just got home yesterday!"

"How's Alex?"  Rebecca asked.  She was incredibly fond of her nephew. 

"Getting taller every day."  Evy said with a sigh.  "He's already as tall as I am."

"He is almost 14."  Rebecca pointed out.

"He can also translate better than I can."

"No kidding.  Now that's unexpected."  Rebecca said with a laugh. 

"You know what else this means."  Evy said, sobering as she held the book aloft.


"Ardeth needs to know."

Rebecca's stomach dropped.  Ardeth.  In the back of her mind she'd known he'd need to know, but hearing it said out loud made it that much more real.  She hadn't seen him in three years.  Not since she'd walked away from what he'd offered her.  She'd run away, afraid to take a chance.  She was still afraid.

"I know."  Rebecca said softly, dropping into her chair as her knees weakened.  "I don't know if I can face him again."

"Well, I can handle that part."  Evy said, feeling sympathy at the haunted look that had come into her friend's eyes.  "You don't have to go."

"I'm going."  Rebecca insisted.  "I don't have to see him."

"You never told me why you ran away from him."

"I didn't run away from him."  Rebecca replied.  "I ran away from me.  The problem is, I didn't run far enough."

Rebecca locked her office door, and headed for the front door of the museum.  The curator had given her a key, and the freedom to come and go as she pleased.  She usually stayed late, not minding the fact that she was often alone.  She pulled the door shut behind her, taking a deep breath of the evening air.  She pulled her overcoat around her tightly, feeling the slight bulge of the book she'd stuffed in its pocket against her hip.

She walked unhurriedly.  Her flat was a short walk from the museum.  When she'd returned from Cairo three years ago she'd sold the family home, moving closer to the city and her work.  She hadn't needed the space, and she had wanted to be able to leave very little behind should she ever return to…

She paused.  She could swear she'd heard footsteps.  Nothing but silence greeted her ears.  Shrugging to herself she resumed walking, albeit a bit quicker.  She reached the building her flat was in with relief, tossing a look back over her shoulder as she inserted the key into the lock.  One of the shadows moved, she was sure of it.  Her heart in her throat, Rebecca rushed up to her flat, locking the door behind her.

She turned, gasping in horror at the mess that greeted her.  Her flat had been ransacked.  She looked around, noting the torn apart cushions, overturned plants and scattered papers.  Someone had been looking for something.  She put her hand in her pocket, feeling the comforting shape of the book within.  Stepping carefully, she made her way to the phone.

"The Police are nearly done here."  Rick said quietly, putting a comforting arm around Rebecca's shoulders.  "We can leave after that.  You can stay with us as long as you need to."

"Thank you, Rick."  Rebecca said with a sigh.  "They've destroyed just about everything I own."

"Evy told me what you found in that book."  Rick continued.  "I'd say someone else knows about it as well.  Which means we should prepare to leave for Cairo as soon as we can."

Giving her shoulders one last squeeze, Rick went back to speak with the police. 

The next evening:

Rebecca sat in the library of Evy's home, poring over the writing in the book feverishly.  She was certain she was onto where the books were located, but could not quite make out the symbol.  She frowned, shrieking with surprise when a hand fell on her shoulder.

"Gee, Aunt Becky.  Reading a ghost story?"

"Alex!"  Rebbeca said with a laugh, sitting back.  "I didn't hear you come in.  You move quietly for such a big boy."

He'd grown in 3 years, rather quickly.  Rebecca had to tilt her head back to look up at him.  She'd been 20 when he was born.  Now she felt incredibly old looking up at him.

"What are you reading?"  Alex asked, peering over her shoulder.  "Is that the book mom told us about?"

"Yes.  I'm trying to translate that last symbol.  I think it tells where the books are hidden."

"Thebes."  Alex said instantly.  "The books are in Thebes.  This shouldn't be hard at all.  Mom knows Thebes like the back of her hand!"

Literally.  Since she'd grown up there once.

"What does Mom know?"  Rick asked as he came into the room, Evy close behind him.

"Everything, of course.  She's the best mother in the whole wide world."

"What has he done now?"  Rebecca asked, smothering a laugh at the expression of exasperation that crossed Evy's face.

"I don't want to talk about it."  Evy groaned.  "Let's just say the greenhouse can no longer be used for plants.  Now, what were you really talking about?"

"Thebes."  Alex said excitedly.  "We're going to Thebes."


Rebecca sat on the balcony outside her room.  She couldn't sleep.  She didn't know why, she could only sense that something was coming.  Her office at the museum had been trashed that afternoon.  Luckily she had brought all information pertaining to Hamunaptra home with her the day before.   

She took a sip of the wine Evy had brought earlier.  Leaning against the rail, she looked out over the moonlit gardens.  She was used to seeing another building when she looked out the window of her flat.  This was a nice change.

Down in those same gardens a man watched, waited.

Rebecca shivered.  She felt as if she were being watched.  She heard Evy behind her and turned to greet her, a smile on her face.

"You should be resting."  Evy scolded, "We have a big day tomorrow."

"I can't sleep." Rebecca confessed.  "I feel like there's someone out there, watching me, waiting."

"There's nothing to worry about."  Evy reassured her.  "Rick and Jonathan are taking turns on watch, and you know how to fight now."

Evy had taught Rebecca the style of fighting she'd remembered from her past life.  While not quite as natural at it as Evy was, she had a skill that would do well in battle.  She could protect herself well.  After her experience in the desert with Hamand she had never wanted to be helpless again.  Now she was a force to be reckoned with.

"Go to bed."  Evy said with a grin, hugging her friend.  "Or I'll tell Jonathan that you're bored, and want to hear about his last adventure in Egypt."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

So Rebecca went to bed.  Her body relaxed, and she fell into a deep sleep free of the worries that had plagued her during the day.  Outside, the man still watched.  Waited.