Yeah so I'm lame shut up go die.

The following fic is based off of this fic, and this Gaia Online Roleplay, with it. I have no individual creativity. Blah blah blah nyeh.

So by now you get that I don't own the ideas behind the fic, nor do I own Naruto. Just my way of spinning it off, that's all.

DO NOT complain about length in your reviews. I know some things are going to be short. This chapter, for example, will serve as an intro. It is NOT going to be novel length.

One: Odd.

The sun was slowly inching across the noon sky, passing time as it did so. The heat of the desert had become near inescapable; only those who knew the curves and crevices of the plateaus could even have a chance of finding slight relief, considering the aid of straw hats and a good supply of water. Two straw hats, coincidentally, could be found in a particularly large area of the plateau, sitting idly beneath the awning of rock. One sat tall, apparently fiddling with his hands, the other sat hunched a few feet away; he seemed considerably larger than the average human. They were wise in wearing sunshields hanging from their hats, but seemed a bit out of minds to wear such large black cloaks…Odd.

It seemed a serene place, quiet and withdrawn in all it's natural and amazing—


Odd. The taller of the two had moved, releasing his hands dramatically to let a small, unknown object seemingly fly out from his palms. After the loud but confined explosion, the taller's hands had disappeared into a pair of gray zipper bags. The hunched one only moved to turn his head.

"Why must you always make such a ruckus?" The voice was male.

"Art is a bang. Un." The taller one said, taking a small amount of clay into his hand. It appeared there was a large amount of clay stored in each of the bags. Odd. The clay in the taller's hands disappeared. At close observation, taking into consideration that anyone getting close to these two was a wild risk taker, or just stupid, it could be seen that there were two, chewing mouths in the palms of the taller one's hands.

"What you call art is only destruction. Art should last forever."

"I do believe you are wrong, Sasori-danna. The art is in the destruction of the beauty. The loss of something longed. The explosion. Un."

"Deidara, you twit." Sasori was on his way to a string of well worded insults from the bowels of his vocabulary when a loud 'Shush' interrupted him. He grunted angrily.

"They're here." Deidara said, standing slowly. Sasori couldn't care less, really. What made the situation odd was that clinking noises could suddenly be heard…coming from his body?

Deidara walked into the sun, his hat doing a fine job of shielding his eyes. It didn't matter much, though. As he approached the visitors, he entered a cast shadow large enough to engulf the front of a house. Zetsu stood before him, blocking out the sun. Kisame stood almost pathetically at his side. Behind them not much could be seen, but a small amount of pink hair could be found, more than apparently shaking. Zetsu was the first to speak.

"You know of your duties?" Deidara nodded. "Does Sasori-san?" The pink hair stopped moving. Odd.

"I know of them, yes." Sasori answered indifferently.

"Good. We will inform Leader-sama that all is well." The tall, half black half white man blinked his yellow eyes, just narrowly entering Deidara's field of vision a tooth of his large fly-trap like head.

Kisame shifted his weight. "Keep careful watch," he nodded his head backward toward the now frozen mass of pink hair. "She likes to try running away." The three let the air hang silent for a moment, thick with heat. They soon nodded, allowing Zetsu and Kisame to disappear. This left a girl standing in silent awe. Her short pink hair was tied back with a red Konoha forehead protector, showing a tall forehead. Her pale legs shook under her white skirt, and her gloved hands fiddled wildly in front of her magenta-adorned midriff.

Deidara could only manage a grin and the raising of his right hand. "Yo." A tongue, long and drenched in saliva mixed with clay oozed it's way out of the palm of Deidara's hand. The girl stepped back in awe. Sasori looked up, making the girl's head jerk in his direction. Her eyes narrowed.

"You're supposed to be dead." She said, staring intently at Sasori. Odd.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Sakura-chan." Sasori said, finally moving slightly. It wasn't a move worth noticing, just one to state his presence, really. "But I have ways of preserving my life that you can't even begin to imagine."

Deidara stood in awe. Apparently these two had met before? Odd. It then struck him. "Ooooh! Sasori-danna! This is…Ooooh!" He broke into a roar of laughter. "This small girl? Defeated you, Sasori-danna? And here I was under the impression that you were more powerful than me. Un."

Sasori glared. "Shall we go to your chamber, then?" His words were sharp; heavy.

"Yes, a good idea." Deidara put his hand on Sakura's back, pushing her towards the unnaturally large curve in the plateau. He could feel her shiver under his hand and, figuring it had something to do with the mouth, made sure it stayed tightly closed, if not clenched together uncomfortably. Despite being a member of an S-Rank Terrorist cell, there was a heart somewhere deep in the sculptor. Just very, very hard to find.

The three began walking. Straight at a rock. A very solid, hard, immovable rock. Sakura felt her heart race. These people were truly mad! Walking directly into a solid substance! It seemed like she was just about to collide face first into the mass of rough sediment when Deidara's free hand moved in front of his face and the rock slid away to the sides, creating a wide doorway for the three of them to enter. Odd. They entered quickly, the rock sliding back into place as they made contact with the smooth wooden floor just beyond.

Deidara's hand, despite being unseen in the absolute darkness, remained up, and in a matter of seconds the entire hallway was filled with lit torches. It was this fact, however, that made Sakura the most uneasy. There was what looked to be miles of hallway ahead of her, and at every glance there was an intersecting hall filled with doors, and even some more intersecting halls every once in a while. She couldn't stop her mouth before she asked, "How can anyone get around in this place?"

"Very, very carefully. Un." Deidara said slyly.

"The Akatsuki have special signs on each of the hallways they actually use." Sakura's hopes skyrocketed. This could mean her escape! "Special signs that the untrained eye would not be able to notice." Her hopes fell into the red.

"In other words, don't try to escape. Un." Deidara added with a slight cackle. This caused another shiver.

The two led the girl through countless hallways, all looking to be the same and all looking as if they'd walked in circles. It wasn't long before Sakura had given up trying to memorize which turn was taken where. Finally, after a walk long enough to tire out even Naruto's spirits, they reached a highly elaborate door. Or pair of doors, more specifically. Carved in the center of the two doors was a large Sakura blossom, rightfully titling the soon to be contents.

Upon the opening of the two doors, a girl's wonderland was found. The ceiling was high and the walls were hidden behind flowing wine-red drapes. There were cushions everywhere, and behind a rather massive pile of them was a large, cloud-like bed.

There was a large three-mirror vanity taking up most of the back wall, and it was adorned with every makeup and accessory a girl could dream of. Along the opposite wall was a large closet, filled with casual clothing, embroidered kimonos, and a few hopeful Akatsuki cloaks lining the back. There were flowers everywhere of all different shapes and colors, and a large bathroom was to the left of the bed.

"My, would you look at that. Un." Deidara stared in the room, grinning. It wasn't long before he was trying out the bounciness of a pile of cushions near the closet. Sasori, on the other hand, found himself leaning against the wall next to the now closed door. "Leader-sama seems to have gone all out. Un."

"No dolls? I'm surprised." Sasori said, keeping his eyes on Sakura.

"This coming from a man who plays with puppets all day?" Deidara giggled, playfully silencing himself when Sasori's flaming glare landed on him.

Sakura found herself laughing inside, and had quite the fight on her hands to seem indifferent outwardly. It was ironic that a puppet master would be mocking a girl's lack of dolls. But if she were to even slightly act comfortable with the situation they could become too aware of her presence and, in the event of her escape, actually try to get her back.

These were fruitless thoughts, however. She was now in the custody of her father, their so called "Leader-sama". She hadn't realized it, but up until her 14th birthday her parents had been struggling over a custody hearing. A whole year later they finally received the hearing date, and a few months after that she found herself here. It was highly doubtful that her father would so easily let her escape after at least 12 years of debate between her families.

Told you it'd be short.