Chapter 7

Me: Alright, time to update this.

Yami: What else you got?

Me: This chapter will answer what the heck's been going on.

Yugi: Ooh.

Me: Yeah.

Yami: What else you got?

Me: (pause) That's it.

Yami: Gee, not very creative.

Me: I'm running out of ideas what to say with you guys.

Yugi: Hey, we're filling up the page right now.

Me: I guess this does work.

Yami: (pulls a YoH finger puppet and talks in high squeaky voice) I'm the author of the whoooole story!

(points finger puppet at YoH) Oh, look at you-

(She twists his finger) Ow! OOww! Ow, Ow, Ow!

Yugi: Well, that was...random.

Me: Well, at least that was something. You okay?

Yami: You almost broke my finger!

Me: You were mocking me!

Yugi: Guys, can it!

Yami & Me: (pout) Fine!

Disclaimer: I'm supposed to say something but I forgot. (gets hit on the head) Oh yeah! I don't own Yugioh.

Thanks to the reviewers:

A. YamiYugi

Yami Half-Demon


Yugi Muto


Lara the dark angel


Chapter 7: The story

They had set Yami on the couch about an hour ago waiting for him to wake up. In their heads they were asking themselves: What happened? What was going on? All their questions would possibly be answered by Yami. If only he would wake up.

Yami stirred an hour later and sat up while he rubbed his eyes. The gang saw he was awake and they surrounded him. "Yami, what happened back there?" Yugi asked.

"Huh? What's going on?" Yami asked.

"You did some pretty cool stuff out 'dere man and then you just collapsed," Jou told him. Yami blushed from embarrassment.

"Yami, do you know what's going on?" Anzu asked.

"Well, now that I think about it, I do remember. I think I know what's happening."

"What?" Honda asked.

"Well, it's like this," he started, "We all know that there are demons, and there are angels. So eventually from that, they will mate with each other. That creates dark angels. There aren't that many of them, but they are very strong creatures. They've always been sort of shunned because they were neither fully a demon or an angel."

"They would always hide out somewhere and only come around on special occasions. That's why not many have seen one before. Everything was content, but then things started going bad. There was this special clan of demons that were much stronger than the other demons and could think in even worse and more sadistic ways than the regular demons."

"They wanted to get into the human world. Everyone has a light and a dark side, so they figured that was their ticket in. They had to get past the gods that grant the people a light and a dark side. Only the smartest were able to make it. The ones that did, they were found out, but not soon enough."

"The gods had to do something, so they had to choose a very strong light side. That's where dark angels came in. They figured if you put a regular angel in the same body as the demon, it would rip the angel apart. That's why they used the dark angels. They were stronger, they had light to keep them sane and make good decisions, and they had darkness, to be able to be strong, smart, cunning, and courage."

"They put a dark angel with the demon to be able to keep the demon trapped because they would never be able to pull a light or dark side out of a vessel, once they were there. It was apparently working for awhile, but then they found another problem."

"They found out that dark angels were easily manipulated. By that, I mean, if they are living within either light or darkness, they will become that way. They have an identity crisis, being neither light or dark, so it proves as a problem to them."

"The demons would talk to them, and get them to believe all these lies, and show them the darkness all the time. That's how the dark angels started going crazy. They started becoming more demon like. They needed to fix that. So they found a solution."

"They figured they would put an angel with them. It proved to balance everything out. The dark angel would trap the demon so they wouldn't kill the angel, in exchange that the angel keeps the dark angel's sanity in check. By that, they would not turn to the dark side, and they would keep themselves as a dark angel."

"That does make sense," Yugi said.

"I still don't get it," Jou said confused.

"Okay, how about an example," Yami started, "I've been trying to trap that creature back there from doing anything bad, and Yugi is the angel that keeps me in check."

"So that's why you were so crazy when you first came out of the puzzle," Yugi said.

"Yeah, after being surrounded by lies and darkness for so long, you tend to become that way."

"I do have to say the truth though. You do seem to believe a lot of things," Jou said.

"Jonouchi!" Anzu shouted.

"What, I'm not perfect!"

"Well, that's for sure."


"Guys, it's okay. I guess I do tend to believe in some things I shouldn't," Yami cut in.

"But it's not your fault. You technically then had two identity crises back then. That's enough to drive anyone over the edge," Yugi answered.

"Well that's true."

"So, what do we do now?" Honda asked.

"I don't know. He could be anywhere now," Yami answered.

"Maybe we should wait for a sign or something," Yugi suggested.

"A sign of what?"

"I don't know. Maybe dark clouds, or black voids, or something creative."

"Oh no. I just realized somethin'," Jou said eyes blank.

"What?" Honda asked.

"What if he's just like Yami? You know, in 'de head."

"Oh please. If he's anything like Yami...Oh no you're right!"

"What are you two going on about?" Anzu asked exasperated.

"Like you don't know!" Jou shouted. He focused his eyes on Yami. "Yami, you're smart. You're able to think on your feet. You can think of things like a reflex."

"I'm flattered but, what's the problem?" he asked.

"What if this demon's just like you? Surely, he had to have learned some ways on how you think."

"I think Jou's right," Yugi started. "Maybe we're in a lot more danger than we think."

"Maybe we'll just have to see," Yami said. They all gazed outside. The sky seemed to have darkened in an instant...


Somewhere else entirely, in a darkened environment, fitted for demons, one particular demon with tri colored hair and long nails was getting ready for his greatest fight yet. At least, ever since his last fight with Yami. Their first fight, which was many centuries ago.

"Soon Yami no Tenshi, that power you possess, it will be mine. And then finally the human race will be taken over after so long. Enough stalling, it's time to take this plan, that was planned many centuries ago, into action."



Me: Well. That was pretty intense. Hopefully that answered questions on what was going on.

Yugi: That makes total sense!

Yami: Yeah, totally!

Me: Nice.

Yugi: So, what happens next?

Me: I don't know. I need to think of some more things. But it will go on!

Yami: Don't have to scream.

Me: What did you say, finger puppet boy?!

Yugi: Oh guys, don't start!

(They start fighting)

Yugi: (sigh) This is my life. Anyways while I break them up, review please! (puppy eyes)