For all those that have kept up with the story all these years, I would just like to let you know that I have deleted the last few chapters of this fic and decided to mark it as 'complete.' I feel that I will never get around to writing another chapter and honestly, it deserves an ending - you readers deserve an ending.

So I may be adding an epilogue at some point to tie up the loose ends with Tala etc, but I don't when that could be.

Just wanna say a HUGE THANKS to everyone who has read/reviewed/followed/favourited my first multi-chap fic that succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. This fic will always be one of my favourite as it was the first fic I slaved over for hours at a time, even at one point producing an 8,000 word chapter.

I still occasionally hang round the Beyblade fandom - especially since I have two other multi-chap fics I would really like to finish some day...

Ten Black Roses and Tears Aren't Made to Fall

We shall see though.

Send me a PM if you want to express your thoughts about this decision or any other reason =] I know that some wont be able to comment as this has replaced a previous chapter that some of you may have already reviewed.

So, once again

