AN: My second fic! Anyway, this idea suddenly popped into my head earlier, so I decided to write it in fic form. It didn't turn out as good as I hoped, but it isn't completely disgusting.. Just read, please? And the title does suck, but I couldn't think of anything.. heh.

Oh, and I do love Sasuke, and I'm glad he didn't kill himself. Hah, I wouldn't be mean enough to do that.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, and that's probably for his own good.

Sasuke sat in the middle of his living room floor, staring off into space.

So, when are you going to do it? The little Sasuke-devil on his shoulder said. What is this, the seventh time? Just get it over with you pansy.

"Shut up! I know how many times I've tried, but something always goes wrong." He retorted.

You always make something happen. It's all your fault, baka. Sasuke-devil laughed mischievously.

Just leave him alone! Dying isn't the answer. On his other shoulder, Sasuke-angel sat fuming at his evil counterpart. Could you just leave him alone for once? He sighed. Listen, Sasuke, everything will work out if you just calm down..

"NOOO! DAMNIT I HAVE TO DO THIS!" Sasuke screamed maniacally, pressing the kunai to his wrist. It wasn't, of course, enough to cut.

DO IT. Sasuke-devil coaxed.

Don't throw away your entire life! Sasuke-angel yelled in protest.

"Hahahah, I was just kidding. I'm not going to…" At this, both angel and devil sighed. They'd been through this before, and both contemplated just killing him themselves so they didn't have to listen to his ridiculous emo-ness anymore.

"NO, I'M REALLY GOING TO! NOBODY CAN STOP ME!" Sasuke's eyes darted around the room in a crazy manner, and he could still feel the cold metal of the kunai on his arm.

Sasuke, we all know you aren't going to, so can you just stop now? It's getting ridiculous. The Sasuke-devil said exasperated.

"Hah, I wasn't really going to!" Sasuke stood up, throwing the kunai into the floor. Out of nowhere, something came bursting through his front window. "What the – "

"Hello, otouto." Uchiha Itachi said, standing to his full height in front of his little brother. "I see you are being angsty, I'm proud. However," Itachi sighed, eyeing his otouto, "I see you can't even kill yourself properly. You are still weak. I'm ashamed to have you avenging our clan."

Itachi took a moment to laugh to himself. "I would kill you myself, but you aren't worth it. Still. Goodbye, you weak sonuvabitch." With that, he jumped out the window and disappeared into the night. Sasuke just stood there shocked.

That was the night he decided to seek Orochimaru.

R&R 'cause you love me?