Disclaimer: I wish I did but I don't own any of the Harry Potter books. It's NO fair sob J.K. Rowling gets everything pout. I only own what I write, except for everything that has to do with J.K.'s world, meaning characters, creatures and places no fair, grumble, I wanted to own it, grumble, no fair. Okay I wrote it, now can I go back in to my own little world where I own everything?


Hermione Granger pushed the cart filled with her trunk and the rest of her belongings, not to mention her enormous ginger cat, Crookshanks through Kings Cross Station. She had arrived back from another summer visit to France just the day before, and was now pushing her way towards the exit of the station. Her eyes scanned the throng of people, searching for the shock of red hair announcing the Weasley family, yet she couldn't see anything like that. No red crossed her vision as the crowd moved slowly, the bodies inching as they clashed against one another.

Her mind began to analyze the situation. What do i do now, should I just wait? or maybe I should just take a cab to Grimmuald Place, or maybe I should call Harry he might know what---

She fell, pushed over by some idiot whose red hair clashed with his tattered orange shirt. She went back to thinking as she pulled herself up, Did they forget abo----wait, red hair?

She looked up at the tall man looking down at her, his red hair covering his left eye before he pushed it out of his face. His cornflower blue eyes and his creamy expanse of skin covered in a heavy dusting of freckles reminded her of Ron.

Ron, my Ron. My boy friend, Ron. Not Lavender's, but mine. all mine. Finally.

She was shaken out of her thoughts as a large hand rested on her shoulder.

"You must be Hermione," His eyes crinkled when he smiled. "Ron wont stop talking about you, it's nice to finally meet you, I'm Charlie."

"Nice to meet you too," She reached for her trunk and was surprised when it Charlie lifted it with ease.

"Let me get that, you take the cat, I'll take everything else," He had lifted all her luggage into his arms,and she watched him for a second, allowing her eyes to flit over the rippling muscles in his back, and thighs as he began to lead her away. "We just have to walk to the closest alley before we Portkey out of here. I'm sorry about knocking you over back there, I'm a bit clumsy at times."

Will Ron look like that in a few years? I hope so, all those freckles, and rippling muscles just, oh they make me want to reach out and-- she sighed at her thoughts.

"Forget about it, it was an accident, and I'm not hurt, so don't worry." Her voice shook gently at first, but grew stronger and more confident as he pulled her into an alley. Her body brushed gently against his as he reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a ballpoint pen. She tripped a bit as Crookshanks squirmed in her arms, and Charlie wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against his body.

"Close your eyes, were about to take off," he whispered gently into her ear his voice rough and his breath puffing against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. Her eyes slipped shut right before she felt a slight tub behind her bellybutton, and she leaned into Charlie Weasley's strong capable arms.

Moments later, the two landed in the entrance hall to the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and came back, out of one another's embrace, and back to a cacophony of sounds including the shrieks of Mrs. Black, and the squealing belonging to Ginny Weasley.

Yes, back to the real world. Back to Charlie Weasley's little brother. Back to Ron.

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Thanks, LIZ