The Toes of Poe

By Gedatsu-Kitteh

"Dib that is the most FOWL, DISGUSTING, FILTHY display of disgusting-ness Zim has EVER witnessed in his glorious LIFE."

Dib cocked an eyebrow at the wilting invader.

"Ith justh poe-tay-tozth." His mouth was full of the icky mush; Zim felt his breakfast rising.

Dib took another bite of the albino puke-slop. That was the last straw.


Zim jabbed a finger in Dib's face, now standing and trembling with nausea. Dib chocked as he attempted to swallow the slop. Zim's eyes grew large and his extended hand fell to his side, fear palpable.

"SEE?! SEE?! You see what has become of you when you do not heed my warning!?" In a panic Zim seized the flailing choking Dib slapping his back, a pitiful attempt at dislodging the slop from Dib's airway. Dib winced with every blow, his face red drenched with pain. Finally Dib's suffering came to an end as the mush, formerly in his throat, was spewed all over the lunch table. He gasped as new air burned within his lungs. Sweet… precious air.

"THE DIB LIVES!" Zim shot his fists in the air grinning with glorious triumph.

Dib shot him "the look".

As Zim's victory laughter died away he slid back into the seat beside the human, letting out a sigh and a "Woooo…"

"Yanno Diiib…" He sang, slowly gliding a claw across the boy's chest. "I would say you owe Zim your pathetic human life, hmm?" He smiled coyly, his lids half shut in a sly manner.

Dib gaped at the green boy …who was now dangerously close to him …and leaning on his chest.

"ZIM!" Dib shoved the little alien away so quickly Zim became dizzy with head rush. Before either of them new what was happening Zim clumsily fell straight into the ebony haired boy sending them both on a visit to the floor.

Dammit this was all Zim's fault… it was going to be a long day.

A/N: mehh… sooooo booored. -.-