
A/N: Just a warning, this story is CRAP!!! It wasn't planned out AT ALL!!! I'm going to apologize now to avoid any and hopefully ALL flames!! Also, the chapters are short.


Chapter 1:

Angela opened her eyes. Collins was curled up in bed next to him shivering uncontrollably. Angel sat up and felt Collins' forehead.

"Angel?" he mumbled. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. You're burning up." Collins shook his head.

"No, I'm freezing." Angel got up and dug a thick quilt out of a box in the closet. He folded it in half and covered Collins with it.

"There you go, honey." Collins snuggled deep under the warm blanket. Angel kissed his cheek. "I love you." He got back into bed and turned off the light. Tomorrow, he was going to take Collins to the emergency room.

"I love you too." Angel wrapped his arm around Collins and rested his head on Collins' chest in hopes of sharing body heat. Collins wrapped his arms around Angel, and they both fell asleep.

Angel woke up safe in Collins' arms. He sat up and felt his forehead. Collins didn't move. Angel shook his shoulder.

"Collins, Collins baby, its time to get up." Still nothing. Angel began to panic. He desperately searched for a pulse. "Collins, please, wake up honey." Angel flung himself across Collins' chest and began to sob. He was gone.

Angel finally tore himself from Collins' body and did the only thing he could; he first called 911, and then called Mimi.

"Mimi, I need you to come over. God, I just need someone here with me. Collins, Collins is…." Angel completely lost it. "Dead," she finally managed to say.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," Mimi assured. "Don't you worry, I'll be right there. You just stay calm." Angel hung up the phone. All there was left to do was wait. He had closed the door to the bedroom; it would be ages before he would be able to sleep in there again.

As Mimi was arriving, the paramedics were taking away Collins' body. Mimi stood frozen in the hallway for about a minute before going up to comfort Angel.

Angel was sitting on the couch, in a complete daze, when Mimi rushed into the apartment and wrapped her arms around him. Angel leaned against Mimi.

"Its okay, it's okay sweetie. It's okay to cry," Mimi said through her own tears as she rubbed Angel's back.

"I was right there and didn't do anything!" Angel cried.

"There was nothing you could do; it was his time to go. Now, he isn't sick anymore."

Mimi held Angel close for nearly an hour. Neither one said anything for that hour. Angel pulled away from Mimi.

"I have to call everyone and tell them," he said as he stood up. "And there's the funeral arrangements and everything too." Mimi got to her feet.

"Angel, I'll make the calls," she offered. Angel shook his head.

"No, this is something I need to do." Angel picked up the phone in the kitchen and made each agonizing phone call to tell the Bohemians the horrible news. Mimi stood next to him and rubbed his back the entire time.

Finally, the grueling task was done. Everyone sent their deepest condolences and was heartbroken by the terrible news. Mimi gave Angel a reassuring hug.

"That's all you have to do today," she told him. "Why don't you go lie down, and I'll make you something to eat?" Angel shook his head.

"I never want to sleep in there again."

"Then go sleep on the couch. You look like a mess."
"No, no, I need to make the funeral arrangements and to call NYU and tell them."

"Shh, I'll make you a deal. If you take a nap for a few hours and eat something, I'll help you make all the arrangements." Mimi kissed Angel's cheek. "Okay chica?" Angel nodded. Mimi led him over to the couch and had him lay down.

Once Angel was situated on the couch, Mimi made him some toast. When she went back out to the main room, Angel was fast asleep. Mimi was relieved about this; Angel looked like a ghost of himself. Mimi sat down on the floor by the window and began to cry. Not only did she cry for Collins, but also she cried for her family that was falling apart.