Disclaimer: Yea, yea, yea, you know the drill!

Chapter 3

"So how did your first day of school go today, Jenny?" asked Mrs. Bakers.

"Good." Replied Jenny.

"How about yours Marcia." Asked Dr. Bakers.

"Good." Said Marcia as she poked at her dinner. She still couldn't stop thinking about that guy. And now, above feeling sad for him, she felt guilty. Who knows how much trouble he got in because of her. Then her mom, Sam, broke her from her thoughts.

"What is up with you two?" she asked.

Marcia said, "I'm just tired I'm going to go to bed." Sid Marcia as she got her plate and kissed her parents goodnight and left.

"I'm just bored." said Jenny.

"How about we…play a board game?" said Dr. Bakers.

"Okay." Said Jenny.

(Marcia's dream)

"AHHHH!" screamed Marcia as she fell. When she hit the floor she thought to her self, I got to work on my landing. As she picked her self up she noticed she was in a cage.

"What the heck?" she said in a low voice, "Where am I?"

Then a voice said, "In a cage with me."

As she turned around she noticed it was the guy. He was scratched up and a mess.

"Oh my god what happened to you?" asked Marcia knowing fully well what happened.

" I got my "medicine" form Freddy for not telling him you were here and where you were hiding that one time you were here." He said.

"Oh, it's all my fault I'm really sorry." Said Marcia.

"Its okay I'm used to it." He said as he leaned back onto one of the cage's walls and slid down. And sat there.

Marcia went over to him and sat next to him. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Glen. Glen Lantz." He said.

"WHAT! I thought you died?" said Marcia Surprised.

"By what a geyser of blood shooting out of hole from my bed which I was eating out of?" he said.

"Yeah." Said Marcia.

"Look at me." He said as he stood up, "Do you think I have enough blood in my body to make a like two minute geyser of blood? Heck do I look WIDE ENOUGH to make a geyser that big?" he said as he held his arms wide apart.

"No." said Marcia.

He then went on, "And enough pressure in my body to do that?" he said.

"No. Then if your alive then…. How did he do the geyser thing?" she asked.

"Using that." Said glen who pointed to a machine.

This machine had a big clear tank with what seemed was filled with air compressed blood. And to the front of the tank was this wide, green, pipe sticking straight out. And then there was another wide green pipe sticking straight up. And a red lever was on one of the sides of the tank.

"Oh I see. But how did it happen?" asked Marcia.

"Well, he made hole in my bed as I was falling asleep and he pulled me and some of my stuff into the hole. Then when I hit the floor he turned that thing on." He said.

"But why would he keep you?" she asked.

"To use me as his slave. His dream slave. I help him kill people in their dreams. He said he chose me over Rod because he thought I was the kind of guy girls would dream with and stuff like that. And that he liked me better too." Said Glen.

"Well Glen I will try to help you escape from here." She said, "But do you know how I can get you out from here and into the real world?"

He thought for a minute then remembered what Nancy had told him once, "Yeah, all you have to do is wake while having contact with me." Said Glen.

"Well that will be easy to do." Said Marcia as she stood up.

Glen stood up too. He then said, "But there's the catch. He made this cage so nobody could dream me out. So the only way to do that is if u get me out of this cage."

"Oh that's gonna be a problem." She said.

"That won't be hard. Believe me. All you have to do is re-burn him. It won't kill him but that way it will be a distraction to him and you will be able to get the key from him. Just…." Then he stopped when he heard footsteps above, "Oh shit he' s coming! You have to go now."

"Okay I will but be careful Glen." She said.

"I'll try. But now wake yourself up." He said.

"But how do I do that?" she asked.

"Here I'll help you. You can wake up like this." He said as he grabbed her and kissed her for a minute.

"Was that supposed to wake me up or something?" she asked dazed.

"No, I just wanted to that cuz I think you're hot." He said, "But this how I'm going to wake you up." He said as he pinched her. And then she woke up.

Hope u guys like the story so far!
