This is probably one of the sweetest/ saddest chapters I've ever written for anything. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

"I'M NOT YOURS!!" Axel screamed as he ran away from the blonde at the end of the hall.

"Come back, Axel!" the blonde called.

He ignored him as he ran as fast as he could down the hall. He had to get away from him. He couldn't stand seeing him.

He needed him! More than water, air, and life!! And he wouldn't let anything stand in the way. He had completely forgotten of all the terrible times he and Roxas had shared, all the times that he had been reminded of how wrong they were.

Never again would he remember anything of Roxas.

Thanks, Namine.

"They sent the wrong guy…Why me?" Demyx said as he paced in the rubble. He clutched his sitar, waiting for Sora…

He could suddenly hear footsteps coming toward him. He readied himself and looked up in time to see Sora, Goofy, and Donald.

"Hey, you guys are looking lively." Gods, could they hear his doubt in his voice?

"Scram!" the annoying duck squawked.

"Didn't we catch you messing around in the Underworld? How'd a wimp like you get into Organization XIII?" Sora asked, like the punk-ass kid he was.

Demyx involuntarily winced in the memory of the new one he was ripped by the Superior for that job.

"I bet you can't even fight." Continued the keyblade wielder, the duck backing him up.

Demyx shook his finger at him, "You shouldn't judge anyone by appearance." This was apparently their cue to ready their weapons for battle. Demyx turned around, "I told them they were sending the wrong guy…" He muttered to himself. He could hear the others mumbling behind him, but he did catch Sora saying "Right – no hearts!"

Oh, was he SICK of that idiotic argument!

He turned back around, "Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad…"

"You can't trick us!" the duck squawked again.

Demyx looked away, only to turn back around, seriously pissed now. It was because of these three that no one was getting any rest…because of them that he never saw his husband!!

"Silence, traitor." He said, pointing an accusatory finger at Sora.

They commenced to fighting. Demyx could feel himself getting weaker and weaker…How could this kid be so strong?! Then, after a certain blow, he could tell that…

No…not now!! His mind screamed as he felt himself struggling to breathe. He finally collapsed. His sitar disappeared from his hands, "No way!!" He screamed. Not now!! Not when he and Axel had a future!! He couldn't leave him!! He gaped as he saw his legs fading to whisps…Not now!!

"Not without Axel!" He whispered as he faded into the wind.

"I'm so sorry Axel…There was nothing any of us could do." Xigbar's voice echoed.

He couldn't…no… "No…NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOO!!" Axel bellowed as he gripped his head in his hands and stared at the floor. He stumbled backwards into a portal he had made. Xigbar reached for him but he had gone through before he could get him.

On the other side, Axel found himself in his room…no, it was Demyx's. He was gasping for air as he couldn't believe where he had ended up. He could smell Demyx's cologne, his shampoo, every scent of him everywhere. His bed was still un-made from when he had gotten up that morning. Axel couldn't take it anymore and disappeared into another portal.

Where do Nobodies go?

There has to be somewhere they go to…

They can't just disappear forever!

We do, don't we?

But I need-


The sound echoed off into oblivion. Everything was white and empty. Where was he?

Where was Axel?

"Superior, I've been trying to get him to talk, but all he does is stare off into space. I can't get him to eat or drink anything and if I even do, it just comes back up. He's…He's wasting away." Vexen said into the receiver of the phone. Axel could hear him perfectly well…

"Yes…I will, Su-…What?...Of course, Superior." And with that, Vexen hung up. He turned slowly to gaze upon what he considered the shell of the once vibrant Axel. "He knows what's caused you to act like this…But we're down to our last few-" Vexen couldn't bring himself to say it.

Axel slowly turned his head, looking at Vexen with his large, empty eyes, "I'm needed, aren't I?"

Vexen slowly nodded. He then quickly left, not sure if he even could stand looking upon Axel.

As Axel and Sora fought with each other against the sea of heartless, Axel couldn't keep his mind off of Demyx. He knew that this barrage would only lead him to his death, but he hurriedly accepted it. He couldn't bear living any longer without Demyx. How could he? How could he go on like nothing had ever happened? It was impossible.

Axel finally did a move that gave his all. He could feel a coldness begin to descend upon him. He fell to the floor.

"You're…fading away…" that being that so much looked like him said. But Axel could see it in his eyes…feel it in his soul, he was different.

"Well, that's what happens when you put your whole being into an attack. You know what I mean? Not that Nobodies actually have beings…right? Anyway, I digress. Go, find Kairi. Oh, almost forgot…Sorry for what I did to her." He knew what it felt like, he wanted to tell him…but he couldn't.

"When we find her, you can tell her that yourself." Sora said, a triumphant gleam in his eyes.

Axel laughed tiredly, "Think I'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? Haven't got one." He hated even trying to keep on with the charade, but he had to. He knew he couldn't back down on orders. Demyx had told him once that he had the heart of a soldier.

But Sora knew something was behind his words, "Axel, what were you trying to do?"

Axel despised having to say his name, but Sora had to see him, it was part of the plan… "I wanted to see Roxas." NO!! I NEED TO SEE DEMYX AGAIN!! "He…was the only one I liked…He made me feel…like I had a heart." What Sora didn't know, was that he was talking about the one that made him feel like that...his husband, his beloved. But he had to continue on with the charade..."It's kind of…funny…You make me feel…the same…Kairi's in the castle dungeon. Now go." And with the last bit of energy he had, he created the portal Sora needed.

Sora saw it in his eyes then…something that showed that he was about to do the same thing, go find the one he needed. It was brief though, because Axel faded completely away, the last thing to fade were his eyes…those eyes that held some secret. They had looked so hopeful at the last second.

Sora stared at the portal, "Axel…"

Demyx still was lost…lost in all the whiteness. That cold, bright, lonely white.

Then, he saw a small gold light far, far away in the distance. What was it?

"My gift is my song,

And this one's for you."

Demyx instantly recognized the voice, "Axel!! I'm here, Axel!!"

He finally could see his own body. He was wearing a long white robe with a golden rope around his hips. It didn't matter at all to him though, Axel was here! He began to run toward the light, but it was hard for him too, as if he were in slow motion.

"And you can tell everybody

That this is your song.

It may be quite simple, but

Now that it's done,

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is

Now you're in the world."

Demyx kept running, the light grew brighter and larger until he could tell that there was someone standing in the light. It was Axel! He knew it! "Keep singing, love!! I'm coming!" Demyx cried.

"Sat on the roof

And I kicked off the moss.

Well see these verses,

Well they, they got me

Quite cross.

But the sun's been kind

While I wrote this song,

It's for people like you

That keep it turned on.

So excuse me forgetting,

But these things I do,

You see I've forgotten if they're

Green or they're blue.

Anyway the thing is,

What I really mean,

Yours are the sweetest eyes

I've ever seen."

Demyx could feel the heat from the golden light. He could see that Axel was running toward him too. The white began to fade. It started to become shadowed, showing buildings around them. Still, Axel's voice echoed as if the whole universe were focused only on his voice. Their clothes even began to change slowly. Demyx was wearing his brown hoodie and jeans that were like what he wore when he first laid eyes on Axel. And Axel wore a pair of black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, what he had been found wearing.

"And you can tell everybody

This is your song.

It may be quite simple but,

Now that it's done,

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is

Now you're in the world."

They finally met. They embraced each other and right when they had touched, a flood of color and light seemed to illuminate all around them. They were in Traverse Town. It was morning, birds flew across the beautiful blue sky above. They were in the main square holding onto each other, never wanting to let go again. Axel looked at his soul mate square in the eyes as he finished the song.

"I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is

Now you're in the world."

Demyx gazed up at Axel only a brief moment before he kissed him. Axel pulled away only briefly to say, "We're home, babe."

Something moved behind Axel, catching Demyx's eye. Axel turned to see what it was. Both of them gaped at what appeared running toward them.

A beautiful little girl, about five or so, came racing to them. She had bright green eyes that looked almost identical to Axel's, and short wavy blonde hair like Demyx's. She smiled brightly as she came bounding up to them happily crying out, "Daddies!!" She leaped up to hug them both about the waist.

Axel looked at Demyx who looked back at him with tears in his eyes. Axel put his hand against Demyx's cheek and smiled at him.

There is a place Nobodies go…

Demyx looked down at their daughter, then back at his loving husband. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on his daughter's head, then moved up again to kiss Axel again. The three of them stood there, holding onto each other in the middle of the square.

And that place is beautiful.

The final song is "Your Song" originally by Elton John, but the version that inspired me was Ewan McGregor singing it from Moulin Rouge.

And now, this story is complete to my liking. I hope you enjoyed it...Thank you for reading and supporting me!