Author's Notes: Here's a drabble that I wrote randomly one night that spawned this idea of a set of Older!Kataang drabbles based on the same idea. I thought it would be interesting to write so I was like "Heck, why not?". Thus this was born!

Last Night:

Aang paced back and forth across the room, his mind clouded by thoughts of yesterday's events. His facial features twisted in deep thought, bending the air around him in a small swirl as a habit. It almost felt like a dream born into reality: Fire Lord Zuko held a banquet in honor of the establishment of peace that was made three years ago last night. The banquet was lively, and everyone was having a good time. Aang, who was away for a few months for meditation, returned back to the Fire Nation only a couple of days before.

Everyone toasted in his honor, and Aang quickly mentioned that it wasn't only because of him that peace was restored -- but because of all the hard work and dedication everyone gave to the project. A couple of minutes later the dances began. Katara smiled at him, her features now of a grown woman, asking him for a dance. He complied, and the two danced away on the dance floor. After their dance, the two walked towards the gardens discussing about the old days.

He wanted to tell her that he was in love with her, and that the feelings he felt for her back then when they were children was still burrowed deep within his heart. He wanted to hold her, caress her dark tresses, move a hair loopy away from her face as he softly stroked the skin under her ears, and kiss her as passionately as he could. He wanted to so much, but he knew it was inappropriate. After all, she was Zuko's wife. The two married not too long ago, while Aang was in the Eastern Air Temple. He received news when he arrived back for the banquet, and was devastated to hear the news.

In front, he was happy for her, but deep down his insides twisted with jealousy and the idea of a future they could've had that was now only a distant dream. While they continued talking, Katara suddenly placed her hand on his, her eyes asking for something he knew he couldn't give.

"Do you think I'm unhappy, Aang?" She asked, her thumb slowly caressing the back of his hand.

He couldn't hide the blush. "Why would you ask me that?"

"I don't know..." she told him, taking his fingers to play along with hers. "I've been thinking about you lately."

"You shouldn't." he quickly remarked.

"I know I shouldn't, but I have."

He wanted to find some hope within her words, but he knew that it was probably her being nervous about finally settling down instead of some deep hidden feelings she may have had for him. "You just got married awhile ago, Katara. You're probably just being nervous about the situation."

She laughed, "You really think so?"

He didn't want to say it, but for some reason it slipped out without notice. "Why else would you ask me that question?"

Before he knew it, she scooted closer towards him. Her hip touching his, as her hand trailed up his arm, touching his shoulder, and then caressing his jaw line with her thumb. "I'm asking myself that question too, Aang..." she said in a low whisper.

He turned to face her, both of his hands on her shoulders. "You know you can't be like this Katara. You made a vow, and you have a duty as Fire Lady to be by Zuko's side."

It stung to say that.

Her thumb moved up, touching his bottom lip. "What about you? You made a vow, you have your duty, but I know that you still..."

She closed her eyes, and leaned in. He didn't know what to do. His heart wanted to embrace her and kiss her right then and there, but his mind told him that he shouldn't give into the moment. They both would face the consequence later on. Imagine what would happen if Zuko found out, or if Sokka found out…

Her lips were hovering above his when he whispered her name. It was hard to resist her because he's dreamt of this moment for as long as he could remember.

"Aang, my sweet and darling Aang..."

"Katara," he replied in a husky tone. "You shouldn't do this to yourself. You love Zuko, not me..."

"Oh, but I do love you Aang. I love you very much..." She placed her hands on his cheeks, and Aang allowed her to guide him closer.

"Only as a friend..." he whispered their lips only a few inches apart.

"No. It's deeper than that, and I always knew it too but I was afraid..."

Aang closed his eyes, and felt her lips against his. Later on the two escaped, entering the chamber that was provided for Aang while he was staying in the Fire Palace. He held her, kissed her in places he only dreamed on, and she showed him the world he always wanted to live in. A world where they were together, complete as one, without anyone holding them back.

The next day, he awoke to find Katara missing from his bed. He knew it would've been better for her to leave in the middle of the night so they wouldn't raise any suspect. As the day progressed he couldn't stop thinking about her, about the night they spent together, and about the confessions they made to each other. Things were going to get complicated quickly, and as much he shouldn't have thought it, he was waiting for the next moment they could be together again like that.

(Fun fact: I was listening to "Last Night" by Diddy ft. Keyshia Cole and then I wrote this. True story!)