A/N: I wrote this for my friend for his birthday, and I figured I'd post it. It takes place during the Green with Evil miniseries. Enjoy, and don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers.

In His Dreams

When he falls in bed and closes his eyes, his nightmare ends. His dreams play as shadows of his days, altered to show how the real Tommy would have acted. Scenes of him and Kimberly conversing in the Youth Center over Milkshakes, or of them taking a walk with her friends remove his actions during the daylight from his mind.

During the day, her spell is strong. He has to obey, he has to serve her. He has to fight in her name. During the day Tommy is a tiny voice in the back of his own mind. During the day, the nightmares come to haunt him. Every waking moment he spends watching himself do things he normally never would.

Tommy longs for sleep so he can escape the confines of his own mind. He longs for his dreams to wake him up, and he dreads the alarm clock that puts him to sleep in the morning.

In the night, in his dreams, he is free.

Free to remind himself who he is. Free to imagine training with Jason, both of them getting better at the sport they love. Free to get to know Kimberly, to be kind to her instead of insult her. Free to embarrass Bulk and Skull in the hallways, sending them running every time they show up.

In his dreams, he can forget.

Forget attacking the Power Center. Forget destroying the connection to Zordon and putting a virus in Alpha. Forget fighting his fellow students, people he normally would have befriended. Most of all, though, he can forget about Rita Repulsa and her power coin and the Power Rangers.

In his dreams, he is Tommy.