Not a very good title, but whatever. AU fiction. I don't like to write AU a lot, but this cannot be a non-AU fiction. :D

Disclaimer: Don't own Prince of tennis or Tenisu no Oujisama

Fuji had always looked like a girl. Ever since he was old enough to understand, he had been constantly teased by his older sister of how feminine he is. When he was born, as his sister told him, the doctors had thought he was a she. 'A girl! The baby's a girl!' the doctor had said, 'but the computer said the baby would be a boy... that's odd..." But his mother knew better. 'No' she paused, "the newborn is a boy.' And the doctor blushed at his mistakes when he checked. His sister giggled from the side. He smiled at every time she told the story and had grown used to all the light teasing because he knew they didn't really mean it.

And even now, at 16-years old, he hasn't grown out of his feminine state.

There wasn't any downside to it, being called a girl wasn't so bad. He could cut through lines at school, half prices at stores and free drinks at cafes. Not so bad, eh?

So one day, his mother had decided that he needed to get a job. His grades were excellent, performance at school was outstanding, and social wise, everyone called him a prodigy at sports and academics. A child anyone could ever want. All he needed now was a job and he would be good to go. He left the home in search of this job. But what kind of job could a 16-year old do? Fuji walked down the streets looking at random stores and markets. Employ at a fast food restaurant? Work as a tutor? Just something he could enjoy would be sufficient.

He stopped at the red light. On the side of the traffic light pole, there was a paper taped to it. Written on it was:

Baby-sitting needed! Anyone willing can call XXX XXXXX! Leave phone number and we will call back to interview you for the job! High paying!

(A/N: I know nothing about job signs, but I doubt anyone would write that. Whatever... just please disregard it if it really bothers you.)

Fuji stared at the paper as the red light turned green. Baby-sitting? That didn't sound so bad. He's always liked kids. High-paying too, not that he was looking for one, but it wouldn't hurt.

He memorized the number and took out his cell phone to call.

A few days later, he received a call saying that his interview for the baby-sitting job would be 2:00PM that day. Fuji glanced at the clock. It was around 12. He could get lunch before he went to the interview. He called his friend, Eiji to see if he could go with him to eat out. But it was Saturday, he might not even be awake yet. He shrugged and dialed anyways. Ring... Ring...

"...hello...?" a groggy hello it was.

"Eiji? This is Fuji. Sorry, did I wake you?"

"Hn...yawns...what'd you call for?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go eat lunch with me."

"Eiji, who is that?" A voice came from the background. Eiji replied saying, "No one! Ah, Fuji, no I can't..."

"Oh. OK. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Sorry Fuji! Next time alright?"

"Sure. Bye."


Fuji hung up his phone with a dismayed frown. Who was the in the background? A new friend maybe? If Eiji wanted to him to know, he would tell, so Fuji didn't think much of it. He had a interview to go to.

His stomach growled.

And lunch apparently.

Fuji ate silently. Nothing to do but to eat and gaze out the window at the scenery. Not much of a scenery though, just tall buildings and people. The restaurant was quiet with low talking. He looked out the window again and something that wouldn't catch his eye usually. A boy, four or five years old...with silver hair. Why in the world would anyone dye their hair silver? A five year old no less! His hand stretched up as someone held it, walking towards the restaurant he was in. The door opened and the place filled with noise.

"I don't want to be in here! I want to see mommy!"

"I'm sorry, your mom isn't here right now. You won't see her until tonight."

"But I want to see her now!"

Costumers eyed the two newcomers. It was nice and peaceful a while ago, before they came in. The waiter in front of them escorted them to the table right behind Fuji as the little kid whined and whined. Fuji tried to block out the sounds but to not avail. He then turned around to face the adult he was with to tell his rude kid to be quiet.

"Sir, would you kindly please tell your kid to be quiet?"

The little boy sat silent before the adult could say anything.

Fuji raised an eyebrow.

The boy just suddenly stopped whining without the adult saying anything.

Now, he was staring at Fuji, a questioning face directed at him.

Fuji just stared back.

Breaking the silence, the boy pointed at him and said, "Onee-chan!"


The boy still pointed at him.


Same thing.

Inwardly, Fuji sighed.

Fuji stood in front of the house with the address he was given over the phone, calming down from the incident at the restaurant. The little kid wasn't that much of a brat as he had thought after a small talk with him. Fuji looked up. The house... certainly didn't not have the size of a house. That was an understatement. Fuji rang the doorbell and the speaker under it said, "Who is this?"

"Fuji Syuusuke desu, I am here for an interview regarding a job for baby-sitting." A good first impression always helped.

"OK, come to the front door." A buzz, then the door opened.

He walked to the front door nearly five times taller than himself.

A butler opened the door just wide enough for him to come in.

He was then greeted by a small silver blur coming right at him, latching itself to his leg.


Leave a review please!

Plot is somewhat laid out.. still a bit blurry, but I'm on my spring break with plenty of time to think about it! Excuse my grammar mistakes (if seen), verb tenses (if noticeable), bad writing (if you really hate it), or bad plot that hasn't shown up quite yet (that can't be the reason can it?!). I like this idea, and would just like to write about it.

I am supposed to complete my stories first but... sorry, I just like starting stories! It's always fun.