READ-I was actaully was writing another story irony it was about Paige too, when this story came to me. Now I know the beginning a bit, well, rustic but hoping it well get better with time. Warning- I do not have a beta but did look over the best I could, but just a fare warning I like to write but I have dyslexia, so what I think doesn't always come out on paper the way I want it to. bye for now!

It was an unusually cool summer day; So Piper decided to clean out the attic.

" Oh! Come on, it will take an hour tops." Piper said forcing Phoebe up the stairs and pulling Paige along with her.

"I-I-I…" Paige stuttered trying to make up an excuse. " I have plans with Glenn."

"Weren't you just complaining about him being in Turkey for the next two months." Phoebe said.

" I remember you saying something about that." Piper said grabbing more boxes that she had put next to the top of stairs.

Paige shot Phoebe an evil look. " If I got to clean the attic all day sis, so do you." Phoebe whispered to Paige.

"Are you guys ready!' Piper said full of energy.

Paige and Phoebe shook their heads listless.

"Great!" Piper said running off toward the attic.

" Think if we run now she'll chase us?" Paige said turning to Phoebe

" No, she'll do worst." Phoebe told her as she climbed the remaining steps.

Paige frowned. " What's worst?"

Phoebe leans into Paige and whispered these dreadfully words "she'll clean are rooms."

Paige looks at Phoebe for another second and then runs up the steps to the attic. " All! People let's go, time to get cleaning!"

Piper turns to Phoebe. " What's gotten into her?" Phoebe just shrugged her shoulders.

" Alright," Paige said taking the lead. " Phoebe you got the far end of the attic, Piper you have the right side and all take the left. Alright," Paige raised her voice. ' Everyone has there order, let's go!"

" Who die and made her queen.' Piper said out loud.

" I wouldn't let her heard you." Phoebe warned her.

"Why?" Piper asked curiously.

"If she wanted she could orb all this junk into your room." Phoebe picked up the boxes at her feet and went over to her side of the attic. Piper looked over at Paige who was hard at work and whispered to her self. " Half bread." And went to work.

" I give up! I can't get it." Phoebe said in a huff.

" What is it?" Paige asked.

" They're a wooden box up there and I can't get it." She said standing on her tiptoes.

Paige looked at her older sister how was still trying to reach the box. " Hey, Phoebe came here… look what I found!" Paige turned to see what her oldest sister was talking about. It turned out to be some old doll that was missing it right eyes and it also looked like the left arm was about to fall off. " Hey, Paige can you get the box for me." Phoebe asked just before running over to Piper. " Sure, why not." Paige said lightly.

Paige looked up at the box, which was located on the top shelf. Oh, screw it! Paige thought. "BOX!" she said out loud; letting the magic runs out of her body over to the box. The box landed in her hand but unlike on the top shelf the box was open. Inside the box was a whole sack of letter and one single picture. The letters were old, they were starting to turn brownish/red and the printing on it was fading away. The Picture was of one single woman who looked to be in her early 20's. She had long black hair which lay across her sadden face, the dress she was wearing looked to be from the early 1900's. It was of a white lace. It fixes her body perfectly like the dress was specially made just for her. Paige than realized she knew where this picture was taken on the steps of the manor.

"Piper, Phoebe look what I foun…" she turned to see her older sisters know where in site.

" Well, great just leave me here." Paige says to know one. Paige found a good place to seat down and opens the first letter. Paige picked up the first letter. " Peace." Paige read the name on the envelope. Paige opened the envelope and was about to pull out the letter when black smoke rises from the envelope engulfing Paige in it.