There's a reason as to why this an AU. But you know what? It doesn't have to be! ...actually, i just remembered, it does... eh-heh...

Not the most interesting chapter but... yeah.

This story is un-betaed. So.. bows if many mistakes are seen


Fuji opened his eyes with surprise. It was the same silver-haired boy he had meet in the restaurant! The butler chuckled and said, "Fuji-san, your interview will be held in the living room. Please step this way." He gestured to the next room. Fuji tired to take a step forward then noticed the weight on his leg did not change. Fuji smiled and asked kindly, "I need to get to the next room, can you let go?"

"But onee-chan..."

Fuji nearly twitched. He forgot he didn't tell him that he wasn't a girl. Fuji didn't move since he wasn't getting off any time soon. The butler had mistaken not being able to move for hesitation and said nicely, "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll like you. He's rather picky with baby-sitters, but you seem like a pleasant girl, I know you'll get the job." He grinned. Evidently, the butler also thought he was a girl.

Forcing a smile, Fuji nodded and walked over.

The living room had four other people in there. All girls. He was the only guy... not that he looked like it.

"Now then your intereviews will start."

You couldn't really call it an interview though. The guy didn't ask questions at all. What he gave to the four people, including him, was an envelope, each with their names on it. Except Fuji's said "Onee-chan." Amazingly, the person passing out the envelopes knew he was "oneechan." Does anyone in this house know he's not female? He sighed and slit a hole through the top of the envelope to check the contents of it.

"In the envelope should be a piece of paper containing a set of directions for a scavenger hunt."

At first everyone was like, "What the-?"

Then the guy just explained, "Obochama (1) wrote this for all the people who wanted to be his baby-sitter. The first person to complete this 'hunt,' will get the job."


This certainly was random, but what the heck, they all wanted the job! The four girls broke loose as they went different ways following directions. Fuji looked down on his paper.

Come to Room 341

Was all it said.

There must be a lot of rooms in his house, er... mansion, room 341? Where is that?

Snapping out of his thoughts, Fuji scanned the room. Everyone had left the room already, including the little boy. He stood and thought for awhile. At school, the first floor would always be in the hundreds numbers like, 109 or 120. Then the second floor would contain numbers in the two hundreds, 203, or 214. Using this logic, room 341 should be on the third floor. Fuji headed for the stairs, running as quickly as possible. If everyone's directions were this easy, he'd have to move faster!

301... 307... 311... 325... He zoomed passed the rooms, until he reached room 340. The next room should be three hundred... forty one... what the?! It's not here! He saw room 340 and next to it 342, but not the whole number in between! Fuji jogged down the hallway searching for the room, maybe the the contruction workers who build this place misplaced the room? Highly unlikely but possible.

At then end of the hall was what he was trying to find. It was room 341! Fuji opened the door slowly, wondering what was inside...

"Congratulations Onee-chan! You got here!"

Fuji smiled and noticed the four other girls were already there, out-of-breath. He walked up to one of them and glanced at their direction papers. The paper was filled with words! Amazing how they still were able to finish. And all of them were like that, except for his. Then a realization clicked in his head, the four girls already arrived here first; that means... he was last. Who got first then?

"Onee-chan! You're the winner!"

"What?!" The four girls said with bewilderment.

"I was here first though!" One of the girls said.

"And she came in last!" Another girl said, pointing to Fuji.

"But I like onee-chan better than all of you!"

"That's an unfair judgement! What was the point of this "hunt" then?"

There was no answer that question, so we'll just leave it as it is.

After the girls left, Fuji was left alone with the little boy as he sat on Fuji's lap reading a book out loud.

It wasn't one of those once-upon-a-time books thought, nor was it a comic book.

It wasn't a Shakespeare book either or something crazy hard like that.

"I step back from my cluttered bed and close my eyes, half-hoping that if I wished hard enough, my clothes might migically organize themselves into a series of neatly folded piles. Like in those magazine articles on packing, which tell you how to go on holiday with one cheap sarong and cleverly turn it into six different outfits..."

It was a book about shop-aholics.

Weird for a five year old huh?

"Ne, ne, Onee-chan. What's your name?"

"I'm Fuji Syuusuke."

"Oh? That's a boys name isn't it? Why do you have a boys name?"

Because I am a boy... "My mother just named me Syuusuke. What's your name?"

"Me?" The boy looked up with his big grey eyes, "My name's Keigo! Atobe Keigo."

You cannot say Atobe's OOC. First of all, he's 5. Second of all, this is an AU. So there! You can't say anything against it! Congrates to Elme for ... sort of guessing it's Keigo. I thought it was obvious, I guess not :D

(1) OVA 8, That's what Keigo is called. I don't know the spelling for it.