Diclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, any of the music that will be placed throughout this story, or any of Organizatin XIII. If I did, then I'd be a much richer and happier person than I am now. Enjoy and please r&r. Thank you.

"Ph, getting a new member." Axel muttered. He was wearing the long coat he was issued when he became number eight. He had the hood up and was quickly walking across the stone walkways of Twilight Town determinedly. He was already ticked that he had to come to this place at midnight. Axel, being the god that he was, needed his beauty rest.

He turned a corner and ran into someone. He looked up and saw a blonde boy on the ground. He was short and his hair was in a strange mullet-hawk like style. His eyes were a sea green color and shimmered even in the dull light. He was wearing a dark brown hoodie and a pair of baggy jeans that accented his thin body frame.

"Ow…I'm sorry si-" The boy had said, but then saw Axel. He knew all the boy could see was his iridescent green eyes.

"Allow me to introduce myself." Axel said, offering a hand to the boy who hesitantly took it. The minute Axel's gloved hand touched the boys he could tell that he was the one he was looking for. Axel then pulled the hood off of his head, revealing his shocking red hair, "Name's Axel. A-x-e-l, got it memorized?"

The boy was staring in amazement at Axel's hair, "Uh…sure. My name's-well…" The boy then backed away from Axel, gasping. He had realized it. It made Axel almost 'feel' bad.

"Don't worry. I can help you. I was told to find you." Axel was going to continue, but he saw the look on the boy's face.

Is that…fear? Axel thought for a moment.

"You were what?!" The boy said. He had backed up against the nearest wall farther from Axel. He was breathing fast.

Axel didn't know what to do. Was this the boy? He could feel it though when he touched him, but…he was worried and frightened. Feelings…something Axel had been dreaming of for a long time.

He took a step towards the boy, "It's okay, I know how you feel." Liar, you've forgotten what happened then. He reached his hand out to the boy, ignoring his thoughts.

The boy looked at Axel's hand, then to Axel. "Really?"

Axel kept his hand extended, "Yes, truly." B.S. master at work. The boy still kept a wary gaze on Axel. "Just take my hand, I'll take you somewhere where they can explain everything."

Axel was waiting for the new recruit outside Xemnas's office. He was leaning against the wall and was almost asleep when the boy exited the room wearing the same coat as Axel and the rest of the Organization.


Axel jumped, about losing his balance. He looked up when he felt a pair of hands grab him. The god Axel did not approve of people touching him, but when he saw it was the boy, for some reason it didn't bother him. Of course that didn't stop him from straightening himself and brushing the boy's hands off of him.

"So, what should I call you?" Axel asked, brushing his coat where the boy's hands had been.

"Demyx. My name's Demyx, Axel." He said, offering his hand for a handshake.

Axel looked at his hand, then at him quizzically.

"I think we should have a nice formal introduction, since I, well…freaked out earlier." He scratched the back of his neck with his other hand in embarrassment.

Axel looked back at the hand extended before him. A corner of his mouth quirked up and he took the hand offered to him, "Nice to meet you, Demyx."

"The Superior said that I have to stay with you for the night. My room isn't finished yet."

Dammit!! He knows I don't have another bed! Axel thought, sighing.

"Is there something wrong, Axel?" Demyx asked, another show of 'emotion' on his face…and in his eyes.

"No, it's fine." Axel said, waving off the topic, "Follow me." He said, leading Demyx to his room.

Demyx was desperately wishing this to be a dream. He couldn't be something called a nobody. No one can live without a heart. What kind of dream was this? One with strange looking men in it…At least their coats are black and not white he thought. He tried to stifle a laugh, but failed.

The man ahead of him turned, looking pissed.

"Oh, I-I wasn't laughing at you. I was just thinking of something." Demyx said, his laughter coming out in his speech.

"You better of not been laughing at me." Axel muttered and turned around again, continuing toward his room.

Demyx finally composed himself. He then thought of how the Superior told him how they had their own elements. He looked at Axel, well, the back of Axel's head, and wondered what his element was.

Red hair…Hot headed? Fiery temper? Definite yes "Hey, Axel?"

"What?" Axel had only cocked his head some.

"What's your element?"

Axel paused, still facing away from him, and held out his hand to his side. He snapped and a lighter sized flame hovered above his thumb. Demyx was startled a bit, but grinned.

"Did he tell you yours?" Axel asked, turning his head to look at him, extinguishing the flame.

Demyx shook his head, "No, he said I'd find out on my own."

Axel shook his head, smirking, "That's the Superior for you."

Demyx laughed some, "Yeah, I got that feeling from him." Demyx paused, noting his choice of words. His laughter sobered quickly.

Axel stopped in front of a door finally. "Here it is."

"Why didn't we use a portal?" Demyx asked.

Axel laughed a bit, "Well, from the almost puking episode earlier-"

"Hey, I need to get used to it." Demyx said, smiling and laughing some also. Axel smiled some at the new boy and then opened his door.

Demyx was amazed at the room. Its walls were painted a dark red, the carpet was a brighter red, and there was a black king sized bed in the corner. There was a small desk with a laptop on it, next to that being a small bookcase that was almost completely full. He had a small T.V. with some game console and in front of it was a large recliner. Demyx took a few steps in and was looking around. Axel followed him in, closing the door behind him.

"Now I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go to sleep. Don't break anything or eat anything." Axel said. He walked toward his bed, stripping off his coat to show that he wore no shirt under it and he fell on his bed. He then crawled around in it getting comfortable.

"Like I'd eat anything." Demyx said, rolling his eyes. He walked toward the bookcase and saw that instead of mostly books, it was mostly video games and DVDs.

"You are not watching a movie. Sleep." Axel said though his face was buried in a black pillow.

Demyx turned to him, "Where do I sleep? And what do I sleep in?"

"Your clothes and on the floor. Here." Axel replied throwing him a pillow.

Demyx caught it and scowled at him, "There's plenty of room on your bed. Can't I sleep there?"

Axel raised his head and turned to look at Demyx fully. His look said 'Hell no'. Demyx 'hmphed' and walked toward the edge of the bed. Axel had buried his face again in the pillow. Demyx waited until he was near the bed and had taken off his coat also (he was still wearing his hoodie that he had on earlier) before he jumped onto the bed next to Axel when he wasn't expecting it.

Axel reared up and tackled the boy who just laughed and pushed against him, trying to get him off of him. Axel was trying to shove him off the bed but Demyx kept finding a way to get away from him. They wrestled for a while before Axel finally pinned him. Demyx could see how pissed Axel was and braced himself, closing his eyes. He raised his hand back to punch Demyx when suddenly something made him stop.

Demyx opened one eye at first, and then felt a drop of something fall onto his other eyelid. He opened his eyes to see Axel still above him with his fist raised, soaking wet. The bed around them was wet also. "What happened?" Demyx asked innocently.

Axel slowly raised his hands as he moved to a sitting position and wiped at his eyes, "Well, your element is apparently water." He shook his head, spraying Demyx and the bed with water. "Move, so I can dry my bed."

Demyx obliged, but was still in awe of what had happened. He was staring at the bed as Axel had his hand lit on fire and was moving it back and forth over the bed, drying it from the heat. "I…control water?"

"Apparently." Axel said, now drying himself off with his still lit hand, "At least you found out on your own."

Demyx looked up at him, "What happened, I mean, how did I do it?"

"All I remember is seeing a ball of water form above your nose and then splash. I was drenched…And remember this," Axel had now begun to straighten the covers, his hand extinguished, "This is the only time I will not retaliate. Your element was protecting you and you can't control it. I can understand that. Now sleep." He had crawled over to the other side of the bed, leaving an area for Demyx.

Demyx smiled and moved to lie in the bed next to Axel. Axel groaned some when he lied down, but Demyx knew he was letting him. When he finally got comfy he began to think about what happened. So…fire and water together…That's almost poetic. He turned enough to see Axel's hair next to him. He was obviously asleep. Demyx cuddled into his pillow, imagining himself waking up and going to work or…or whatever it was that he did…Why couldn't he remember? He bit his lip and closed his eyes, pushing the thoughts of his lost memories aside. He was tired. So much had happened and he needed rest.