Moving On
By: CallxMexSenseixSenpaixSama

I'm not sure, but this is for Tohru right after her mom dies

Reaching out I feel nothing
This blank void that surrounds me
Was this my childhood?

Calling out, I hear nothing
Slowly, words float up to me
Like ghosts, they softly whisper
Mother Goose rhymes that I never got tired of hearing

Opening my eyes, I see nothing
Vast lands of white space
Closes in around me

Gradually changing color from white to black
Black to gray
Swirling in my mind
Where am I?

What is this gloom that I feel
Loneliness and pain
dancing around me

This fear inside me
It's tearing out
A monster I'm becoming

I'm sorry
Words slip out
Hands cover my mouth

Mm mm mm

Tears brimming
I find myself at a funeral
Flowers dropping

My best friend gone
My comforter erased
Family broken
Mother missing

A last dinner
A last meeting
A last goodbye
I could've made it better

What will I do now
When my life is shattered on the ground
Broken pieces that lie around

In this stage where its black
I stand up straight
Footsteps echo alone

With hesitation, I continue
All I ask
is to help me move on