Not my characters, not making any money.

Thanks Shawn for the help and the editing.


OMG, what am I going to wear I asked myself as I flipped through my closet. The hottest man in Trenton asked me on a date. More like he overheard me talking to the girls about a movie I wanted to see and offered to take me when they wouldn't go. But he threw in pizza at Shorty's too, so that made it a date right?

Lately Ranger and I had been spending more time together. At first it seemed like a coincidence when he would show up at the same place I was but lately he'd actually started to mention places to meet. He'd casually mention that Pino's would be a good place for lunch, or that he'd be at the office at 10. But yesterday was the first time he'd mentioned dinner and actually going some place together.

Ok, it's 5:00, I have two hours to get ready. I jumped in the shower leaving the clothes decision for later. I washed everything three times, exfoliated, shaved, lotioned and spritzed my body until I was soft and sweet smelling. I so did not want to think about stubble or being stinky while out with Ranger. I spent the next 15 minutes styling my hair, really just drying it. I had fixated on the Oscars and everyone on the red carpets long straight hair so now with the help of Mr. Alexander I had stick straight brown hair falling just below my shoulders. I kinda missed my curls but this was so much easier to deal with. I kept calm on the make-up; just mascara and lip gloss. Crap, where did the time go, it's 6:30, back to the closet. I finally decide on deep blue cotton pants and a figure hugging white sweater. The sweater shows some cleavage especially with the help of my wonder bra but not enough to be considered slutty, I finished it off with a pair of 3 inch strappy sandals. I checked myself out in the mirror, not bad, I'd even say hot. Another check of the time, 6:58. Ranger would be here in two minutes. I sauntered out to the living room to wait. At 7:05 I started to worry, Ranger is never late, I don't know how he does it but the man always arrives at exactly the time he says he will. At 7:10 I was having serious doubts, had I misunderstood him, were we supposed to meet somewhere instead of him picking me up at my apartment, or worse was he hurt and on his way to the hospital. At 7:15 I picked up my phone to call him when I heard a knock at my door.

Ranger's POV

I was dead tired and sore. I hadn't slept in 24 hours. I'd been on a stakeout that went on all night without us seeing our man then when we got a lead on him he was with several friends. We got him but not without a fight. I had several bruises to show for it, one on my left check, several on my ribs and stomach and a very painful one on my thigh from the baseball bat his friend was welding. But it wasn't going to stop me from going out tonight with Steph.

I'd been easing myself into her life, trying to make her see me as something other than her mentor and friend. So when I heard her talking to Lula and Connie at the office about the new Sandra Bullock movie, and they didn't seem interested in going, I jumped at the chance and said I'd take her. I wasn't interested in the movie either but if I got to spend the evening with her I'd sit through that and any other movie she'd want to see.

I ran my hand through my hair to get it out of my eyes and was reminded that it was getting pretty long. I had been keeping it short lately and Steph seemed to like it. I had plenty of time to get it cut and get back to the office before cleaning up and heading over to pick her up.

I was headed home when my cell rang. Lester and Bobby had spotted a skip and needed backup. Tank was at a meeting and a couple of the other guys were out with a variety of injuries so that left me. I glanced at my watch as I turned the truck toward their location, 4:25, still plenty of time.

Damn, the skip ran and I ended up chasing him. Because of my sore leg it had taken me a little longer than it should have to catch him. Now my leg is throbbing, I'm sweaty and the small loose hairs from my hair cut are making me itch. I gave the skip to Lester and Bobby to take in and was almost back to my truck when Joe Morelli pulled up.

Steph's former boyfriend was not happy being the former boyfriend and he wanted to blame someone and that someone was me. I leaned back against the truck and waited. It didn't take long. License, registration, concealed gun permit……. It went on and on, he seemed especially amused by the bruise and limp. He knew he wouldn't find anything on me but he just had to screw with me. I wouldn't have minded putting a matching bruise on his face but it would get back to Steph and I didn't want her upset with me. He finally decided he'd had enough fun and let me go.

Six-forty-five! I had 15 minutes to get to Steph's apartment and with Morelli right behind me I couldn't speed to make up some time. One mile over the speed limit and I'd spend the next 30 minutes parked on the side of the road while he continued to harass me. I am never late! I couldn't even call her and let her know I was late, knowing Morrelli, he'd see me on the phone and pull me over for that. And now, not only am I going to be late but sweaty, stinky and itchy. No way could I cancel though, that's one of the big reasons Morelli is out of her life, I wasn't about to make the same mistake.

I pulled into her apartment lot at 7:10, and reached into the back of the truck for the extra clothes I kept there. No clothes! As I searched I remember handing Lester the gym bag to do an emergency change after a skip threw a can of cat food on him. Nobody would let him ride in their truck with him smelling like that and the cat jokes were getting out of control so I had thrown the bag at him and told him to clean my clothes and replace the bag. Lester would be on watching monitors on night shift for a week or two for this. I dialed my cell phone.

"Talk" came Tank's voice.

My leg was hurting pretty bad by now and a headache had started pounding away behind my eyes. But nothing was going to ruin my night with Steph. Normally I'd take the stairs, I glanced around before heading into the elevator and riding up to the second floor. As I approached her door I thought about picking the lock but decided against it, I needed to do it right. It was 7:15 when I knocked on the door.

Steph's POV

I looked out the peep hole and spotted two dark brown eyes staring back at me.

"Yo" I said as I opened the door.

"Yo yourself" he replied with a 200 watt smile as he walked into the apartment and dropped a light kiss on my lips.

"You're late."

"Sorry Babe, took a little longer than I thought to get the FTA, and didn't have time to clean up afterwards, just wanted to get over here and see you. Tank's bringing a change of clothes over, thought we could hang out here until he gets here".

"Sure. Beer?" I asked as I walked to the fridge and opened it.

He accepted the beer I handed him and walked toward the couch. I followed and plunked down in the corner, leaning back to take a drink of beer. Ranger sat down in the middle of the couch, close but not touching me. I looked him over noticing the haircut, tiredness and bruising. He was also squinting slightly and small lines were visible around his eyes.

"Tough day?"

"No more than usual."

"Does he look worse than you?"

"Probably has a bruise or two" he said with a grin. "How was your day?"

"Good, got my man and there was no garbage or dumpsters involved."

"Proud of you Babe." He said as he reached for a strand of my hair. "Nice, but I miss the curls." Straight or curly it didn't stop him from twirling my hair around his fingers.

I noticed that Ranger kept absently scratching around his neck. I looked closely and noticed the small pieces of fine black hair lying on his neck and on his black shirt. I giggled, Batman was not at his best tonight. "Wanna borrow my shower?"

Ranger glanced up sharply, his brown eyes darkening.

I just touched my neck and collar to indicate that I had noticed the loose hair.

His wolf grin came out as he asked "Wanna help clean me up?"

"Go" I laughed and pointed toward the bathroom. I watched him walk away, admiring his fine backside. I also noticed a slight hitch to his stride that I hadn't seen when he came in. Making a quick decision I picked up the phone and placed an order.

Ranger's POV

I walked into the bathroom. My headache had increased and my leg had stiffened. No way was I going to let Steph notice it. It was bad enough she'd noticed the itching. But a shower sounded good and maybe it could help with some of the pain. I stayed under the water longer than I normally would have but the hot water was loosening up the stiff muscles and easing the pain behind my eyes. I knew the hot water would make the bruising worse but it was the lesser of two evils. I looked at my shirt and couldn't bring myself to put it back on, it was liberally sprinkled with hair, if I put it back on I'd just start scratching again.

I walked out of the bathroom leaving my shoes and shirt off and immediately noticed the smell of food coming from the living room. As I walked into the room Steph turned and smiled, her eyes fixed on my chest.

"Staring Babe."

"Ummm, oh, I was hungry and thought we might eat something while waiting for your clothes to show up." Her eyes slowly moved up to meet mine.

"Babe" I said, secretly pleased about the Chinese food that she was dishing out onto two plates. So, I wouldn't take her to dinner but we'd still be able to make the movie.

"I got stuff you'll like; brown rice, chicken with broccoli, and stir fried vegetables."

"Thanks" I said taking my plate and eyeing hers. It was loaded with egg rolls, sweat and sour pork and almond chicken.

"What? I have a vegetable." She said pointing to a very small piece of broccoli almost hidden by the rest of her meal.

I just shook my head. I knew she expected me to say something but I wasn't going there, not tonight. Tonight is supposed to be all about her and what she wants.

Neither of us talked during dinner, both of us concentrating on our food. Although the noises Steph was making kept distracting me. God I loved to watch her eat. I picked up the plates and leftover food and took them to the kitchen. "You cooked, I do dishes."

Her blue eyes sparkled as she laughed. "Domestic Ranger, I think I like it."

"Anything for you Babe."

I walked out of the kitchen to see Steph with her shoes off sitting sideways on the couch. She didn't say anything just patted the spot between her spread legs. As I sat down in front of her, her hands came up and started massaging my shoulders.

"Pretty tight big guy."

"Hmmmm" I could only mumble. Jesus it felt good. She was alternating rubbing the muscles and putting pressure on the tight knots in my back and shoulders, slowly working everything loose. I couldn't move if my life depended on it. When she had massaged that area to her satisfaction she moved up to my neck. My eyes closed and I just sat there enjoying the feel of her hands. When she was done there, she gently grasped my shoulders and slowly lowered me down so my head was on her shoulder. I tried to sit back up but her hands kept me in place.

"I'll squish you" I whispered.

"No you won't, you're just like a big warm Ranger blanket" she whispered back. Her fingers were threading through my hair playing with the strands, letting them slip through her fingers.

"I love your hair." She said placing a kiss against the side of my head. "Especially when it's just been cut."

"I'll have it cut everyday if it makes you happy."

A soft laugh escaped her lips. "Tempting but I'm not into bald."

Her finger tips started to rub gently against my temples and forehead before slipping into my hair to massage the sides of my head. And then back to my temples, repeating the process over and over. My eyelids were growing heavy, I knew I was about out.

"This was supposed to be a date. I was going to take you out – dinner and a movie."

"This was the perfect date, you can take me to the movie on our next date - tomorrow" she breathed next to my ear.

"And on our third date, the day after tomorrow, I'll take you to the nicest restaurant I can find." I reached up for her hand and brought it to my lips, softly kissing her palm. "On our fourth date, the day after that I'll take you anywhere you want go." I kissed her palm again, threaded our fingers together and placed our linked hands over my heart. I felt several kisses next to my ear as I let my eyes drift shut.

I woke up to the sound of the locks tumbling. I reached for my glock that I had placed on the coffee table, relaxing as I realized it was Tank.

"Brought your clothes, don't look like you need them now" he said quietly.

I just stared at him with half opened eyes, not willing to wake up fully. I was still leaning against Steph who was now sound asleep. I slowly adjusted us so that we were both stretched out on the couch, laying face to face and wrapped my arms around her. Tank disappeared down the hall and returned with the comforter from her bed, laying it across us.

"So how's the date man?" he asked.

"Perfect" I answered closing my eyes.