Well folks, i know its been a while but I am really loving this story, and i appreciate the people who love it and review it as well. Not a common pairing but i like it a lot. Heh well i kinda left you hangin didn't I? Well here you go, just a little info first, not much action, its mostly them talking along with...other things... Haha don't get the wrong idea you'll see!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, kinda bloody in this one... but they get closer. A LOT CLOSER


Dripping water... a musty smell...blood. These smells overwhelmed her as she came to. She tried opening her eyes but it was hard to move. "D-damn..." her eyes slowly flickered open. It was dark... the only light came from what seemed to be a candle. She moved her eyes looking around the room, she was still to weak to move. (What the hell did they give me...) she wondered.

It was a small room. There were puddles of water on the ground, it looked like broken concrete. There were bars... like a mesh of them, woven so close together that you could barely fit a finger through. Footsteps. She tried getting up as a panic took over her, she had to get away. (Come on damn it!!)

there was a groan beside her. She looked over and saw a figure in the darkness, he had blond hair. "N-naruto..." she struggled to say.

"Ah... it seems they've awoken." came a voice that sounded horrifyingly familiar. The scent of cigarettes filled the room. Her eyes widened. The cool confident kunoichi that she had been had all but disappeared in the presence of this man, he was faster stronger than anything she had ever seen. He had been right under Suna's nose the whole time and they couldn't even detect him or any of his other followers. A man like this would scare nearly anybody, but it made it worse that she could do near to nothing to defend herself.

The Mizukage squatted next to Temari. "Good morning." he said in a pleasant voice. "I hope you find our accommodations here in Kirikagure to your liking." He touched some chains at her wrist.

"Kirikagure!?" she said trying to yell, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper.

"Yes, the Village Hidden in the Mist. You've been out for several days..."

"D-damn you"

"Ah such language from a beautiful young lady. Not proper at all." He took a drag on his cigarette causing the flame to brighten. "Especially in front of children..." The Mizukage pulled a figure toward him. "Konichi-wa Temari-san." a girls voice. Suzuru's voice.


"Gaara-sama... we've lost the trail...but it seems that they were headed east... toward Kirikagure."

"Hmf" was all the man received from Gaara. "Your orders Kazekage-sama?"

"Bring Kankurou here. We launch the offensive on Kirikagure." Gaara left in a blur of Sand and the ANBU member who was talking to him hurried off to find the Kazekage's brother.


"Suzuru!" Temari glared at her.

"Ah yes, clever little girl let me know when you entered the tower, it gave me time enough to set up the barrier. She even let me know when Naruto decided to come to the village. Well enough of that, i have several things to take care of before we begin with your... interrogation." He took another drag on the cigarette and threw it in front of her face. "Come." he said to Suzuru. "You will get to...see them later." She nodded and left with the man.

The Shinobi shut the door and it locked with a clank. The Mizukage turned before he left. "Those chains drain your chakra by the way, along with your energy. Clever things aren't they? Well you can't escape, so i suggest you just sit tight." Then he left along with his guards.

She was left in silence, the only sound was of Naruto's rasping breath. It sounded like he was having a painful time. She tried moving toward him, but she was still to weak. They must have drugged her with something strong. She lay there for several minutes trying to recover her strength.

She slowly sat up. She didn't feel any pain she just had absolutely no chakra and near to no energy. Her ams and legs were bound by chains. She glanced around the room. Naruto was lying in a crumpled heap in the corner, like a piece of trash tossed away. She saw that blood was pooled around his form. "Naruto. Can you hear me? Come on.." she reached out grabbing his shirt. It was wet, like he had fallen into water, completely soaked. She pulled gently, and he fell onto her lap. She positioned is head on her legs. He was sweating, probably with a fever.

She wiped his head, with her sleeve. She was going to need a new kimono after this anyway. "Naruto wake up damn it. How am i supposed to live knowing a leaf shinobi, the dead last died saving me. You had better wake up, or I'll kill you again!"

"I was trained by a Sannin, I thought I dropped that title..." came a voice it was weak, but it was Naruto's. He coughed blood. (Guess I'm not done healing yet...lazy ass fox...)

"Why? Why did you do something that stupid!? Your an idiot, you could have died you know?" She said that but she didn't mean it, she was deep down, grateful.

"Anyone would have done...it, Kankurou...Gaara... Shikamaru..." he said trying a grin but it was a bit to tiring at this point in time.

"Ha. None of them would have done that..."

"Sure they would--" he was cut off.

"You... don't know them Naruto... they...well Gaara doesn't think of me as his sister, he never did. I always thought of him as a brother, but that feeling was never, not once returned." Naruto looked up at her but she turned her face away from him. " He only thought of me as a powerful kunoichi, and Kankurou is to wrapped up in his work and is never really in Suna. I haven't seen him since the start of the war."

"and... Shikamaru? What happened he was always gone on trips to Suna, I thought that..."

"Damn it Naruto he was using me!" There was a pause.

"What...using you? How?" He questioned softly.

"What else?" she laughed as if he was stupid. He could tell it hurt her to talk about this. "Isn't what every fucking guy wants? I...I thought, maybe just maybe you know... he came often and we would, go out and have a good time. I would even dance... i had never done anything like that before, but he was leading me on... he only wanted one thing. I told him to leave but... in the end he tried pushing himself on me... I got away, i couldn't attack a leaf shinobi, that would break the treaty...I haven't seen him since, and i don't want to either." It was silent.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know." he said softly. He got up off of her lap, and sat next to her. He winced at the pain, his shoulder was still crushed but at least the bones were on the inside of the skin.

"Forget it Naruto...you shouldn't have moved..." she said suddenly concerned.

"I hope maybe... I can restore some of your trust in Konoha's shinobi... I cant fix what he has done to you... but... ill try..." he said finally managing his trademark grin. "besides I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Y-you weren't..." she said controlling a blush, it was good it was dark. (Why are you blushing Temari, get a hold on yourself...he's just a stupid leaf nin... one that saved your life...one that saved my life?)

"Where the hell are we Temari-chan?"he said bringing her off the subject.


"Heh knew it would be something like this..." he said slouching a bit. He touched his shoulder and winced a bit. (Hurry up fox so i can get us out of here!)

"W-well, after we fell, I was...okay, but the shock and chakra depletion made me unable to move. So they captured us. I don't know how they got out of Suna... I don't even know if Gaara made it out alive."

"Someone like Gaara wouldn't die that easily..." said Naruto confidently.

"I know that Suna will strike back after something like that. What about Konoha?"

"What about Konoha?"

"Will they help us?"

"Sure they will, they'll help Suna but they wouldn't give a damn about us."

"What makes you say that?" she looked over at him. He had a hard look on his face.

"Forget it... they'll come." he said staring at the ground.

"Naruto... after the things i just told you... you wont tell me?"

"Theres nothing to tell."

"I can tell something is bothering you..."

"It doesn't matter, it's to difficult to explain."

"Did you think telling you about me nearly getting raped was easy!? The least you could do is talk to me. Look at me... it's not often you'll ever get to see into this kunoichi's past. Let on no pain... and i just gave you my biggest one..." she had tears in her eyes, even in the dim light he could see that. He had never seen her like this. The once high and proud kunoichi of the Sand reduced to this?

She wiped her eyes quickly.

"Konoha isn't all it seems... People see it as the highest and noblest shinobi village around. Home to some of the strongest, and most powerful shinobi ever born. People don't see the prejudice and th darkness there. Don't get me wrong, Konoha's my home and i would gladly die for it and my friends but."

"But?" she questioned.

"It's not like the villagers would really care if i died. In fact they'd probably rejoice in it, maybe declare it a holiday like they did when i left..."

"I don't really understand..." she said quietly, hoping he would say more.

"I didn't think you would... it's ok though lets just think of a way to get out of here."

"Naruto?" she touched his arm. He ignored it and began to work on the chains. (I don't understand any of this, why wouldn't they save him? After all didn't he save there village several times already? Had he not fought with Orochimaru and the Akatsuki? Surely he was of some importance to the village.)

"Damn..." he mumbled.

"Those chains... they absorb chakra...and energy." she said.

"knew it was something like that..." she smirked at him. She felt a little more at ease around him.

"Did you really know? You seem to catch on to things slowly... all of you Sand and Leaf nin do..." a figure was leaning on the bars outside. Naruto looked up quickly. He knew that voice, but he couldn't believe it. "Good to see your out and about Naruto-sempai."

"Why?" he asked incredulously.

"I was only there to pick up intel on you, along with the rest of the girls i was with. No one suspected a bunch of Genin girls would be spies for Kirikagure eh?"

"That was why you befriended me?"

"Heh, it's time for me and Temari to go visit the interrogation room." She whistled. Two Mist hunter nin appeared opening the cell door. One threw a needle into Naruto's neck His vision blurred and he began to get drowsy. "Get your hands off of me damn it! Naruto! Naruto!" he heard her scream but her voice was too far away. He lost consciousness.


"Don't worry we'll only be a bit." said Suzuru skipping ahead of them. "Of course you might not be awake when we get back to see Naruto-sempai."

"You bitch..." they took off her chains and stuck her with another needle. Her energy left her immediately .A Hunter nin slung her over his back and walked out of the cell. "N-naruto..." she whispered.

They moved down several halls. All of them seemingly had water on the floor. She kept her eyes wide open for any chance an glimpse of a way out. She saw none. They entered a small room, it looked like a bathroom, the whole thing was tiled. Blood smeared the tile, it was everywhere even on the roof.

There was a chair in the middle. She was thrown and strapped to it. She couldn't lift her head, so it fell to her chest. The Mizukage was leaning against the wall.

"Comfortable? Good." he said not letting her respond. He took out a cigarette, and lit it. "Can you speak yet? It was only a small sedative." he questioned lifting up her head. Her dark eyes showed pure hatred.

"I can talk, but i don't see what you want from me."

"well I'll give Suna enough credit for not keeping all its information in one place. So tell me the size of your brothers squad thats in our country?" she gasped but closed her mouth sharply. "Yes we know about it... but i don't know where it is or its size, and of course you being head of intel, you would know. So do tell Temari-chan." She cringed when he said her name with that mock endearment. "Well?"

"As if I would ever tell you anything, and you damn well know that." she said softly.

"We have our ways..." said Suzuru rubbing her shoulders.

"Get your hands off me pig..." The girl laughed, and stepped back. The Mizukage nodded to the hunter nin. "Well, they will let me know when you talk, or when you lose consciousness, pray it comes soon." The man left signaling to Suzuru to follow him. She waved to Temari, with a smile. Temari returned it with a glare of hatred.

"Talk!" yelled one of the men as the door was closed. The man drug a kunai across her cheek causing it to bleed. She winced. "No." she responded. Her reward was a kick in the stomach. The chair was bolted to the floor, she didn't tip like she expected. Blood flew from her mouth. (Oh God... Naruto...) She felt something smash against her face. (damn...)


Naruto awoke to screams. All to familiar screams. Temari was gone. "Fox! Are you done yet?"

"Baka! Something like this takes time!"

"She's in trouble... being tortured, I need out of here now!"

"Kit your lucky to be able to move right now. There's nothing you or me can do right now."

"What the hell am i supposed to do!? Sit here while she's being hurt!?" He asked yelling out loud.

"Save your energy instead of using it on yelling. We need to think of a way out. Calmly rationally. Otherwise you'll get us both killed."

"Right..." he responded quietly. (If something happens to her... I...) he slumped against the wall.


It was what he thought several hours later, and he heard footsteps. It was the two hunter nin...and Temari slung like a rag doll over ones back. One opened the door. "You bastard!" Naruto jumped up trying to get at them but the chains instantly took there toll stealing his energy. He struggled against the chains. The hunter nin threw down Temari and chained her up again, while the other kicked Naruto to the ground. "I'll kill you!" he yelled.

"I don't think you or her, will be doing much of anything for a while." one sniggered. They left locking the door.

Temari looked horrible. What did they do to her? She was covered in blood, her clothes were shredded into pieces. Her kimono practically rags, hung lose around her body. The fishnet underneath was showing in places. Her hair had fallen out of her ponytails, and there was blood streaked in her hair. He pulled her close to him positioning her so that her back was on his chest, and her head was resting on his left shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her. It was all he could do. Temari whimpered. (Just what in the hell did they do to you!?) He clenched his teeth in anger, and pulled her tighter. (Never again! I'll never let anything happen to you again!) She looked so frail and helpless. So different from the kunoichi he had come to know. She was more important to him than anyone else right now.

After a while her bleeding stopped completely and for that he was thankful. Her breathing also steadied into a normal pace, he could tell she was sleeping. "Don't... let them... Naruto...d-don't..." she mumbled frantically. "It's ok Temari-chan... It's ok..." he whispered in her ear. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Naruto?" she questioned softly.

"Yeah , it's me Temari-chan..."

"T-thank god..." she threw her arms around him, burying her head in his chest. "They..."

"They what?" he said squeezing her against him. She looked up at him with sad eyes. She put her head on his chest. "They didn't..." he said again.

"I-if I would've stayed conscious... but I passed out i guess...I-I guess they didn't..." she sobbed against him. He rubbed her back softly.

"Nothing. Nothing like this will ever happen to you again."

"But.. but Naruto you don't know... you can never predict what..." his finger pressed against her lips.

"I never go back on my word no matter what..." Her eyes softened. (She looks beautiful even like this...)

"C-can I...stay like this a while longer?" Naruto nodded. (This feeling when i'm around her... it wont last...it never does...but for now, it'll be ok.)


The Mizukage lounged in his chair. There was a knock at the door. "Yes?" he asked, and a hunter nin came in.

"Mizukage-sama, our ANBU have engaged Kankurou's squad north of the village, but Sand reinforcements keep pouring in. Your orders?" The shinobi was nervous but he tried not to show it.

"It seems like its time to bet the chips we hold." he said calmly and got out of his seat. "Send all available shinobi...I will be along later." The Mizukage walked out of the room, and towards the prison.


She opened her eyes, to his steady breathing. He was asleep, and she was half lying half sitting on his lap. (When did i become like this? This is Naruto! That stupid blond headed ninja from the leaf that a couple of days ago I wouldn't have given a passing glance.) She had only really recognized him when he defeated Gaara, but that didn't last to long, she didn't have time to brood over small things like Naruto, during a war. Sure defeating her brother was a feat but, the lives of a village were at stake. Once again however he entered the scene, and she was forced to tolerate him. Was she tolerating him now? (No... not after all of this. But maybe I let my emotions get a hold on me? And maybe he was the only one around to vent on? To release my anger and sadness?)

She tried moving away, but found herself unable to. She wasn't out of energy, she felt a lot better. He wasn't holding on to her, she just couldn't move away. It was comfortable...and in a way soothing. (Shikamaru was never like this... I never felt this way around him... WAIT! This is Naruto remember... Is that such a bad thing? Who cares if it's Naruto? What if... I'm starting to like him?) She put her head back on his chest, listening to his breathing. (Maybe...I am?)

"The stage is set, the characters playing there parts...now for my final play..." The Mizukage stood in front of Naruto's cell. "To awake the demon inside of him..." he glanced at Temari. "She will do." He took a drag from his cigarette blowing it out slowly. "Not even I can stop this demon... how will you fair Gaara?"


Next chapter; The escape from Kirikagure. Escape comes at a price however!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading guys. I appreciate the reviews, all of them. This one was a bit shorter in word length, like only 3400 but let me know how I did. Was I too graphic? Not graphic enough? Did I capture there emotions in a good way? TELL ME. Suzuru and all the other Konoha nin will play a future role in this story.(Sakura etc.)

I wanted to add a lot more to this chapter, but ill come back and update it later. If thats what you guys would want that is. Er...forgetting something...EDITOR I NEED ONE, yeah i really do. Email me or PM me if interested. I know its a lot to ask for giving up your time for a fic but... had to try. Thanks again guys.
