Disclaimer: Sadly, I am but a mere fangirl with an unhealthy obsession. All right go to peeps over at Jump Comics, Studio Pierrot, Viz Media, (more peeps who I don't know) and of course, the God himself, Masashi Kishimoto!

Warnings: Icha Icha abuse, embarrassing conversations, manly smooching and public indecency all follow. Proceed with caution. XD

Pairings: Kaka/Saku/Naru/Sasu (so close you can almost taste it, lol)

Rating: M

AN: Um…heheh. Don't be mad at me, I really do love you all!

Sorry I Asked

Tatsuki sat silently in the stilled darkness. To say he wasn't exhausted would be misleading as he was more than burned out. But the fatigue he felt was pushed aside as he laid unmoving beside his team. Tap A slew of entangled limbs, crumpled/discarded clothing, and misplaced weaponry made up the scene before him. Tap

The tranquil sight of peaceful, chaotic slumber brought forth such overwhelming feelings that it made it Tap impossible for Tatsuki to find rest before he was positive he drank in the moment to it's fullest potential. Tap After all, a moment of calm, uninterrupted bliss was such a thing that was hard to come by for the Tap

The book was slowly lowered, revealing an un-amused (and possibly annoyed) visage.

"Are you trying to grate on my nerves or does it come naturally to you?"

"You know Kakashi, I was beginning to suspect you had forgotten about me. I was almost hurt." The auburn headed ninja replied while smiling in such a way that could easily have panties dropped in 0.2 seconds flat.

"So then the irritation was done purposely. How wonderful." Kakashi closed his book and watched as the man across the table placed the senbon, that was previously used to hit the empty glass, back into his mouth; a most familiar position.

"You know" Genma began as he grasped his glass and began tapping it with his fingertips, "I did buy the last round…maybe you wanna get this one…"

Kakashi sighed as he looked down at his book with a face of forlorn hope.

"I thought that's where Anko went. Didn't she say something like that before she got up?" A scoff.

"Yeah, and that was like a half hour ago! That bitch is long gone by now, probably off swindling another table for free booze! Seriously man, get your nose out of that book long enough to at least be good company! I ain't the type a guy who likes to drink alone." His plead was taken in with a bored expression before Kakashi opened his book to continue where he left off.

After all, a moment of calm, uninterrup-

"I saaaid nose OUT of the book! I mean come on! It's not even like it's that great! 'Passion' is like the weakest volume of all 'Icha Icha'." Genma proclaimed as he flipped through the pages of the little plum colored book he had snatched from the other jounin's grasp.

Kakashi sat and watched as his tattered copy of the novel under went the senbon wielder's torment. Genma droned on about all the flaws in the writing and let downs in the sex department but Kakashi's eye remained glued on his book. He may be able to block out the verbal injustice but he couldn't tear his eye away from the rough page turns, the bending of the front cover, the way it was inconsiderable laid in the ring of condensation that had been left behind from Genma moved glass. And even though it was only his 'mission' copy, it still hurt to see it undergo such blatant abuse.

"…and we're talking three guys and a chick! That's way too much cock if ya ask me! Three chicks and a guy, now there's your novel! Hell, lose the guy all together! A couple of hotties going at it and we'll be talking best seller list baby! Any healthy guy in their right mind would be-"

"Icha Icha Violence."

"What was that?"

"An orgy of kunoichi. If that's what you're looking for it's already been done…Icha Icha Violence. They even have that one out on video, it's a classic." He calmly picked up his book, rubbed the moist end of it off on his sleeve then carried on with his reading. Genma sighed.

"Fine! I'll get this round as well, but after this you're on your own." He was about to get up when a firm hand on his shoulder patted him down in his seat.

"Ah Ha! My good friends! To see such faces in this place at an hour like this is a surprise indeed! Allow me to join you as I come baring the finest sake this tavern has to offer!" Great…Gai.

Not that Genma had a problem with him or anything, it just meant that his bar tab was about to be upped by another person. And after already taking hits from the swindling, ebullient kunoichi and the stingy Copy-ninja, he simply wasn't looking forward to adding further bodies to his bill. Still, Genma was anything but a cheap man, and the fact that Gai did bring booze with him had helped matters as he was in desperate need of another drink.

Genma scooted down the booth the make room for Gai while Kakashi greeted him with friendly indifference and a familiar "yo", all the while never looking up from the purple paperback.

"So, my lively companions," Gai began as he readily poured drinks around the table, "what brings you here on an evening such as this? And at the farthest corner of the tavern, so unsocial." Kakashi mumble some unintelligent response about a mission while Genma rolled his eyes after bringing the sake to his lips.

"A mission? Together I presume?"

"Nah, old one-eye there got stuck with his regular team of misfits while I went solo on a lame ass scouting mission. We kinda met up here like you did."

"Ah, hard work does deserve it's rewards! I myself was out training with my hard working prodigy before coming here. I tried to bring the boy along but he insisted on continuing training. After lecturing him about importance of rest he promised me he'd stop by later." He refilled his small cup along with Genma's then turned to address the masked shinobi across the table.

"Well then Kakashi, what's say you and I have a lively competition of sorts! A battle unlike any we've done before! I'll even allow you to choose the terms of our first match!" Gai suggested flashing his 'nice guy' pose for added effect.

He was ignored.

"Heh. Gai, good buddy, you're wasting your time. I'll be surprised if you're able to engage him in a five minute conversation let alone a competition. This guy here hasn't looked up from that thing long enough to even scout out the babes in this joint! I mean who wants to live in a fantasy world when the real thing is right in front of him!" Kakashi silently raised one of his hands giving Genma the opportunity to effectively slap Icha Icha down on the table. "This stupid thing isn't even worth it! Icha Icha Tactics I can understand, but this? Gai, can you please tell him 'Passion' sucks!"

Gai placed a hand under his chin while looking from the neglected book to Kakashi's amusingly distraught appearance.

"All Icha Icha is a work of art in its own right. My personal favorite is Icha Icha Drama! The action, the suspense, the-"

"The sex! Now there's a novel with backbone! Unlike this sissy, cuddle-n-fluff crap your reading. I swear Kakashi, the target audience for this one was for women!" Kakashi, with his ever mopey expression, looked up at Genma weakly.

"How do you figure?" He asked, reaching for his battered, mistreated novel once again.

"Oh come on, the over used emphasis on love, the way they're always savin' that one chick, and not to repeat myself, but that whole three-to-one thing I mentioned before is a big clue in! It'd be nothing but sap if it weren't for their epic final battle and that Kai guy didn't die in the end." Genma picked up Kakashi's untouched ochoko and downed the drink as well as his own. The Copy-ninja didn't even seem to notice.

Kakashi wanted to tell Genma that that was the point. That the novel was about intense emotions and strong sexual desires, thus earning it's name…but kept quite in fear of having his precious Icha Icha beaten because of it (…again).

He was about to recommit to his book when Gai successfully grabbed his attention.

"Hey Kakashi. Isn't that your boy over there."

"Yeah, the energetic one…" Genma offered, "though, he looks pretty glum if you ask me." He turned in his seat and sure enough there was Naruto walking by looking about as happy as a kid whose puppy were just kicked.

What was he doing out here? Wasn't he suppose to be with Sasuke and Sakura? He noticed the sun getting ready to begin its evening decent and figured that it had been awhile since their split earlier today. Perhaps their little get together was already over, but from the way Naruto was slumping around their meet may have ended early due to problematic causes.

Well, might as well invite him over. The guy looked like he could use a drink.

As he made his way over to Naruto he heard Genma yelling something about closing his bar tab, but Kakashi paid him no mind.

"Yo." Naruto's head snapped up at the unexpected greeting, face instantly shifting into his cheerful smile.

"Kakashi-sempai! What are you doing here?" A hand was placed on top of his head, wordlessly directing him into the bar.

"Oh, just doing the usual. Having a drink, doing some light reading. Nothing exciting. You should join me." He led Naruto to the back corner of the bar, letting him slide down the booth before taking his seat and opening his book.

"Ah Naruto! Come to join in the festivities have you! Well, I'll go procure more alcohol!"

"Uh, no no." Naruto said waving his arms at Gai. "I won't be drinking. I'm not staying long. Kinda have chores that I've been putting off." He slumped against the wall beside him while releasing a lengthy sigh.

"Surely chores haven't got you brooding. What has you in such low spirits?" He sighed again allowing a lazy smile to wash over him.

"It's nothing. I've just had a long day is all."

Gai made a face though said nothing more on the subject. Instead, he began going on and on about his team and the exciting missions they have been getting as of late. Before long he was interrupted by Genma as he rejoined the group with a rather large bottle of mystery liquor after paying off his balance.

"Hey guys. Check what I scored from the hottie behind the counter! Half off after giving her my address! Won't be a lonely night for me!" He proclaimed, setting down four fresh glasses on the table. He filled them all quickly enough, sliding one in front of the other three. Naruto tried refusing his but both Genma and Gai weren't taking no for an answer.

"Nonsense Naruto! A drink to Genma's good fortune is a drink that must not be refused."

"Yeah kid! Just down it in one gulp and be done with it!" Genma said, insistently pushing the glass further towards the younger shinobi. Naruto grabbed it, saying nothing more as he brought the drink to his lips. Two large gulps later and he was slamming his empty glass down on the table with a grimace.

"Ugh, that has one hell of a kick! Burned the whole way down, what the hell was that?" Genma and Gai laughed at the boy's reaction after downing their own drinks.

"It's an acquired taste," Genma explained, grabbing Naruto's glass and refilling it, "you'll get used to it."

"Nuh uh, I ain't touching another drop of that stuff. Especially not if Kakashi-sempai hasn't touched his." He pointed accusingly at Kakashi as he casually continued reading, the world beyond the pages lost to him. This appeared to have angered the senbon wielder, Naruto noted, since he seemed to spill a lot more alcohol on to the table rather than in his glass.

Genma turned to Naruto, eyes slightly lagging behind on the ex-ANBU's form, before addressing the whiskered youth.

"Yeah well, Hatake's never really been one to fit in at parties. The damn guy's idea of social drinking is gluing a fucking book to his face and mooching drinks off others every now and then. How the guy ever gets laid, I'll never know." Kakashi lowered his book and creased his eye in fake cheerfulness, before raising his glass.

"To Genma. May all his lays be as good and easy as mine."

"Here here!" Gai agreed enthusiastically as he threw back his glass at the ridiculous toast. Naruto looked on as if they were all crazy then eyed his own drink, deciding the toast wasn't worth it. When he looked up again Kakashi's mask was around his neck while he drank and Naruto couldn't help but feel awkward. There before him was the face that had caused all his present problems, the face that was responsible for all his current confusion.

The face that he secretly wanted to beat.

He looked away when he caught himself staring, but he scowled a bit at the thought of Kakashi removing his mask so easily in front of his other companions. Last night he recalled Kakashi's willingness to allow Sasuke, and Sasuke alone, the opportunity of seeing what laid behind the mask. Yet here he was without a care in the world as to who got to see the pale skin underneath. He figured it wasn't really a big deal since it was only Gai and Genma at the table, and that they were in the farthest end of the bar, but it was just the fact that he almost hadn't seen his face that made Naruto a bit spiteful inside. The confusing thought had Naruto picking up his glass and downing it before he even realized what he was doing.

He had been so close to not seeing it, what would it have been like if he hadn't? Would he had ever gotten the chance, would Kakashi have shown him on his own? Would Kakashi have never messed around with both Sakura and Sasuke? At the thought of those two he felt himself scowling again.

"You okay?" He quickly glanced up to see three other faces looking at him with concerned expressions. A sheepish smile spread across his face as he brought a hand to rub the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah…heheh, it's the alcohol."

"Should I go get you something different?" At this Genma choked on his drink.

"Why you dirty little penny pincher! I oughtta ring that neck of yours-"

"Um," Naruto interfered, "that won't be necessary. As of now I'm cutting myself off."

"Yeah well that ain't the point kid! This cheap bastard here has been sitting with me for four hours already and has not once offered to buy a drink! Then you come along with your…your-"

"Youthful disposition."

"Youthfu-" He stopped himself from finishing that sentence to give a look to Gai to say he wasn't really helping, but Gai flashed him a bright smile and a thumbs up none the less. "Your whatever and next thing you know, Kakashi's wallet is finally ready to make an appearance!"

"Huh, is that so?" It was said in a tired voice, and his eye held disinterest while glancing over his opened book, but the small smile tugging at the corner of his exposed mouth was enough to show he was clearly enjoying pissing the other shinobi off.

"You know Kakashi, if I wasn't so concerned about seeming the violent type in front of my new lady friend, I'd rip you a new one right here…"

He turned the page, never looking up at Genma.


Naruto watched as Gai held Genma back, coaxing him down into his seat. Words of reassurance and 'time and place' spilt from Gai's mouth and the Jinchuuriki couldn't help but find the situation humorous. Wasn't Gai usually the one to get pissed off by Kakashi's 'cool demeanor', the one who never thought about time and place when challenging his 'worth adversary' to pointless duels? Perhaps these three where slightly more inebriated than they let on…Genma did mention something about being here for four hours…

"…rotten, good for nothing, porn reading, ass… Tell me something, kid. What was it like having this cheap pervert as a sensei? You don't seem to be corrupted or scarred by the man, but I could be wrong."

"Now now Shiranui-san, I would never dream of corrupting or scarring one of my cute little teammates. They do, after all, look up to me with trust and respect." And it was realllly hard not scoff at that! The trust and respect comment he could over look, but Naruto wouldn't exactly call last night un-scarring. Still, as the older jounin ruffled his hair he found it hard to suppress his smile as he shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Well, Hatake-san, I wasn't exactly asking you, now was I? You may not realize it but I'm sure all three of your little underlings are somehow slightly fucked up because of you! It's just not possible for them to come out unscathed."

"Genma, I hardly think that's fair to Kakashi. Although one does influence their students once they take on the roll of sensei, I can personally vouch for Kakashi and say he has trained three very fine shinobi. And not one of them have the perverse tendencies that he has!" Kakashi's face contorted at the testimony, though thanked Gai none the less. Genma, on the other hand, didn't seem to think much of Gai's word. He was -in lieu of his self-proclaimed arch rivalry- sickeningly loyal to Kakashi.

"Tell me Naruto, roughly how many Icha Icha books have you read in your life time?" An eyebrow raised but not much thought was given to the question.

"One. Well, more like half of one…they're not really my thing." An unanticipated answer.

"Really? Just one. What the hell's wrong with you? I mean, I didn't really expect you to read all of them like Kakashi, but 'half of one' was definitely not what I expected either!"

"Well, the one I read was really boring. It had all these big words and stupid scenes that I couldn't make it to the end." For the umpteenth time today he was being stared at with a look of such concern he was sure they were going to send him home soon to sleep off his mild delirium. He was really starting to feel uncomfortable under their scrutinizing gazes.

"Kid, you better tell me that's a joke. I mean, which one did you try to read? 'Passion'? Cause that's the only one I'd agree with you on." Kakashi spared a venomous glance towards the callous ninja before returning his attention to Naruto.

"Um, I think it was 'Tactics'…or something like that." Well, that probably did it. If Kakashi wasn't in shock before, he was certainly having an aneurism now. The look on his face was priceless, but it didn't really help matters as the other two present at the table gave him their own looks of disbelief. It was quite unnerving.

"My good boy, I can understand your reluctance to finish due to its confusing vocabulary, but I must insist you give 'Tactics' another chance. It has got to be one of the finest pieces of literature Master Jiraiya has ever produced!"

"Stupid scenes!?! About the only thing stupid in relation to that book is the fact that you didn't finish reading it! Now I see how Kakashi's rubbed off on you! You're both annoying as hell in large doses!" He drank what little alcohol was left in the bottle before giving the younger ninja a once over. "Geez, and here I was sure that you at least whacked off to Icha Icha like Kakashi."

Naruto felt his leg being patted reassuringly as the Copy-nin spoke, but the soothing gesture only seemed to heighten his discomfort.

"Now Genma, how Naruto gets off is his business, and his business alone. Isn't that right, Naruto." Oh lord, why were they discussing this again? The subject alone could have easily brought on his embarrassment, but the fact that Kakashi seemed to think that smiling the way he was, was somehow helping him instead of doing funny things to his stomach, and- why the hell was his hand still on his leg!?! A nervous laugh seemed to be the only thing he could muster up in response to Kakashi's comment as he tried, unsuccessfully, to ignore the appendage that appeared to have found solace in his lap.

"Psh! Ain't no use playing the innocent card kid. You'll only further disappoint me. I mean, talk about rubbing a guy the wrong way! 'Tactics' is only the single greatest book in existence! Uh, I've gotta get out of here before you put me in even more of a funk." He stood a bit unsteadily confirming to Naruto that he was, indeed, more intoxicated than he let on. "I'm expecting company later tonight and if I stick around here you're bound to tell me you're a virgin, or something equally stupid and I refuse to let your problems eat away at my brain all night."

And it was probably for the better that Genma left before catching Naruto's blush at his departing words (or to a particular word to be exact). Gai and Kakashi, on the other hand, were a different matter all together.

For a moment, no one at the table spoke as Naruto slunk his head down onto the slab surface and Gai gave a few awkward coughs. Shortly after Kakashi decided to give a go at trying to break up the tension.

"So, um,…"

"Shut up."

"Right." He nodded his head and tried to suppress his smile.

The silence stretched on a bit longer before Gai opted to chance speaking.

"Well it's nothing to be ashamed of Naruto! Matters such as this should never be rushed, as situations of the intimate nature are to be treaded delicately! Why, I remember my first time when-"

"Gai, no one wants to hear about your first time."

"Ah, good thinking Kakashi! Mustn't fill the boy's head with ideas." Kakashi inwardly shuttered at the thought and Naruto groaned at the unwanted attention. "Just know that it will happen in it's own time, and when it does the moment will be spectacular, and well worth the wait!" His teeth sparkled at the sheer force of his smile further adding to Naruto's humiliation before Kakashi thankfully intervened.

"Gai, didn't you say Lee was going to meet you after his training? Maybe you should go check on him since it is already dark and all, and he's yet to make an appearance." This time his leg received a comforting squeeze as Gai took the bait.

"Ah, yes, how time flies! I unfortunately must be going now Naruto, my protégé is bound to get reckless in his pursuit of power if I leave him to his own will. Kakashi, this was indeed an enjoyable evening. Perhaps next time we will get around to un-evening our score. Till then I take my leave." And the green beast was gone.

Kakashi watched as Naruto laid motionless on the table. If anyone were to pass by they would assume the young man was unconscious from too much alcohol consumption. As the thought made its way across Kakashi's mind, he figured a little alcohol would probably get Naruto out of his sulk.

"You know, I wasn't kidding when I offered to buy you a drink. If you want one now, I'll be more than happy to-"

"I don't want a drink."

"Are you sure? I think it could really liven you up and help-"

"I don't want to liven up, and for that matter can you get your hand off my leg." A smile.

"I rather like my hand where it is. And personally, I think you can do with a little livening up. Honestly, it not that big of a deal that you're a vir-"

"Can we talk about something else now?" A moment of amused thoughtfulness passed.

"Hm, I suppose we could. How about we talk about what's really bothering you?" Naruto lifted his head slightly to face the older man but found it too much trouble and allowed his head to drop down once more.

"Why do you think something's bothering me?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess it has something to do with the fact that you've seemed a bit mopey since before you even entered the bar." Naruto didn't respond. "If I had to guess I'd say it has something to do with Sasuke and Sakura."

"And what led you to that conclusion?" Kakashi shrugged.

"It's just me speculating. The three of you were together earlier so I just kind of figured. So are you going to let me know what happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Nothing? Then why aren't you still with them?" A displeased expression shifted the blonde's features.

"I left to do laundry."

"Ah, so you're upset cause I'm holding you up?"

"NO! I'm upset because Sa-" He cut himself off when he saw Kakashi's victorious grin. Damn it! Second time today he walked right into that. "…fine! I'm upset, ok. It's not like you didn't already know!"

"Go on, what's this all about?"

Naruto sat up a little more, elbows on the table, hands buried in his hair.

"I don't even know where to start. I mean, everything was going so well. We were all chilling at Sasuke's having lunch and just talking. But then next thing I know Sakura's spewing a story about breast fondling and then her and Sasuke are all arguing about who was responsible for last night! A part of me didn't want to stick around for that conversation so I decided to call it a night. And I did have laundry to! It wasn't just me pulling an excuse out of my ass!"

Naruto's ramble hadn't exactly cleared anything up for the ex-ANBU.

"So you're moping because of the conversation or the fact that you ran away from it?"

"NO! Neither! It was what happened after I left…"

His head hit the table once more before groaning and sitting up to face Kakashi.

"So I was walking to my house, right, taking my sweet time. But like half way there I realized I didn't have my jacket, left it over at Sasuke's. And I mean come on, I'm about to do laundry! Who wouldn't go back for their favorite jacket? So I turn myself around, picking up the pace, and I'm back on his door step in no time flat…only I don't knock…" His mile-a-minute recapitulation substantially slowed. "…it's Sasuke and Sakura. Why would I knock?"

Naruto rubbed his hands over his face as if willing the memory to wash away. Kakashi waited quietly.

"So like an idiot I just waltz on in there and I find 'Sasuke' and 'Sakura'…" His fingers intertwined so that Kakashi would catch on the part of the story he wasn't too keen on recapping "ON MY JACKET!"

Naruto wasn't all too certain, but he had expected either sympathy or indifference from the man. The hefty laughter he got in response, however, completely throw him for a loop.
"What the hell are you laughing at!?!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just not following. Are you upset about catching Sakura and Sasuke having sex, or are you upset about them having sex 'on your jacket'?"

"First of all, I didn't catch them having sex, they were both still fully clothed but I have no doubt that's where that was leading! And second of all, this is about more than just my jacket! I mean, it's a great jacket -hell, it's my favorite- but it's the fact that they went all 'to hell with Naruto! Lets fuck on his stuff while he isn't looking' that's really pissing me off! I don't even think they noticed I came in!" Kakashi was finding this all rather amusing.

"So you would have rather been present when they screwed on your belongings?"

"You're missing the goddamned point! Those bastards are having a hidden relationship right under our noses and I don't think its right!" Kakashi's face instantly lit up with understanding.

"Ah." Naruto waited a bit, but his enlightened sempai offered no further response in the pregnant pause he had allowed.

"What the hell is 'Ah'!?"

"Tell me, who are you more jealous of losing? Sakura? Or Sasuke?" He flinched.

"Ha! Like I care about that! What those two do in their own time doesn't matter to me! But it's the fact that they think they have to sneak around in order to get away with it. Why not just come out and tell me! Why keep it a secret!"

"So you're just pissed because they're leaving you out. You're mad cause you're getting left behind." The kyuubi container's livid expression was instantly washed away. Though he offered no words to show Kakashi was correct in his assumption, the normally rambunctious man's muted demeanor spoke volumes.

A humorless laugh was finally forced from his throat.

"That's ridiculous. Just because those two are going at it behind my back doesn't mean I'm getting left behind. Left out sure, but…that's understandable." His solemn laughter picked up. "I mean, it is understandable, right?" Kakashi got the sense Naruto was now speaking more to himself rather than to him. "It's not like I didn't expect this sooner or later. Sasuke's always been the one she's wanted. And since Sasuke's been back anyone could plainly see he's opened up more. More to us, more to her. And I always knew on some level that I didn't quite fit, but…" His voice cracked on that last word and Kakashi watched as he sat staring off into nothing.

"Naruto, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be included, but maybe sometimes it's better to take the back seat and just observe, at least for a while anyways." Wrong choice of words apparently. Naruto snapped.

"Yeah well, it's soo easy for you to say that isn't it! You don't seem to be having too much trouble being included!" Kakashi stared back blankly. "You're the one who goes around sucking face with Sasuke and feeling up Sakura-chan! And from what I can tell, neither of them seem to mind to much about the third wheel! So don't go around preaching to me when you've made it obvious you have no intention of staying 'in the back seat'!" The older jounin exhaled exhaustedly, shaking his head lightly.

"And what makes you so sure you're an un-welcomed wheel? So certain that they don't want you around? Have you tried kissing Sasuke, touching Sakura?" Naruto's face flushed red, his mouth slightly agape. "Perhaps they are not as inclined to leaving you behind as you think. I suggest you try stepping into the ring before you throw in the towel."

Kakashi could all but see the thoughts rolling around in the younger man's head before Naruto straightened up and faced him with newly found fervor.

"I'm not you, Kakashi." He practically spat the name. "I can't go around running bases and throwing open invitations. Especially if I don't have the experience to back it up."

A lazy half-grin spread across Kakashi's face.

"No, you're not me. And I suppose that's where I messed up." Naruto wasn't following.

"I really should have known better." He lightly shook his head before going teacher mode. "See, Sakura's fairly easy to read. She tries hard to keep herself guarded but lets down that guard to those close to her. So, for someone like you or me, reading her isn't too difficult if you know where to look. Her eyes in particular give her away quite effortlessly.

"Getting her to respond to you isn't much of a difficult task either. Again, if you're a trusted person she'll be all to willing to lend a hand, but Sakura's intelligent and responds well to subtlety. She catches on quick and can be strung along fully in the know. She is, however, scared off easily; it's that guard of hers going off, her way of protecting herself, so it's best to trend with caution." Naruto was lost, but he really was trying to keep up. Where was he going with this?

"Now Sasuke is a whole other story. Reading him is near to impossible so you really have to watch his every movement and every response. But if you watch closely enough every now and then you'll definitely catch on to his thoughts, and in turn, his thought process. Tapping into that brain is unquestionably the most toiling and rewarding of tasks." He chuckled to himself as Naruto face contorted in confusion.

"Surprisingly enough, getting Sasuke to respond to you is just as easy as Sakura. It's essentially the same process except with key points in reverse. You see, while Sasuke will do most of what is asked of him readily enough, he can be stubborn on other issues. It's just a matter of discerning what his reaction will be and changing your approach. In other words asking him to do the opposite of what you want or presenting something in the form of a challenge will usually get you your desired results.

"Now you, on the other hand," Kakashi's flippant lecture began taking on a significant tone, "you live up to your unpredictable heading, though reading you can be as easy as reading an opened book. You wear your emotions on your face so it's never a big mystery when you're angry, upset, happy. For example, I can always tell when you're puzzled by the simple way your eyebrows furrow together," Kakashi's hand reached up to gently skim the golden brow, "and your mouth sets in a small frown." His hand slowly descended down the other's face, fingers running along the whiskered cheeks before softly brushing his smooth bottom lip.

"Getting you to respond in a certain way, however, is as random as throwing a dice." Naruto sat completely still, his chin held in a sturdy grasp, as the unmasked shinobi peered over him, seemingly moving closer. "Sometimes you get your six on the first roll, but other times you need to throw the die more times than you anticipated. In this instance I've noticed subtlety, articulate examples, and flat-out explanation doesn't seem to have the desired effects on you. So I think, it's about time I gave that dice another roll."

Had he had caught on a little sooner Naruto would have surely stopped Kakashi. After all, not counting a certain accident that had long since been repressed, it was Naruto's first kiss. But as he was at a loss for what was being discussed, as well as being caught completely off guard, the Jinchuuriki wasn't able to prevent the act from happening.

Taking full advantage of the youth's confusion, Kakashi allowed his mouth to move over Naruto's. He was certain Naruto was merely frozen in shock but he didn't waste a second before plummeting further into the moment, now sucking lightly on the bottom lip he had caressed just moments ago. This action seemed to have stirred up the unresponsive participant in an un-welcomed way, Kakashi begrudgingly thought, as Naruto's hands were now pushing against his chest.

They broke apart.

"Wh-what are you doing?" His voice came out more breathless than he would've liked-the smile he was met with, none too reassuring.

"I'm changing tactics." The other's breath brushed over his face as he spoke in hushed tones. "I've decided to get my response by taking the lead." And before Naruto could question him further Kakashi reconnected them.

Now sucking on his top lip Kakashi was pleasantly surprised when he felt the suctioning pressure on his own as Naruto was now timidly testing the waters.

Slowly he moved to the corner of his mouth, carefully tilting both his head and Naruto's in opposite directions before he allowed his tongue to sweep out and taste the plump entrance.

Again Naruto pulled away, his chest raising and falling in an exaggerated way as he stared at his sempai. His breathing was more controlled but Naruto didn't miss the fact that it was speedier than normal. He took a minute to try to assess the situation in his head but when Kakashi began to speak Naruto found himself unable to hear his words, unable to tear his eyes from the swollen orifice. Before the blond knew what was happening he felt them both crash into each other in a bruising kiss.

Naruto wasn't sure what he was doing, new to this oral fixation. He could only guess he was doing something wrong when he felt Kakashi smirk against his mouth, but the sensation of it all won over his self-consciousness as he closed his eyes and simply let himself feel. Again he felt Kakashi's tongue dart out across his lips but it was less startling than the first time. It was surprising, however, when his accomplice took advantage of his parted lips and slipped into him. He couldn't help but stiffen at the action but he couldn't bring himself to pull away either. A tinge of curiosity had him staying in place wanting to know what the other was doing, wanting to learn how he was doing it. "Give me your tongue." The command was spoken against his lips, to which he readily complied. And not before long he was fighting back, devouring Kakashi just as he was being devoured. It was funny how he no longer minded the strong taste of their last drink once it was mixed with Kakashi's essence. In fact, he found he couldn't get enough as he brought his hands up to trap his sempai's mouth onto his own, his hands burying themselves deep within the silver tresses. Who knew kissing could feel like this! Could taste like this!

He was so absorbed by the lip lock that he hadn't immediately noticed when Kakashi's hands began to wander. Hadn't necessarily minded when that particular hand on his leg became less of a nuisance and more of a delectation. But when that hand began to inch its way higher he suddenly became much more aware of its migration. A brisk sense of anxiety washed over him -a strange mixture of dread and impatience- before he instinctively pushed the hand away. They didn't break. Instead Kakashi smiled against him as he brushed his hand away before going right back on its original course.

His breath caught.

Long fingers gingerly ran along the length of him. The shadow touch produced a delicious shiver down his spine though did little else (aside from making him nervous) as the hand continued upwards, resting only after reaching the top of his pants.

His throat dried.

The sudden need to swallow was met as persuasive lips traveled down his chin then up his jaw line. His eyes were still painfully shut as warmth enveloped his ear and his fly was effortlessly undone single-handedly.

His pulse quickened.

The waistband of his slacks were being tugged down when a small part of Naruto's brain switched on, confusion and insecurities suddenly surfacing. Why was this happening? What brought this on? One minute he was discussing newly developed abandonment issues and the next he was experiencing a first with Kakashi. Was it some sort of twisted ramification? Was it pity?

His inner deliberation was put to a halt when he heard Kakashi whisper some lewd comment about his apparent lack of boxers. He could feel his ambivalent thoughts beginning to side with his body's physical resolve. But before he could completely give in to Kakashi's bold advances, that diminutively obstinate part of his mind managed to hold out long enough to voice his uncertainty.


Through heavy-lidded eyes Naruto searched for the answer to his hazy question. And for a moment he was met with nothing but silence as the silver gaze lock onto his own. But when a smile broke out on those beautiful kissed-bruised lips and he moved ever closer still, Naruto couldn't help but want to surrender completely.

"I wasn't lying when I told you I wanted you." And that answer seemed to be enough.

Again Kakashi's mouth was upon his, his eyes closed and sweet oblivion took over. All his reservations forgotten, everything around him: null. All of his focus was simply on Kakashi and that warm, wet tongue doing unbelievable things against his own.

Before long he could feel Kakashi trying to pull free, but determined not to lose contact Naruto followed on his backward trek. Abruptly, Naruto broke away as a gasp was torn from his throat. His breath held as his mouth opened in soundless cries before his teeth crashed together and he exhaled in an elaborate hiss.

All the while, Kakashi's tight hold on him never faltered, fingers now wrapped securely around his throbbing erection.

"Quite the response." Naruto's mind vaguely comprehended laughter tied into the comment but he couldn't bring himself to care as the silver assassin's thumb was now rubbing incessantly over his swollen head. A whimper, a moan, a soft strangled cry; never was he brought to such a point so suddenly, so quickly before in his life.

His head shaking, body quivering, hands trembling as Kakashi slowly, too slowly, began gliding his hand from tip to base. It was too much, but at the same time not enough as his hips impatiently bucked up in search of greater friction. The result was an appealingly pleasurable sensation and a delectable yelp, which was prematurely cut off when Kakashi melded their mouths and swallowed it down.

Gods, he was close! He could feel it, and he'd barely even been touched! But between the feel of someone else's hand around his cock for a change, and the recently acquired gratification he found towards kissing he couldn't help be so very, very close!

"Ahh," the velvety voice whispered into his ear "who knew you'd be such an exhibitionist?" Exhibiti…what? He tried to make sense out of his sempai's words but was too far gone for anything to add up. He was suffocating with heat, overpowered with stimulation that any thought that tried to formulate was instantly push aside in his search for release.

Kakashi's grasp tightened as he tugged upwards almost painfully so. A throaty moan was released when suddenly Kakashi's grip loosened and he let go completely! No no no, what was he doing! WHAT WAS HE DOING!?! Why why why why WHY!

He sat under Kakashi's scrutinizing stare as awkward spasms over took him. Confusion clearly on his face he waited for some sort of explanation.

"I was talking to you. And I happen to think it very rude that you're not answering." Any negative feeling that might have been bubbling up were instantly popped when the hand was returned, though regretfully with less enthusiasm. Kakashi was busying himself by tracing the veins along his painfully hardened shaft, seemingly watching his outlining on the pulsating member with fascination. "I was kindly asking you to keep your voice down, but instead you deemed it necessary to raise it louder. You may enjoy the attention you're receiving from the local patrons, but I however, wish to keep this a bit less conspicuous. We are, after all, still in the bar…" Realization struck him hard, like a deluge of cold water. The table, the booth, the buzzing drone of chatter and glass clattering swiftly registered. The bar… Exhibitionist. Oh GODS he was in public! How the hell had this happened!? How the hell had he'd not noticed!? Here he was seconds away from achieving orgasmic high and he's in the middle of a damn populated pub!

A whimper, a whine…he couldn't tell what exactly passed his lips as Kakashi's etching was now passing playfully through his over-sensitized slit.

"Now then, if you'd like to continue, I believe mum is the word." A large part of him wanted to have a break down! Of course he wanted to continue, he was well passed the point of stopping! But at the same time the very thought of resuming their activity in the same room as many potential onlookers made his stomach churn in a less than delightful way. Could he keep his voice down? Could he really keep his reactions in check well enough to restrain any cries ecstasy that might come up? That godsend of an appendage enclosed around his heated flesh once again and he got his answer…

Apparently he couldn't.

Instantly his hands shot up to his mouth, stifling any and all noises down to a muffled mewl. For the millionth time that night he heard Kakashi laughing at him, only now he was more than peeved. Evidently his offense showed on his face as the Copy-nin adopted an expression of perverse amusement. He brought his lips down to the hollow of his neck sucking hard enough to brand the skin.

"What? No more wailing? And here I thought you liked the attention."

"Like I…would." Came his broken reply. Damn, how the hell was he keeping his voice so smooth? Here Naruto was finding it too hard to even breathe and Kakashi found time to tease him in more ways than one.

The once steady pace of his jolting hand was now cruelly shifting between a languished, measured stride to an erratically hurried speed then back again. He had little control over his own hips as they eagerly jerked forward when the sluggish rhythm became excruciating.

His grip tighten; another muted yell of agonizing bliss. The hand was pumping him for he had. It was too much! The hold constricted even closer still. The coils in his stomach tightening, heart preparing to jump out of his chest. The pace accelerating even more so now.

"Just let go." His eyes screwed shut, teeth clenched together, nails digging unbearably into his seat as well as that rapidly moving arm that threatened to take his sanity. A hard pull, a rough return, callous fingers mercilessly working him over; it was just too much

"Kakashi…" A plead, an assurance, a warning…

A release.

A strong release. His vision blurred beyond recognition as the powerful orgasm threatened to render him unconscious. All the while he was continually jerked, deft fingers milking him for all he was worth, as he shot off in long, plentiful streams upon the underside of their table. He could feel his lungs forcefully expelling all oxygen from his system but no sound reached his ears as the white void he'd reached became his temporary heaven.

And in heaven he stood…for a while that is, until his breathing calmed and his eyes lazily opened. Where was he? He was certain the euphoric after effects where messing with him as an intoxicating scent invaded his senses. His eye lids slid closed again as the comforting warmth and softness that enveloped him attempted to lull him into a peaceful slumber. But sleep was not something he was willing to welcome. He wanted to stay here -wherever here was- and a part of him knew if he allowed himself to sleep, he wouldn't wake to the same place again.

Forcing his eyes to reopen and focus, clarity began sinking in. His new found utopia was steadily rising and falling in session with the Copy-ninja's breathing. That invigorating aroma, nothing more than his face buried deep within Kakashi's neck. Somewhere in between the mind numbing ejaculation and the descent from his high, Naruto had somehow wound up pressed intimately close to Kakashi's side.

Though fully in the know about his surroundings, Naruto remained perfectly still, reluctant to move. His eyes roamed over the cloth clad neck taking notice to the lively beating pulse. Beneath him he could feel the deep inhalation of Kakashi's chest. It was beginning to register that sitting here as still as he was just might be a tad bit anguishing to his former sensei. Slowly he removed himself, deciding to lay on the table, cheek pressed tenderly to the cool marble slab. Before he could get a good look at Kakashi's face the familiar mask was brought up into its customary position. Their eyes met and the silver one creased into a cheerful, beaming grin.

"What's say you and I get out of here? Head back to my place?" Back to his place? Was he crazy? After that ground shattering experience he just had Kakashi wanted to take him all the way back to his place? He prepared himself for what he was going to say.

The older jounin sat patiently, watching as the Jinchuuriki closed his eyes and shook his head.



"No." He said more firmly, pushing himself into an upright position and looking dead into his eyes. "My place is closer."

Who the hell does he think his is!?! How dare that asshole insinuate that anything went on between her and Naruto! Blue balls or not the way he treated her was inexcusable! Yelling at her over the stupidest of things. He all but kicked her out of his house!

How could he possibly think that there was anything going on between her and Naruto! It was Naruto for crying out loud…and for that matter, what was the big deal? A few moments prior he was practically showering her with congratulations on being fondled by Kakashi! Kakashi Naruto, what was the big difference!? Was it cause he thought she couldn't really get a guy like Kakashi? If he did he'd better think again cause she all but had him right in her grasp last night! (Sure it was more like the other way around but she couldn't be bothered by trivial technicalities.)

And what was so bad about Naruto? He was lean, built, and incredibly good looking in his own right. Any woman should be so lucky! …Maybe that was it. Some sort of inadequacy thing, like a trial in their rivalry that he couldn't quite match?

Even as the thought crossed her mind she knew it was ridiculous. That Sasuke could be intimidated my Naruto's 'chivalrous charm' was about the stupidest she's ever thought up. They both could have anybody they wanted…and, so could she for that matter! Hell, she could even have them! All three of her teammates have expressed an interest on some form or another, and who was anyone to say they were off limits!

Oh who was she kidding, she couldn't have any of them. She was certain after what just happened between her, Kakashi and Sasuke that she'd never get another chance with either of them again. And Naruto, well the way he's always going around staring at anything with breasts and ass that he'd do just about anyone who'd let him. Being with him would be nothing special…she'd probably be just another number to him. Albeit a number who still retained a name and a face.

The thought depressed her.

She wasn't foolish enough to believe any of them were innocent. Sasuke had been defected for far too long. Anything could've happened. The fact that he had returned practically oozing of sex had only confirmed, in her mind, that any chastity that may have lived during his Genin days were long since dead. Naruto, on the other hand, still preserved an air of innocence about him…which all but diminished when in the presence of a beautiful set of legs! He was like a wolf in sheep's clothing, an inauspicious trap for anyone naïve enough to fall pray! And Kakashi, PAH! Kakashi was all but ready to divulge all of his sexual encounter, beginning with experience number one! And for that matter….what the hell is thirteen!?! …Advanced little snot…

These dejected thoughts were making her even more upset…

Stupid Sasuke and his stupid accusations. But sitting here in the dark room with only her thoughts to entertain her allowed her time to really think. And when it came down to it, the only real reason she believed Sasuke said any of that stuff to her was probably because of rejection. A blow to his ego cause she wasn't willing to put out. She sighed. And it only took her a good two hours to come to that conclusion…

Looking around the room she figured there was no longer a reason to stay. She should deal with this on her own anyways, involving third parties was never a good idea, but still…where the hell was he? That nimrod had all but ran out of the house earlier under the ruse of doing laundry and here she was in his gaudy little apartment, surrounded by his dirty laundry, and he was no where to be seen! The liar. Honestly, she had even went out to her way to be helpful in her stay by separating his clothes and two hours later he was still a no-show! She shook the resentment out of her head. No point in getting worked up over something she couldn't control.

Just as Sakura was preparing to stand she caught the sound of keys jostling in the front door. Great, and here she was preparing to slip out sans explanation. Oh well, might as well excuse herself properly.

She stood up and began making her way to the mini hallway that marked his front entrance but a tussling sound made her freeze in her tracks.

She waited in Naruto's living room/bedroom/dining room on high alert, when two figures came crashing down onto the floor before her, one seemingly attacking the other.

"Hold your horses old man! I at least wanna get in a shower first!" A hand shot up to cover her gaping mouth as the delayed light bulb finally illuminated the room, revealing her squadron leader hovering over the apartment owner. They both stared up at her, Kakashi with the happiest grin she's ever seen him sport (through the mask and all) and Naruto, with his face scrunched up in vexing scrutiny.

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing here?"

AN: -Looks around carefully- Did I lose anyone there on my very random scene shift? (Kinda lost myself when I was reading it over.) I was going to hold off on that little part til the next chapter but because the last one ended with a (un-suspenseful) cliffy I thought it a bit weird not to at least address what happened somewhere in this chapter. Anyways guys, (for any who are still with me…such a shameful author I be) the next chapter will hopefully be the last as a gather my bearings and finally pump out some real pr0n! (Not sure how that's going to turn out, so lets all be surprised together…) And I think I've got my pairings all set…but the closer I get to this thing the more things shift around on me and the more lost I become. (lol, I'm a slave writer to my own constantly changing mind.) Til Next time lovelies: ) See ya!