Author's Notes: this story picks up exactly where the previous one left off, so be sure to read that one. The main pairing for this story is Sam/Pualina, so if you plan to flame me for writing for that pairing, at least read the story first and you're not going to read the story then leave me alone.


The Fenton family assualt vehicle came to a screeching as it arrived at the park. Danny and his parents got out and saw that everyone was sad.

"What happened?" Danny asked.

"Danny," Tucker said to his best friend, "Ember's gone."

"Gone? You mean as in dead?"

"Yeah, or whatever the correct term is for ghosts."

"How's Sam taking it?" Danny asked, looking at the greiving goth.

"I think she needs some time to herself," Tucker said, and then walked towards the specter speeder. Everyone else then left to send their defeated enemies into the ghost zone, leaving Sam to her sorrows.

Sam was kneeling on the ground, crying her eyes out. She and Ember had not been together long, but the undead rocker showed Sam more affection than anyone she had met before. She was pretty sure that she had not loved Ember, but that didn't make the pain hurt less.

Paulina came out of her hiding place, walked up to Sam, kelt down and hugged the goth. She was crying as well.

"Pualina?" Sam said as she realized that she was being hugged by one of her least favourite people. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you and that ghost girl kissing before she disapeared," Pualina said. "It reminded me of my dead sister."

"But why are you hugging me?"

"Because I'm sad, and you're sad too. I'm not sure if hugging will make the sadness go away, but it can't hurt."

"All right, but are you doing this for me or for you?"

"This is for me as well you. Can I ask you something?" Paulina said and Sam nodded yes. "What was the deal with you and that ghost girl?"

"If you must know, the two of us were dating," Sam answered. "I would really apreciate it if you forgot you saw that."

"Okay," Pualina said and the two silently hugged for several minuets, gradualy coming to a stop with their crying. "I want to try something to take our minds off of this."

"What did you have in mind?" Sam asked as she stood up.

"A bet," Pualina said as she stood up as well. "I'll try dressing goth like, and you try dressing normal for tomorow. Whoever pulls off dressing in the style different than they normally dress in best will get a reasonable favor from the loser."

"Sounds good. I accept your challenge."

Paulina then scribbled something onto a peice of paper and handed it to Sam. "Meet me here tomorow so we can settle the bet."


At the Fenton's lab, all of Danny's ghost allies left for their homes in the ghost zone and everyone else was preparing to send their captured enemies away.

"Everyone," Michael said, "there is something I think we need to discuss."

"What's that?" Danny asked.

"I think we need to find out who convinced all these ghosts to attack us, and make an example out of him."

"You mean kill him?" Tucker asked and Michael nodded yes. "Isn't that a bit trastic?"

"Perhaps, but we've lost Ember and the city has suffered a great deal of collataral damage. If we simply release whoever oranized this attack, he'll just cause another one. Besides, we need to send a message to the residents of the ghost zone thant we will not tolerate an attack of this magnitude."

Everyone thought over this for a while. While Michael's suggestion was grim, they knew that drastic times called for drastic measures.

"You've convinced me," Danny said. "But how do we find out who organized this attack?"

"Oh, I have an idea," Michael said and held up his Fenton thermos. "Johnny 13 is in here. I'll let him out and we'll intemidate him into telling us what we want to know."

Michael opened his Fenton thermos and Johnny 13 came out, but had ecto blasts pointed at him from various directions. The biker ghost held up his hands in the traditional sign of surrender.

"What do you guys want?" Johnny 13 asked.

"We want to know who organized this latest attack on the human world," Michael said.

"What's in it for me?"

"We won't beat the crap out of you before sending you back to the ghost zone."

"In that case, Skulker was the one who rounded most of us up. Now, can I leave before you people change your minds about beating me up?"

"Sure," Michael said and pointed to the Fenton's portal and Johnny 13 walked through it. "Which one of you has Skulker?"

"I do," Tucker said and held up his Fenton thermos. "And Fortunately for us, he's not in his armor. Now, who is going to kill him?"

"I'm not going to do it," Danny said, "and I want to make it clear that we are not going to make execution a routine practice."

"I understand, Danny, which is why I will do the grim deed," Michael said. Tucker released Skulker from the Fenton thermos and Michael lept forward and stuck one of his kunai knives into the amphibian spirit. Skulker then disapeared from existence.