Title: The Longest Year
Author: phoniexchild
Fandom: Drake & Josh
Genre: angst, drama, slash
Rating: T/PG-13
Pairings: Drake/Josh
Summary: Drake had one goal and that was getting back to San Diego, back to Josh.
Disclaimer: I do not own Drake & Josh.
Author's Notes: I just want to thank everyone who is still sticking with this story - it means a lot.


if I was someone else, would this all fall apart?
-real world, matchbox twenty

Chapter Five

Drake was leaning against the wall outside of his homeroom, ignoring the looks, glances, and whispers of the other students who were obviously wondering who the new kid was.

All they knew was that he lived at Jennifer Parker's and therefore was what their parents called "a troubled child." And that made him appealing.

Drake knew all of this from the whispers and Moira's comments. He planned on using this to his advantage too. He didn't like the idea already, but it needed to be done. Drake had one goal and that was getting back to San Diego, back to Josh.

He could feel the appraising looks from the girls and the judging one from the guys. Everyone was sizing him up - would he be good enough to grace the presence of the jocks? Would he be worthy enough to go on a date with a cheerleader?

Drake knew he would. It wasn't vanity or ego, but just sense. These kids were "popular" and he was once one of them, before Josh came into his life and showed him that there were more important things. He remembered the act well enough that he could pull that old skin back on. He needed to.

He needed friends who would have his back, who would lie for him. He would need them, the popular kids, but he would also need the "nerds," the Josh's and Eric's and Craig's and even (god help him) Mindy's of this high school.

He would need everyone he could get and they would help him, maybe not at first, but in the end they would and that's all that matter. They would help and his plan would take shape.

He didn't like the idea of using these people he hadn't even met yet, but it was needed. He needed to get back to Josh. That was all that mattered.

Author's Note:
Just a random tidbit, no one will care I'm sure, but I was going over the songs I have listed for Drake's chapters, because my memory card which had that part of my notes on it kicked it. As I was recollecting the lyrics, Real World by Matchbox Twenty came on just as I noticed that Real World was the next song on the list. Coincidence?
Word Count:
Date Written: 6.5;12.28.2007