Oops. I forgot about this.

Well, school's almost over, so I should be able to work on this more once summer vacation starts. I had started to rewrite the entire story, but the data was pretty much deleted, so I haven't been motivated enough to retype it.

By the way, I finally beat 358/2 Days. I almost cried. D:

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts!

Xaldin wasn't sure why there were two legs protruding from the inside of the refrigerator. The door had been swung open, barely still on its hinges, the cold air leaking out and spreading throughout the kitchen. He almost wanted to slam the door close and lock those legs away, but he had a sinking feeling that those legs belonged to someone other than a Nobody. After a moment, he finally decided to walk over and find out what exactly was living inside the fridge.

As he peered into the doorway, he noticed a young girl who was faintly mumbling to herself. Xaldin blankly stared at her when he realized what she was doing: rummaging around and stuffing her face. A tornado of food had passed though the meticulously organized appliance, spreading out onto the clean floor below. Several bottles of condiments had been knocked over and many drawers overturned. It was truly a sight to behold.

Xaldin cleared his throat in hopes that the young girl might turn around; however, she ignored him, her elbow accidentally nudging a jar of mayonnaise, which in turn, smashed to the ground. Number III lost his patience then, grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her out of the refrigerator. A muffled shriek sounded from her as she began to flail around like a fish. Xaldin threw her to the floor and sent a menacing glare in her direction.

"Who are you?" he growled. "And what are you doing?"

Tori carefully took a half eaten bagel out of her mouth. "I'm Tori," she told him with wide eyes. "And I'm eating." She took another bite from her snack.

Xaldin continued to glare at her before bombarding her with questions. "Why? How did you even get in here?" His glare shot fiery lasers that failed to penetrate her unfaltering calm.

"Well," she started, casually picking up a pickle jar to read the nutrition facts. "Xigbar threw me in here once I was done turning Xemnas back into a Nobody, even though he did look pretty cute as a cat. Hm, maybe I should have left him like that...." She unscrewed the lid and took a sniff. "Oh, I think these went bad." She placed the container back in the refrigerator.

Xaldin's eye twitched. "What do you mean you turned him back into a Nobody?" He crossed his arms and started to tap his foot impatiently. Somehow her presence was beginning to scare him. He couldn't place the right fake emotion on it, but the vibe he was receiving bothered him immensely. There was something wrong with this girl.

"Oh, well, apparently I'm some kind of supernatural being that's suppose to give all the Nobodies their hearts back with my mind or something like that. I think I can do whatever if I just think about it, but its still weird to me too... Cool, is this cotton candy ice cream?" Tori squealed with delight as she yanked the top off of an ice cream container and plunged a clean spoon in, scooping out a chunk of creamy pink and blue substance. Grinning like a maniac, she took a huge bite. "Mmh! It's delicious!"

Number III instantly froze. The Angel? No, it couldn't be this, this child? He vaguely remembered the Superior ranting on about the creature that would bring the Organization to salvation. But the fact it had been so soon since their resurrection made him curious. Maybe this bizarre child really would somehow find a way to make them whole. Yet he seriously doubted she could accomplish anything of real importance as he watched her swallow deli meat. In all honesty, he didn't care. At least messing around with that kid would pass the time. Summoning a lance, he swatted away the carton of apple juice in her hand.

Tori looked up at him, a pitiful frown upon her face. "Why did you do that?" She whined as she glanced at the gleaming lance now thrust into her face. "Are you going to try and kill me too? Seriously, since I got here, everybody has been trying to kill me! I can't stand it!"

Xaldin snorted. "Don't whine to me about your problems. Just get up you little piglet. We're going to visit Xemnas. I don't like it when I have to deal with unnecessary surprises."

The midget pouted at the man in front of her. "But I just saw him fifteen minutes ago! Why do I have to see him again!? This is totally unfair..." She groaned as she was prodded to her feet. A dark portal opened up behind her, much to her dismay. She screamed once Xaldin pushed her in. He murmured darkly to himself as he stepped in after her.

"I hope I don't regret this..."


It was the empty sky that Tori first noticed from atop the tower. The gigantic heart that should have been floating close by had vanished. She wearily glanced at Xemnas as he stood motionless, gazing at the nothingness above him. The silence granted an eerie wave of intrigue that almost made Tori shout for an explanation. However, her attention was brought back to the Superior as he finally turned around.

"Kingdom Hearts disappeared when the Organization was vanquished three months ago. Now that we have returned, Kingdom Hearts needs to return as well," he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "It is your duty to create a new Kingdom Hearts. In order to do so, you must team up with the Keyblade Master. Gather hearts and bring about our new hearts!"

Tori merely blinked at him. "Um, Superior? Didn't the Keyblade Master try and kill me just a few chapters ago? I mean, now the author is just making up the plot as she goes along. Shouldn't she put a little more thought into what she's doing?"

Xemnas started at her in confusion. "What are you talking about? The only plot there is, is for you to pair up with Sora and recreate Kingdom Hearts. Its very simple, isn't it?"

Tori dumbly nodded her head, though she thought it was strange that she wasn't quite sure what was going on. The author was obviously going to fix her mistakes and make her story top notch because she loves her readers very, very much.

The Superior causally waved her away as he went back to staring at the vast, empty sky. Tori quietly slunk away deep in thought. Find Sora, huh?

"Screw that!" she smirked. "I know the more awesome half!" She grinned wildly as she skipped down the stairs on her new quest to find Roxas. She wished that her future would soon by made clear soon.

And fast.

Forgive this last half. I rushed it too much. ):