Fishi: Hey ya'll!!! This is my first story (full story, I have a one shot too!), but I got an editor (my handy dandy twin!! XP), so I hope you enjoy it. Little warning for all of you deep Naruto fans out there (love you guys to death): I have not actually seen all of the episodes. Boo-hoo:'( But I'm pining for it for my B-Day!! So there's hope for me yet! D This story isn't in the setting the original anime is in, more of a medieval place.

WARNING- this is Yaoi, and a SasuNaru. So, for your sake and mine, if you don't like it, don't read. Simple as that!! 

Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto. If I did…well, lets just say the story line would be a bit…different…hehehe : YAOI ALL AROUND!!!

/Thanks/- thought

"Thanks"- speech

BTW: POV from Sasuke

Son of a Tyrant

I walked silently through the camp, allowing not even the slightest scratch of my shoe against the gravel path to emanate louder than a mouse skittering along the forest floor.

I was searching. Hunting.

Rounding a corner, I froze at the noise of an axe being scraped against ground. I tilted my head slightly, just enough to catch a glimpse of the enemy in front of me. A big, burly man was standing 'guard' outside the head honcho's tent. He was drawing patterns in the dirt, so he didn't even know what hit him when a poison dart, about the size of a toothpick, struck him in the neck, paralyzing him almost immediately.

I cautiously scampered up to him, checking for a pulse. There was none. Satisfied, I moved on.

Upon entering the leaders' tent (through a self cut hole in the eastern side), I noticed how well furnished the interior of it was. With tapestries and wall hangings on the cloth walls and many lanterns all around, the place looked quite well kept for being but a tent out in the wilderness. I huffed. Spoiled brat.

The building of sorts was comprised of a few different layerings of cloth: an outer octagon of green and brown; then a square of a brilliant deep blue; finally, another square, but this time of a bright orange, almost blinding to the naked eye. The orange was the last layer, inside it being the lead tyrants quarters, where he was probably completely wasted (like more than half the other men in the camp) and with some prostitute worth a fortune.

I quietly slipped through the last layer, quickly glancing around for my prey. And spotted him. In the center of the room was a huge canopy bed, with loads of bear skin blankets and shaggy pillows (no doubt made of some other animals' fur).

Stealthily, I pranced over to the boy, no older than 16, lying draped over to the entire bed. Raising my weapon of choice, a small dagger of wolf bone that, like the dart, had been poisoned, I made the mistake of looking at my victim.

That's how it all began.


Error 1: I had looked at him. He had a very softly angled face, with a tannish skin tone. His lips were full, plump like a peach. The long lashes that sprung from his eyelids resembled those of a camels; they were dark and perfectly curved. A small button in the middle of his face made up his nose. Hair the colour of wheat crowned his slightly round head, framing his face quite nicely. He looked so peaceful and content, splayed over the bed, intertwining with the many sheets and blankets.

Error 2: Infiltration of space. The picture perfect beauty of it all drew me in; his slender body, so perfectly shaped, giving all the right places curves, then different places muscle. My eyes fed off the sight before me, taking it in. Without my realizing it, my hand started to move by itself, raising the calluses of my fingertips to the plump and juicy lips of the boy before me. I gently traced them, running my fingers over them several times. They felt so…perfect.

Error#3: Getting too close. Once again, without my realization of it until all was too late, my body moved of its own accord. Carefully getting up on the bed with him, I straddled the perfect dimensions of his waist. I leaned in close, my face only inches away from his.

I stared, directly at his eyes (or where they would be if open), wondering what their colour was.

I found out soon enough.

His body moved all at once; eyes snapping open while his arms pushed off the mattress, shoving his chest into mine, then locking his hands onto my wrists and pinning my body bellow his. Within seconds, he was above me, straddling my waist. I noticed that my dagger wasn't in my hand anymore; it had clattered to the floor.

Caught off guard, defenseless with no weapon, and pinned beneath my own prey. I seriously thought I was gonna die. But as I stared up into the beautiful, cerulean blue eyes, I saw no hatred in them, instead, curiosity. His hand rose up to my face, and I flinched, thinking he would strike me with it. But the pain never came. In its' place was a soft touch, a gentle caress of my cheek with the soft finger of the boy.

Then he spoke. "Are you the assassin sent to kill me?" It was little more than a whisper, and his voice was melodic, captivating.

"Stupid question." I spat back, "Why don't you just kill me? Why taunt me with your silly games?"

His hand recoiled, as if it had been struck, and his face looked pained. The boy looked away, his golden hair catching fire in the flickering candlelight.

"I do not wish to kill you," he whispered, "only to learn more about you."

I didn't have a chance to respond, because then the guards came running in and seized me by the arms, dragging me forth from the bed (only after their young master was safely off me, of course).

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!!? Get off of me! Let go!" I yelled.

The only response I got was a sharp blow to the head. I fell to the ground, not able to move. The world above me was swimming, and as everything went black, the last image I saw was the blonde haired boy standing above me, a concerned look on his face.


I awoke with a severe pain in my head and neck, and when I opened my eyes I had to slam them shut again because of the harsh light streaming in through the window adjusted to the sun filtering in through a window above me. Despite the obvious warm day outside, I was shivering with the cold. Ignoring it, I took stock of what was around me.

Shelves took up residence in this room (though they were mostly empty), and a door on the far side. Besides that, the room was empty, except for me.

Raising my head off the floor, I gave off a groan of pain. It felt as if the man with the axe had hit me over the head with it. Really hard. I managed to stand, but as I took a step forward my knees gave out and I tumbled to the floor.

/Com'mon Sasuke, you've gotten through worse that this! Remember when you were training?/ I flinched at the memories.

/Yeah, much worse./

As I was trying to think of how to escape, the door gently opened. My hand flew to my side, searching for the sword I kept there. No duh, it was gone. Trying to make myself look as least vulnerable as possible, I hardened my face into a scowl.

But there was no need, or so the blonde walking in the door told me. I still remained wary.

"Okay, here's the deal," he said sitting down cross legged a few feet in front of me, "You stay here for one week; my captive. Then, after that, you can leave any time you want."

I squinted at him, as if scrutinizing the words that came forth from his mouth.

"What's the catch?" I asked after a moment of brewing silence.

He sighed, smiling, "Well, you have to tell me when you want to leave after the week is up."

"Ask your permission? What the hell is with that?" I questioned loudly.

There was a suspicious twinkle in his eye, but he said nothing else.

I tried to stare him down, bend him to my will, but, in the end (after staring at his blue eyes for three minutes without blinking) I gave in and, begrudgingly, shook on it. Of course I didn't plan on keeping that promise, not even for a day.


"After being locked up in that cellar all night you must be pretty stiff. " the blonde commented. I simply nodded, staring straight ahead of me, trying to memorize where his tent was located among the hundreds of other smaller but similar looking ones.

He smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

As we walked, he led me to a different tent. It was long, really long, and a tremendous amount of noise was coming from it.

"You hungry?" he asked right before we entered the tent.

Well, if I was, I definitely wasn't now. There were about five long tables positioned end to end down the center of the tent. There were men standing, sitting, laying down and jumping on, and off, the table. Monstrous portions of food were being handed out at one end of the tent from several large cauldron-like cooking pots. Yeah, if I had been hungry, my appetite had been swept away by laying my eyes upon this disgusting sight, replaced by a queasy feeling I didn't like.

The blonde (Naruto as he called himself) was looking at me keenly, trying to get a reaction. Pfft! As if I'd give him one! I would not show any weakness.

"Are you gonna answer me?" the king of the castle asked.

While I stood beside the blonde, the eye opposite of him twitched slightly as a man, who resembled more of a pig then any human I'd ever seen, passed by me, giving off a terrible odor. Trying not to breathe, I just shook my head. No, I was definitely not hungry.

He smirked to himself again, then led me outside.

I gave off a deep sigh. /Air!/ my lungs sang.

"So, where did you come from?" the blue eyed blonde asked simply, as if questioning what I thought of the weather.

I stiffened at this. Tight lipped, I didn't reply.

"Giving me the silent treatment huh? Well, that's okay, I'll have you talking soon!" he stated gleefully, taking me by the hand and dragging me into a seemingly random tent.

I thought he was going to torture the answer out of me, with corkscrews and pliers. But no, his theory of agony was much different, and much, much, worse.


Fishi: Tee-hee:D Hope that's enough of a cliffhanger for you guys: ) I have more, don't worry, but tell me what you think of it. I love reviews!! Is there anything that I did REALLY wrong? Anything that you think I could improve on? Anything that doesn't make sense at all that I should clear up for y'all? Just give me a ring. Or a type. Or, um, whatever ya wanna call it. . . Yeah, I'll leave it alone now. . .

Pasty: that was AWESOME!!!! i think that it was a little bit better than ur gaalee one, but that was still AMAZING, so consider this perfection. ;P