"James McCloud, please come to the front of the class and give your speech now." A whiny, droning voice called out.

Faking reluctance, James stood up from his seat, glancing with mock nervousness at his classmates as he walked to the front of the room. He hated public speaking, which was why it was so fun. Gathering his papers in front of him he placed them on the podium, clearing his throat. "Honorable Judges, teacher, parents, and fellow students of Galactic Space Academy, today I am here to talk to you about why I want to be a pilot when I grow up." A collective groan went up from the class, causing the teacher to stare coldly at the unwilling audience. Yes, it is working.

"Most of us want to have a life full of prosperity and adventure," James continued, doing his best to be monotone and boring. "Fittingly enough, we are blessed to have this glorious opportunity to go so Space Academy. It is here where we can learn the basic and important skills of space travel and how to apply them in our daily lives." Taking a deep breath, he slowly surveyed the audience. They were bored beyond belief, even the teacher, an old bloodhound and started to show signs of sleepiness.

He droned on, "One of the main reasons I would like to be a pilot is because of the danger involved. Some pilots can get bruises and scratches from intense training sessions. Sometimes even the training modules break down and leave an entire class OF IDIOTS without a teacher." Ears perked up around the room, wondering if they had just heard what they thought they had heard. James smirked to himself then continued, "It is because of this high risk profile that I would be excited to join the MORONS IN MY CLASS, in the Space Force." James laughed to himself as he watched nearly thirty pairs of ears perk up, then the corresponding faces twist with confusion. Not slowing he continued, "Now AS FOR MY TEACHER WHO IS A FAT LUMP OF FUR," the class laughed quietly, watching the old teacher snap out of a temporary lapse in concentration. "Another reason why being in the Space Force would be my dream job is the chance to be a hero." Everyone was listening now. "Being a hero would be awesome, because it would show that it doesn't take the best, strongest, smartest pilot to win, but the bravest. I think that I could go far becau-"

"JAMES MCCLOUD!" a loud deep voice interrupted. "You have a meeting with me right this very instant!"

James' eyes rolled back into underneath closed eyelids as he realized that he had been busted. "Yes Headmaster." he replied reverently, not wanting to bring anything else upon himself. Dropping his papers on the podium he slowly took the walk of shame to the doorway and out into the hall. He was confronted immediately by a large bristly hedgehog.

"James," Headmaster Jodge said sternly, "What sort of stunt were you trying to pull? I was listening in over the PA and I was quite disappointed to hear your comments."

James sighed deeply. He stared intently at the floor, mumbling as he spoke. "I was giving my speech sir, and no one was listening."

"Hate to say it, but get used to it James," Headmaster Jodge said with a lilt of laughter in his voice, "I don't want to seem like jerk, but really, people rarely listen to you in life."

"People listen to you." James countered.

"Do you know what I said over the announcements this morning?"

"Uh..." James felt his cheeks flush slightly with embarrassment realizing he had just proved his Headmaster's point.

"I thought not. That's ok, nothing important anyway." Headmaster Jodge assured. "But now for you're problem, sure your classmates aren't listening, but calling them and your teacher idiots is not necessary."

"But it is the only way that they would listen." James replied, whining slightly. "No one ever takes me seriously. I either have to be completely solemn and boring all the time and be used to it, or I do something funny to catch their attention."

"Not necessarily." Headmaster Jodge rebuked, "If you make your speech genuinely interesting, then people will listen no matter what happens. Sure they may listen to someone who is more popular than you, but honestly, deep down they just want to hear an interesting speech topic. Whether it is funny or just plain amazing."

"But my speech was good. My mom said she loved it." James replied weakly, knowing he was losing the battle.

"Parents tend to be...uh..how do I say this nicely..." Headmaster Jodge thought deeply searching for a word.

"Biased." James stated.

"I thinking a little nicer than that. More like, 'proud of their child.'" Jodge added with a small laugh. James laughed too.

A silence fell over the two, then James spoke, "So, am I in trouble?"

"James," Jodge sighed, "I know you aren't a trouble maker, and I now that I know you're motives, I see no real reason to punish you. Just go finish your speech."

"Ok, thank you sir." James replied gratuitously.

"You're welcome."

James opened the door to his classroom and walked in pulling the door behind him quietly. "What was that about?" his teacher asked.

"Oh, Headmaster Jodge was just wondering if I had been listening to the announcements." James replied quickly. "May I finish my speech?"

The teacher looked puzzled for a moment then gave a quick, forced, "Yes."

"Thank you." James replied.

Restarting his speech, he watched with eager eyes as his crowd paid rapt attention, hoping for another outburst. He grimaced slightly as he watched boredom slip over the faces of his peers. Swallowing his pride, he continued to speak until the last words rolled off his tongue. "So one day, I can fly to the stars and never have to come back."

A light applause rippled through the room. Walking down the aisle to his seat James sighed deeply, pondering Headmaster Jodge's words. Make it something truly interesting. Sitting down with a whump, James closed his eyes and drifted off into his imagination, envisioning himself flying through deep space, tumbling, shooting, and being the hero. His teacher's voice snapped him out of his fantasy, "Ok, next student..."

James slumped down into his seat and pretended to listen, but didn't do a very good job. He folded his paws across his chest, breathing deeply as he did. The next speaker was boring, and the next, and they next. Soon, the entire class had finished, and the teacher dismissed them. The classroom spilled out into the hallway, rushing through the crooked hallways, following them until they were at their destination.

James slowly dragged his finger across the biometric scanner on his locker. Why the school had such advanced technology for such menial tasks James had no idea. Swinging open the door, he tossed his books into his locker. They banged and bounced, one landing on the floor. Growling with fake frustration, he kicked the book, then picked it up and tossed it into his locker. He scanned the hallway; he was the only one there. James reached into his pocket and grabbed a few small coins. He shuffled through them, sorting until he found enough to buy his lunch. He began to walk down the hallway to the cafeteria, then quickly turned around and closed his locker, then continued on to the lunch room.

The noisy, crowded cafeteria was only another stop on James' daily routine. He bought, sat, and then ate, not really noticing much around him. He talked to a couple of friends about the speeches, and about classes. Nothing much came of the lunch hour, until just before the bell rang.

"James?" A feminine voice called out from behind James as he opened his locker.

"Uh, ya?" He replied, turning to show that he was somewhat paying attention.

"James McCloud right?" the voice asked again.

"Uh, ya." he replied again, turning back to his locker and ignoring the person.

"You were the kid who pulled the stunt during speeches today, right?"

"Uh, yeah," James replied, feeling his cheeks go red. "Why do you car- ask?"

"Oh, I was just wondering." the voice continued, "you know, just trying to make conversation."

"Ok." James agreed, finished with his books, "I have to go to class now."

"Um, ok then. Bye." the voice finished.

James grunted and shrugged his shoulders, turning his back on the voice as he walked further away. He rounded the corner to go down the next hallway to his Physical Education block and stopped. Falling backwards a couple of inches, he let his head hit the wall. Dang! Why am I so bad at this! He closed his eyes and sighed. Do I have ANY social skills? Or am I just that awkward? One of his friends walked up to him.

"Hey James, hurry up, or you'll be late for class."

"I doubt it. Mr. Kinsley never shows up to class on time."

"Yeah, you're right." his friend replied.

"Haha," James laughed, indicating he had a funny story, "Like that one time when we spent the entire block sitting around doing nothing till the last five minutes when he came back with lipstick marks on his collar."

They both laughed, remembering the moment. Then they both looked at each other and if on cue shuddered at the thought of Mr. Kinsley, "Eww."

"Well, I'm going to class now." James' friend said as he walked away from James.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec," James replied.

As soon as his friend was out of view, he let his head smack into the wall again. He sighed deeply. Grrr, it IS only females! Uh, why am I so awkward? Maybe if... James' thoughts consumed him as he continued on to gym class.