1Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha...although I very much wish I did...sigh...you win for now Takahashi...for now...glare

Chapter one: It begins

Kagome awoke to the calming sound of birds chirping and rivers flowing in the distance. She had spent two weeks in her time and although she very much loved her home, she never quite felt more at peace than she was in the feudal time. 'Well that is until InuYasha wakes up,' she thought to herself as she giggled. She love the hanyou very much, but alas Kikyo was still a constant thought in his head. She looked solemnly at the sleeping beast and sighed. 'Will there ever be any room in your heart for me, InuYasha?' she questioned herself.

She decided that she would take a walk before the sun fully rose, after all she was alone with her love. Sango left to her village under the pretense that she needed to fix her Hiraikotsu. The truth was that Miroku had a lecherous moment and felt a local woman's butt and of course Sango, in a rage, hit Miroku and left with him in pursuit. As for Shippou, he had to stay with Kaede and help her to create medicine for the locals. Kagome traveled to the river that was fairly close by and splashed some water on her face.

"Ah that feels great.," she said as she unpacked a little snack for herself. Giggling resounded behind her and Kagome quickly turned to see where it had come from. "Who's there?!"

More giggling was heard until a small girl came out running and hid in front of Kagome. Kagome noticed quickly that it was just Rin, InuYasha's half brother's ward. 'So this is why InuYasha had been grouchy all day.' Kagome had noticed he was tense throughout their travels.

"Rin, what are you doing here?" she asked the small girl in a gently tone.

Rin smiled and replied, "Shh he's coming." Kagome was about to ask who, but before she could voice her inquiry rustling noises came from the bushes. A ugly green toad appeared and tripped over a root and fell flat on his face causing Rin to explode in laughter while he cursed many profanities at the child.

"Ah Jaken," Kagome started trying hard not to laugh at the poor toad, "I see you're here for Rin...so...where is he?" Jaken raised his head and glared at her and simply replied, "On his way." As much as she knew her companion hated him, Kagome had gotten very intrigued by InuYasha's brother. 'If he's close that means InuYasha will be waking up very soon and here even sooner' she thought. She looked at the small girl who was now sitting in her lap still giggling at the toad's clumsy-ness.

"Okay Rin, do me a favor will you?" Rin looked at Kagome and nodded. "Good will you tell Sesshomaru to meet me tonight right here?" Rin smiled and agreed and ran off to tell her lord with a cussing toad in tow. Kagome just smiled and headed back to camp. She knew Sesshomaru would come after all he was following her because of a request.

"Sesshomaru...why do you bother me so much?" she said softly to herself. 'I thank you so much for helping me, but...why do you help a pathetic human?'

A month ago...

She was running for her life. InuYasha had gotten himself knocked out and Sango and Miroku had problems of their own. The demon behind her was closing in. 'Oh Kami no...don't let me...don't let it end here...someone...Anyone...' she thought as she screamed, "HELP ME!!!"

Then as a flash of white and red appeared as she closed her eyes and a warm liquid slowly ran down her arm. When she opened her eyes she saw Sesshomaru standing above her next to the remnants of the demon. She looked over his figure shaking as she asked him, "Why? Did you just save me?...Why?" He just stayed cold and emotionless as he said, "I have use for you, miko." She looked up at him confused and then...she blacked out.

Since then he had been coming to her often asking her simple questions such as 'How old are you? When were you born?' etc. Of course, every time he asked where is she from she just stays quite or makes an excuse to leave.

"Why is he asking me all this? I mean he never cared any other day. Why now?...ugh... Its almost like he likes confusing me." Kagome ranted as she made her way to camp.

"Who likes confusing you?" a voice from beside her questioned. Kagome jumped in fright and screamed. Anyone within a 5 mile radius could hear the scream and a loud moan that soon followed. InuYasha regretting-ly surprised Kagome and the octave her scream reached was far too harsh on his sensitive ears. By the time Kagome had realized who it was, InuYasha was on the floor holding onto his ears for dear life.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Kagmone pleaded.

"Shut up already, wench! Your normal voice hurts my ears enough!"

"You asshole! I told you not to call me wench anymore!"

"Well its kinda hard when its what you are!"

"Well it better than being a two-timing slut!"

"I'm not two timing you just don't believe me when I say 'I love Kikyo!'" At this comment Kagome had enough she took a deep breath in and yelled "SIT!" Soon after a huge thump frightened all the birds out of their trees and She was already on her way to find Rin again. "Fuck you InuYasha! Go die in a ditch somewhere!"

An hour later, Kagome had managed to find the cute little girl playing in a field of wild flowers. She entertained herself by making flower crowns with her until she saw the man she was looking for. Sesshomaru has descended from the sky and quick hopped off Ah-Un to greet his guest.

"I thought you said I would not see you until tonight," Sesshomaru stated still in his cold mask.

"Yeah well...things change, " Kagome replied renewing the hatred and hurt she felt at InuYasha's blatant confession.

"Yes well, that is what I'm counting for," Sesshomaru simply said making Kagome turn to him in curiosity.

"Hey Sesshomaru? May I ask you a question?"

"Well you have been tolerable enough to answer mine so I don't see why not."

"Why are you so curious about me all of a sudden. You never cared before." Sesshomaru just looked at her never changing his cold expression.

"I have always wondered I just grew tired of just wondering and I want answers." His response shocked Kagome to the point of chills. But then she realized something in his reply.

"Wondered what?" Her question must have shook him because he hesitated and turned his head away from her. It wasn't until 5 minutes of awkward silence that he said, "I wondered if you'd be able to mother Rin. The questions were just to see if you were even suitable for the job."

Kagome just stood their in shock. "What?" was all she could muster out. Sesshomaru turned to her and held her face gently and spoke sternly. "Be Rin's mother, Kagome" She was completely surprised, so much so that she couldn't say anything. She couldn't even think. All she could do was nod. And that's exactly what she did...Sesshomaru leaned in and whispered in her ear something she could never forget. "Thank you." Eyes wide, jaw dropped, Kagome was a sight alright. After all, she had just practically sold her soul away to the man she loves worst enemy. That thought make her snap back into reality tho. She remembered what InuYasha said and so she wanted payback. 'Wench am I? Well InuYasha...how's this for you?' As Sesshomaru

backed his face from hers, she grabbed his and kissed him. The only thought that resided in both their minds was 'WHAT?!'