A/N: I should really be working on my other story, but I couldn't help but chuck this out. This should be a short story, not a very long one.

Disclaimer: Everything's JKR's.

See Hermione Run

Hermione was good at running away. Running away in the metaphorical sense, that is. She was extremely good at running from and avoiding her problems. She didn't avoid her school work, oh no. She would never dare to do that. She ran from her personal problems. It was almost an art for her, the way she did it so stealthily and gracefully. When she couldn't deal with things, she packed up her useful mental baggage and ran, ran, ran as fast as she could.

Hermione wished she could run now. She was in a room with Ginny, playing that horrendous game, Truth or Dare. Ginny had just asked a question that had been plaguing Hermione's mind for the past couple months. Have you ever found yourself attracted to a girl

Had she? She'd only spent the past couple months thinking about a certain girl. She'd only spent the past couple weeks at the Burrow staring at a certain girl. Hermione was sure that the object of her affection had noticed her drooly stares. God, why couldn't Hermione just like boys like rest of her girl friends?! Why did she have to have feelings for that gorgeous, goddess of a woman? With her silvery hair, her icy blue eyes, how could Hermione not be entranced by her?!

"Uhh...errr" Hermione muttered.

Ginny's eyes widened in surprise. "Hermione? Oh my God!! You have, haven't you?!!"

Hermione blushed seven shades of red. Ginny jumped up and down on her bed. "This is so exciting!!"

Hermione quirked an eyebrow. "Exciting? I don't think so." Hermione laid down and faced the wall. "It isn't the least bit exciting. I've been so troubled by this for the past couple months. It's...so difficult to face. I've just been running away from it."

Ginny stopped flailing about. She put her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "'Mione." she said, her voice taking on a serious tone. "It's okay. It doesn't make you any less of a person, y'know."

Hermione turned around, smiling. "Thanks, Gin."

"So, Hermione, who do you fancy, then?"

Hermione blushed again. "No one. Let's change the subject, shall we?" There she was, running again.

"C'mon 'Mione just spill it!"

"Fine! IfancyFleur." Hermione mumbled.

Ginny looked at Hermione in confusion. "What? Say that again."

"Fleur, I fancy Fleur." Hermione repeated in embarrassment.

Ginny leaned back onto her pillows with a smirk. "Knew it." she said in a singsong voice.

Shocked, Hermione stared at Ginny. "What do you mean??"

"'Mione, why d'you think I asked that question in the first place? I've noticed your displacement with reality lately, and I've noticed you staring at Fleur. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she knew too."

"WHAT?! Why...how would she know?!"

Ginny looked at Hermione in disbelief. "Hermione, it's just so utterly obvious by the way you stare at her."

Hermione's face reddened. "It is, isn't it?" she said weakly.

Ginny nodded sympathetically. "There is an easy remedy though."

Hermione stared blankly at Ginny. "Ginny, if it involves alcohol in any way, shape, or form-"

"'Mione! Is that really what you think of me?"

"-I'm in." Hermione laughed.

"Oh ha ha. Seriously, though. I know the perfect thing to do."

"What?" Hermione asked, leaning forward and anxious to hear what Ginny had to say.

"Tell her." Ginny smiled confidently.

Hermione's jaw dropped. "Tell her?! TELL HER?! That's your big idea?! Gin, you have really gone off the deep end. There's is no way in bloody hell that I would ever, EVER tell her that. For starters, I don't even know if she-"

Ginny held up her hand. "Hermione, shut up. Just listen. Fleur likes you, I mean, as a person. She'll respect you if you tell her."

Hermione gave Ginny a look of disgust. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, Gin. You just get your jollies from people making arses of themselves, don't you?"

Ginny laughed. "Course not, Hermione. I just..." Ginny's eyes twinkled. "I just think that you'd be surprised by her reaction."

"...R-really?" Hermione's eyes widened. "Y-you think she likes me too?"

"Hmm," Ginny held her chin in her hand. "I'm not completely sure. But I've seen her stare at you...weirdly. Or at least how I would define weird. You'd probably define it as something-"

"Gin! Get to the point."

"Anyway, I just think you should tell her. Who knows what could become of it?"

"What about Bill?" Hermione questioned.

"What about him?"

"Gee, I dunno. Maybe the fact that he's engaged to Fleur?!"

"Oh. Oh that. Psh, that isn't gonna last long."

"What?! Why?" Hermione was beginning to see a small beacon of hope.

"Because. I know my brother. This is just a fling. I mean, for god's sake, they weren't even dating that long when he proposed. He's just entranced by her. He's the type to want to marry the first pretty girl who shows an interest in him. Don't even see him as competition."

"Uhh, but he is competition. Wait a minute, why am I even talking like this?" Hermione threw her hands up in the air. "As if I actually have a chance with her. My god."

Ginny leaned into Hermione. "Hermione." she whispered. "Truth or Dare?"

Hermione groaned. "Oh please, Gin. Shut up already."

"No, seriously. Truth or Dare?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Fine. Whatever. Truth."

Ginny frowned. "You suck. Okay, we'll just say that you picked dare. Now, I dare you-"

"GINNY!" Hermione exploded. "We are not discussing this anymore! I am not doing any stupid dare that you give me! Especially if it has to do with Fleur!"

Ginny looked taken aback. "Damn, 'Mione."

"Well, I'm sick talking about this. Stop giving me false hope."

"Hermione. I'm not giving you false hope. I honestly don't think that Bill is any real competition, and I honestly think I've noticed some stares that Fleur has given you. Really. Now, Truth or Dare?"

"Fine! Dare."

Ginny bit her lip, suppressing a grin. "Go tell Fleur about your feelings."

"Oh, real original Gin. Real original."

"Just go do it."

Much to her own surprise, Hermione got up and walked out the door. Come on, Hermione. Just do it. Just do it. Get it off your chest. Stop running from things.

Hermione walked slowly to Fleur's room. She kept chanting to herself. Just do it. Just do it. She raised her hand, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Oui?" Fleur asked after she opened the door.

"Erm...um...c-could I...t-talk to you for a moment?" Hermione stuttered.

The French witch had never seen Hermione so jittery. "Of course 'ermione. Come in."

Hermione stood awkwardly in Fleur's room, and crossed her arms. "Er...I have..something to t-tell you."

"Alright." Fleur was confused by Hermione's behavior. The young witch was normally calm and collected. "Go on, 'ermione."

"This is...uh..Well, what I mean to say is..." Hermione coughed. "Imaybekindasortalikeyou." A horrified look came across her face, and she bolted out of the door.

This time, she was truly, literally running away.

A/N: Well, I'm not sure how I feel about this story, but I think I'm going to keep going and chuck out maybe two or three more chapters. Let me know what you think of this.