Chapter 14: Coastal Confessions

Last Chapter!

Miley swallowed nervously as she glanced at Jake, who was looking at her intently. A rush of satisfaction washed over her as she decided it was now or never.

"Nothing. I just want you to listen to the words of these songs and tell me what you think." Miley started to sing.

"The girl that I want you to know
If only I could show
The other side...the other side
I want you to see
The other side...the other side
The other side of me…"

She stopped and looked at him.

"That's a Hannah Montana song, and you sang it really well." He smashed his eyesbrows inwardly, wondering what she was trying to get at.

"Ok, listen to the words of this song…" She rolled her eyes.

"You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere

You get the best of both girls
Mix it all together
Oh, yeah
It's so much better 'cause you know you've got the best of both worlds…"

She looked at him again and he looked back to her. Miley couldn't read his expression so she sat nervously waiting for his reaction.

"There is no way." He laughed and stood up.

"Do you get what I'm trying to say?" Miley stood, looking at him confused.

"That you're Hannah Montana, is that what you're trying to say?" Jake asked in complete shock, his arms flailling out to this sides. "Alright Miley, you know I like you, you don't have to try to impress me," he said sympathetically.

Miley scoffed, "you don't believe me?"

"No. There is no way." He said quietly to himself.

"Alright, ask me something about her. Anything." Miley crossed her arms over her chest.

"Ok, when we filmed the first episode of Zombie Slayer together did she want to kiss me?" He stood there smugly thinking he had her stumped.

"Nope because that was when I thought you were an egotistical jerk and that's the same day I turned you down for the dance, and you complained to me about, well... me." She shot him and equally as smug look.

"What did I say?" He stepped closer to her.

"You told me about how I turned you down for the dance and then you started talking about how I didn't like you as an actor or a person. And then you said isn't that great? And I replied with, is that a trick question. You proceeded to say it was something different and how I talked to you like Jake Ryan the person and not Jake Ryan the star." She looked at him victoriously.

"Wow." His eyes grew wide.

"Believe me now?"

"So yesterday, that was you at the signing and that was you messing up at the Teenies?" He said confused.

"Hold for applause." Miley mocked herself.

"But how?" He asked her in awe.

"Its called a wig and a few trustworthy people. Now you know why Hannah and I would get along so well."

"You're the same person." He joked but still looked at her in disbelief.

"You still don't believe me, do you?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm not entirely sure. It's a lot to take in."

"Why would I lie about something like this?" Miley pleaded.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"You know what Mr. Ryan, come by my house tomorrow and I'll prove it to you." She poked him in the chest.

Miley was pacing her room on Sunday. She could not decide if she had made a good decision or not. Her Hannah closet held living proof that she was, indeed, the pop star Hannah Montana. She had awards and pictures lining the walls.

"Miley!" She heard her dad yell from downstairs. "Jake Ryan is here for ya!"

Miley took a deep breath and made her way downstairs. Her dad and Jake were making small talk when she arrived on the bottom step.

"Miley, did you tell someone you were Hannah Montana again?" Her dad asked her pretending to be upset and shaking his head.

"Not this time, dad," Miley said quietly, "it's for real."

"You sure, bud?"

Miley looked at Jake, whom looked extremely uncomfortable, yet smiled through it.

"Yeah, dad thanks though." She walked over and gave her dad a hug then grabbed Jake's hand.

She led him towards the steps and turned back around to face her dad. "I'll keep the door open dad, no worries." Mr. Stewart nodded.

They entered Miley's room and she took him through her regular closet and into the Hannah closet. Once inside, Jake gasped. He proceeded to walk along the closet and take everything in.

"How'd you do it?" He asked in amazement.


"Come up with such a good idea?" He turned to her.

"My dad and I came up with it so I could live the life of a normal teenager and do what I love. I have the best of both worlds." She laughed.

"It's really smart but that has to be the hardest secret to keep from people. Don't you ever just want to yell that you're Hannah Montana?" He walked toward her vanity where the wigs were.

"You have no idea. When you first came to school, that was the main reason I didn't like you because I thought you were a celebrity milking their fame and I'm the complete opposite of that."

"If I could have an alter acting ego, I would, Miley. If you were to tell the school you were Hannah, you would get treated the same way as me."

"I don't want to be treated like that." Miley said as she sat in a nearby chair.

"I don't either but it comes with the package. I definitely understand why you hide yourself though. It's really respectful Miley." He said endearingly as Miley breathed a sigh of relief. "Why are you sighing?" He laughed.

"I'm glad you believe me. I thought you were going to think I was this crazy person and never speak to me again."

He walked over to her, grabbed her hand gently, and pulled her up towards him.

"You're prettier as Miley." He said to her sweetly.

She leaned in and kissed him.

"I'm so glad you think so."

And that's the end! So sad! Thanks to all the people that reviewed- I appreciate your wonderful comments!

I'm thinking about doing another story but it's going to be when they are older and its going to be more focused on Lilly and Oliver's relationship...even though Miley and Jake will be involved. Tell me what you all think!