Author's Note- Ok, I know that it is weird that a person who is accustomed to writing Sailor Moon and High School Musical stories to suddenly switch to Batman Begins. I saw the movie yesterday, and I loved it; it was the best superhero movie I've ever seen. I was a little disappointed by the number of Bruce Wayne/Rachel Dawes stories, so here is one for the people who love them. Also, I'm probably going to make up my own villains. I'm going to try to add the original villains, but I'm not going to promise anything. I'm going to apologize in advance, I kind of suck in writing fight scenes, but I'll do my best. Italics are Bruce's thoughts, and bold italics are Rachel's.

Batman's Greatest Weakness

Chapter 1- As She Walks Away

Bruce watched as Rachel turned away and walked away from the ruins of Wayne Manor. Bruce couldn't explain the sudden sorrow he felt as he watched her walk away.

"Come on, Bruce," he thought, "You're a Wayne and Batman! You can't be falling in love with an attorney. The world expects you to date actresses, models, or princesses for God's sake. Not an attorney!"

"Master Bruce?" a voice brought Bruce back to reality. It was Alfred. "Should we head for dinner? I made a reservation at Luigi's, a new Italian restaurant."

"Of course, Alfred," Bruce thankful for the diversion. So, Bruce and Alfred headed to Luigi's. Once they reached the restaurant, they were seated in a quiet section. They ate in silence for a few moments.

The silence bothered Alfred. He looked at his master's face and saw sorrow in it. He immediately realized what was the cause of this depression. "Master Bruce, you-know-who only works part-time. The rest of the time he is free. I think that gives you enough time to ask a certain Miss Dawes on a date," he said.

Bruce's embarrassed face shot up. "Come on, Alfred," he laughed, "Rachel and me? Why would I be interested in Rachel? She's a definite pain in my ass that never seems to go away."

"Of course, but usually the pain in the asses are keepers," Alfred said with a wink. "I am experiencing some déjà vu." He put his two index fingers to his temples and started to massage them.

"Déjà vu?" Bruce asked, confused.

"Yes, déjà vu," Alfred replied, "I remember having this conversation with your father. He called your mother 'that bitch who is always concerned about me.' He once said, 'In my eyes, the owner of Kane Chemicals is a genius. However, that bastard had to have the most annoying daughter!" And look at them, they fell in love and had one of the happiest marriages I ever seen."

"But Mom and Dad are completely different that me and Rachel," Bruce insisted.

"How?" asked Alfred. "I daresay Miss Dawes looks like your mother."

"She does not!" replied Bruce rather loudly. Head turned towards them. "Sorry," he said to the diners. He turned back to Alfred and said softly, "Rachel is an accomplished lawyer (AN- I don't think she really was one in the movie, but I'm going to make her one.) while Mom was a debutante, a socialite. Mom was definitely a more ideal Wayne woman than Rachel."

"And you are the judge of that?" Alfred asked as he called for the check.

"Yes," Bruce said. "Besides, she herself said that I wasn't the Bruce she was in love with." That comment told Alfred to drop the subject, but he told himself he would bring it up later. He wanted Rachel to date Bruce. Not because they were in love or anything, but because she might bring back some dignity to Bruce's name.

On the drive to the hotel that Bruce and Alfred were staying in, Alfred decided to try his luck again. "Let me just ask one question," he said.

Bruce shook his head. "What?" he asked.

"Do you or do you not like Miss Dawes as more than friends?" asked Alfred.

"Fine!" exclaimed Bruce. "Yes, I like Rachel a little more than friends."

"Then why do you not take her on a date?" asked Alfred, trying to act innocently.

"Uh, have you not been listening to the conversation we've been carrying on for an hour now?" asked Bruce.

"I have been," insisted Alfred, "but all of your excuses are not up to par."

"Well then," said Bruce, his anger rising, "what about this one? Batman will always have enemies. And I just cannot risk Rachel's life."

"Denial, denial," sang Alfred softly.

"What was that?" Bruce asked.

Alfred cleared his throat. "I said that you've been watching too much Spider-man 2."

Bruce raised his eyebrows. "Right," he said as he reached the hotel. "Good night, Alfred."

That night, Bruce couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about Rachel. "Is Alfred right? Maybe I do like her more than I thought. I mean we did kiss, but I've kissed more girls than I can count! Plus, what if someone were to find out my secret? If I was with Rachel, they would use her to get to me. And Batman cannot have a weakness! Screw Spider-man and Superman. It was downhill for them when Mary Jane Watson and Lois Lane came into the picture. But I love her; at least I think I do, maybe not. Is she glamorous enough to be the girlfriend of a billionaire? Screw that, she doesn't love me. Or maybe she said that because she thought I didn't love her. Hmm… that's a possibility. But she does know my secret, so I wouldn't even be hiding anything from her. But maybe she doesn't even like Batman. I need to get a backbone! It might be nice to have a girlfriend, but…I can date any woman I want! Why would I pick Rachel Dawes of all people? Because I love her, wait I thought I just decided I didn't love her! Wait a minute; this is too cheesy for Batman. High school sweethearts might have worked for those Notebook people, but not for Batman. Batman does not date his high school sweetheart. Hold on…Rachel and I didn't even date in high school! So technically, she isn't my high school sweetheart!" Finally, Bruce fell asleep after he couldn't think of any more excuses on why he shouldn't be with Rachel.

The next morning, he called Rachel's office. "Rachel Dawes speaking," she said when she answered the phone.

Bruce froze for a moment. "Maybe I should just hang-up. But, she might have caller I.D. That would suck!"

"Hello?" she asked.

"Here goes nothing," he though. "Ah hey, Rachel," he said.

"Hey Bruce!" she said brightly.

"Ah, do you- I mean would you like to have lunch with me today? There's something I need to tell you," he asked.

"I'm sorry, Bruce, but I've got to go to a lunch meeting today about prosecuting some more of Falcone's thugs. Can I take a rain check?" she asked.

"Damn it," he thought. "Sure, Rach, maybe some other time," he said trying to mask his disappointment. "Bye."

"Wait!" she exclaimed. "The meeting ends at three. Maybe we could catch a coffee instead."

"Sure," Bruce said brightly (AN- Can Bruce Wayne be bright? More importantly, could Christian Bale be bright?) "We could have coffee at Chez Louis at three-thirty."

"Sounds great," she said, "see you at three-thirty."

At Three-Thirty in Chez Louis

Bruce waited nervously for Rachel to arrive. He had absolutely no clue what he was going to say to her. He was just going to play it by ear. He had requested a private room with strict instructions that no one was to disturb them. He realized that saying Batman's name was inevitable in the coming conversation.

Rachel walked in at three-thirty-five. She was dressed in a black suit with a matching skirt. "Sorry, I'm late," she said as she sat down. "The meeting went on a little longer than I thought."
"So what about Falcone's guys?" asked Bruce.

"They are not going to be spared, not a single one," she replied enthusiastically.

"I wish I could share your enthusiasm," he said as their coffee arrived. He motioned for the garcon to go away.

Rachel laughed. "So Batman still doesn't in Gotham City's justice system?" She gasped and quickly covered her mouth.

Bruce leaned over and removed her hand from her mouth. "Hey, why do you think we're in this room? We have to talk about him. And to answer your question, no, I'm still not completely convinced in the system."

"But Lt. Gordon is also hoping to round up those guys," said Rachel. "Surely you believe in his abilities to catch them?"

"I'm not sure," said Bruce. "I'll believe in the system when I see actual action occurring. Until then, I have the right to my own opinions."

Rachel smiled. "Fair enough. Anyways, this whole Falcone thing is obviously not what you wanted to talk to me about, now is it?" she asked.

Bruce took a quick, deep breath. "No it's not. It's something else," he said.

Rachel took a sip of coffee. "Then shoot."

"You know what you said about me not being the same Bruce?" he asked.

"Yeah," she answered, confused.

"Is he completely gone, or is part of him still there?" he asked.

"Well, I guess he's partly there, but what has that go to do with anything?" she answered.

"Is New Bruce not as lovable?" he asked.

She thought for a second. "It's not that," she said. "He's just different than Princeton Bruce."

"But you know different doesn't necessarily mean bad, though," Bruce said.

Rachel stared at him for a second. "I guess not. Different isn't bad or good. It's just…different," she said.

"So what do you not like about New Bruce?" he asked.

"Well…it's not that…wait, what's with all the interrogation, Bruce? I thought we already talked about this," she said.

"Yeah, but…well, honestly Rach, you described New Bruce as a bad guy, when he's really not. But to the point, Rachel, I'm Batman. I spend my nights fighting the bad guys for the sake of Gotham City. And honestly, I'm in desperate need of grounding," said Bruce. He looked at Rachel, who raised her eyebrows in confusion. "What I mean, is that I need someone to keep me grounded. Someone to be a constant in my life. Someone who's not Alfred, preferably."

Rachel took another sip of coffee. "So get a girlfriend," she said. "Ooh, bad idea, Rachel. You don't want him to get a girlfriend! Mentally hitting self!" she thought.

Bruce smiled. "Exactly," he said. He stared at her for a minute.

Rachel stared back in uncertainty. Suddenly it hit her. "No, Bruce, no. I already told that we can't be together! What part of that did you not get?"

"I understand the part where you said that we can't be together. The part I don't understand is why we can't be together." he replied.

"I love Old Bruce not Batman," she said.

"But you said so yourself, that different is just different. New Bruce isn't a bad person," he said. "Batman saved your life more than once. How bad could he be?"

"It's not about you being a bad person," she sputtered.

"Then what is it about?" Bruce asked. "Why can't we be together? If you love me, and I love you, I don't see a good excuse for why we're not together."

Rachel found herself out of excuses. She sighed. "I don't have a good excuse."

"So why are we not giving it a shot?" asked Bruce.

"Bruce…I don't know," Rachel said.

"Besides, you get a superhero at your beck and call twenty-four-seven," he said.

Rachel laughed. "Wow, what an offer!" she exclaimed. "I can't turn that down!"

"Well, that's that. Good thing because this is the longest coffee date in the history of coffee dates," Bruce said getting up.

Rachel kept sitting. "Bruce, I don't get it. You're Bruce Wayne, a multi-billionaire, everyone in the world knows your name. You can date anyone you want- actresses, heiresses, models, even princesses. Why on Earth would you pick me?" she asked.

Bruce walked towards her and crouched down. He kissed her passionately on the lips for a few seconds. "Because you're the best kisser ever," he replied. Then he helped her out of her chair, and they walked out of the restaurant hand-in-hand.

Weeks later, they were inseparable.

In an Unknown Place

"Batman's got to have a weakness of some kind; everyone has one. Our next job is to find out what that is, and then destroy him with it."

Author's Note- Dun, dun, dun! How is that for a start? Yeah, I know, it's a little fluffy for a Batman story. Don't worry; I did that just to get the two of them together. The entire point of this story is talk about their love and Batman. I needed them to already be in love to get the story moving. Hence, the quick hook-up. I'm going to make the next chapter a little more action-packed. Please, please, please review!