Author: Furyan Goddess/PagingDrHouse
Title: A Night of Passion, A Life time of Consequences
Rating: Let's just be safe w/ NC17 for sexual content and language.
Fandom: TFATF/AU
Disclaimer: Do not own Dom or anyone else for TFATF
Summary: What happens when a one night stand changes your life forever?
Pairing: Dom/OC
Archive: Yes
Feedback: Yes please but be easy, my first ever TFATF fic.
Author's Notes: This popped in my head, I hope you like it and let me know (nicely) if I'm getting Dom right… this is my first ever Dom fic. Thanks Also posted at VX board

She'd been watching him for weeks now and each time she saw him, she wanted him more. He had the body of a god, the face of an angel and the smirk of the devil in disguise, just like she loved them. She was no fool, she knew she couldn't have him, at least for anything more than a night or two, but that didn't stop her wanting to have a go with him.

Her brother Matt was pretty new into the street racing scene and she tagged along once to see what he was up to, he was her younger brother after all, then she saw him. He was the reason she came back, she really had no real interest in this kind of thing, she preferred older, vintage style cars and she had no desire to work on them. Just start them up and go. And she wanted to start him up and go.

Every time she saw him, she saw her, the dark haired, territorial bitch and it made her sneer, but not tonight…. no she was nowhere to be seen and she planned on taking advantage of that.

He noticed she started coming about three weeks ago with some new kid trying to break in. He had some skills but not enough cash to really make a good car, yet. He caught her looking at him with interest on a few occasions but never bothered to do anything about it. Letty was a pain in the ass like that and he didn't feel like putting up with her hissy fit. But tonight, Letty wasn't around. She had left in a huff, pissed off at him; again, for something he wasn't even sure what. Whatever it was, it wasn't worth the effort to care anymore. So he looked and caught her eye and smiled. Yeah, he had planned on making her his tonight.

Races were over and no cops showed she everyone hung out longer than normal. She wondered around, not quite fitting into the scene and not really making an effort either. She was here to support her brother after all, not make friends.

The cars all looked pretty much the same to her and she was glad she drove her own tonight. It was a black 1979 Pontiac Firebird, all original, even the bird on the hood. She loved it, the bitch hummed and purred. She was walked over to it and getting ready to leave when she heard his voice.

"This your car?"

"Yeah." She turned and looked at him and smiled. He was even more beautiful up close and he smelled amazing. "You didn't race?"

"She's in the shop. Figured I'd give her a rest and let someone else win for a change."

"That apply to your girl also?"

"Letty? She's out of town."

She walked over to her car and got in, firing up the engine. "What to go for a ride?" She asked him with a smile."

"Yeah." He voice was deep and sensual and understood her double innuendo. He ran to the other side and jumped in. She quickly backed up and sped away.

"So Dominic, you want to drive her?"

"Hell yeah." She pulled over and started to open her door, "What's your name beautiful?" He asked her smoothly. He was all charisma and charm, a deadly combination.

"Jessica." They both got out and started to walk around.

He stopped her in front of the car and whispered, "Jessica, I like that."

Her name on his lips gave her a chill and she smiled. Once they were in, he quickly shifted and gunned the engine. She could tell by the look on his face he approved of the car and its speed.

"Make a left, then a right. Two blocks down, pull over on the right and turn her off." Dom followed her instructions. Once he was parked they got out and she walked over to a house and began to open the door. "You want a drink?"

"Yeah, you got a beer?" She nodded as she closed and locked the door behind him. Flipping on a light in the kitchen she grabbed two long neck bottles and handed him one. There was a soft glow from a lamp in the living room and it made his skin look that much darker and his eyes that much more exotic. They looked at each other for a while before he spoke. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Just trying to decide if I want you to take me hard and fast or take me slow and easy." She told him as she set down her empty beer.

"How about we do both, it's early."

"Sounds good." She took her shirt off and stepped toward him. She felt a brief moment of uncertainty but it passed and she took another step. She had never done this sort of thing before, she wasn't the type but she knew this was her only chance to have him, and Jessica always got what she wanted. She slid his shirt over his head to reveal his glorious body to her hungry gaze. Perfect. She ran her hand over the smooth, soft, tanned flesh and felt his muscles jump under her fingers.

Dom watched her remove her shirt and felt his cock twitch. She was all soft curves and lean muscle. Her stomach was flat but she wasn't so skinny that looked like you could break her in half and her breasts were full and high. His hands slipped behind her back and unhooked her bra. He cupped her large globes in his hands and smiled. Yes, tonight was gonna be a hell of a night. He slowly lowered his mouth and took a straining, dusky peak into his mouth making her cry out and grip the back of his head. He left a trial of liquid fire from one to the other than up to her full, pouty mouth. His hands tangled in her long, straight blonde hair and he marveled at the texture of it. It felt like spun silk slipping though his fingers. She was the complete opposite of Letty in every way, her skin tone, her coloring and the tone of her voice. While Letty was small, dark and sultry, Jessica was tall, light and breathy. She was like fresh ocean breezes and cool clear nights.

Her touch was firm, smooth and confident and her cries of pleasure and gasps of surprise were intoxication. Her hands stoked his fires hot and fast and that's how he took her, the first time, there on the counter in the kitchen. His jeans were still pooled around his ankles and he still had his shoes on. She was naked and blissfully so. He managed to peel every stitch of cloth from her body just to make sure he was touching all of her.

She cried out as she shattered in his arms for him, her voice making a meowing sound, not the gruntal, throaty sounds Letty made and he found it overwhelmingly sexy. Womanly.

"Hum that was fantastic." She sighed against his lips as they both panted trying to catch their breath. He grunted in response and she chuckled. "How about we take this to the bedroom and you can take me slow like you promised. Think you can do that big man? Make me burn." She whispered against his lips as she nipped at them.

"I think you just did."

"No, that was fire; I want the slow smoldering burn. You know the one that makes your palms itch and your toes curl. You beg for release but pray it never comes because it feels too good. That's what I want and I know you can give it to me. Now let's go."

He willingly obeyed her and hoped he could give her what she wanted. With him and Letty it was always hard and hot. They didn't 'make love'; they fucked, screwed, exploded and ignited.

He slid in to her this time slow and easy. Her legs wrapped around his waist as his hands gripped hers above their heads. His kisses were gentle and deep, along with his stokes. She arched up into him sighing. He rolled over and she straddled him and rode him slow, a look of pure bliss on her face. This time, it took a while to reach the peak but when they came it was a deep and resounding and fully sated them both. They dosed briefly before they had sex again, this time almost desperate before the sun started to rise and they had to go back to their own lives. He knew she wasn't right for him, she deserved better and besides, he was still with Letty. She knew she could never hold onto him. He was like the tide, strong, defiant and every changing. Nothing or no one could hold him for long and especially if he didn't want to be held.

With one last kiss, she dropped him off in front of his house and promised herself she would always remember that night, the best night of her life, the best lover she ever had.

They had saw each other a couple times at a race over the next month or so but never spoke again. He always had Letty at his side and Jessica really couldn't understand that relationship. It seemed to contain no real love, no touching only possession and lust. Hey, who was she to judge? Her brother Matt settled into the life style and she would get reports of all the racers through him and that included Dom. She never let on to anyone about their night together. It was private and something she held very dear to her heart.

One Month Later

She woke up and groaned. She felt like shit. How could she get the flu, it wasn't flu season yet. She rolled over phoned work and slept the day away. She woke up the next day feeling the same way but made herself get out of bed, she had to work. This when on for about a week until she was eating lunch in the break room and ran to the bathroom, vomiting violently. Her friend came in and asked if she was ok.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got this stomach flu I can't shake."

"You sure it's the flu Jess?" her friend asked.

"What else would it be?" Her friend raised her eye brow at her and she felt her face blanch. No, it can't be. It can't… no, no, no. "I got to go, close up will you?"

Jessica owned a bookstore that sold new and used hardback books, her passion. It was small, but she made enough to live off of and save a little. But most of all, she was happy; Jessica loved to surround herself with things that made her happy.

She drove to the store and got a test then headed back to her house. As much as she tried to convince herself that this was stupid, she was worrying over nothing she knew the truth. Her life was about to change forever.

The test was positive, like she knew it would be. She wasn't sure how, she was on birth control and he use a condom every time but there it was, a big + sign and the word PREGNANT.
