'I still am not sure I understand the purpose of this activity.'

Larten Crepsley stated from one of the tables they had been seated at in his usual stern tone. A murmur of agreement ran through the other assembled vampires. Kurda stood at the front of the makeshift classroom, leaning on the desk.

Darren Shan had kept his head down. He knew all about teachers and lessons and how if you never made eye-contact you were unlikely to get picked on. The older vampires had no such knowledge.

'The purpose of this activity,' Kurda replied. 'Is to teach you a little more about the various subjects taught to young people nowadays in sch-'

'I can't read,' Arra interrupted, standing. 'Well, there's obviously no point in my being here, so I'll just-'

Kurda blocked the door and she raised an eyebrow.

'Nor can I,' said Larten, joining her at the door.

Kurda didn't move. Darren eventually was the one that begged.

'Please don't leave me with Kurda!'

'Look, Kurda, you're scaring the boy.' Gavner said from somewhere near the back where he Mika and Arrow had been playing the cards.

Arra and Larten sat down again, Larten beside Darren and Arra beside the game of cards looking in.

Kurda calmed down and stood up straight at the front.

'This will take place every Thursday from midnight,' he said. 'And I don't expect anyone to be late. For the first two lessons we'll be studying Shakespeare. After that, we'll be working on Trigonometry, and then the basics of Chemistry and Global Warming.'

Darren had started to rock back and forth in his chair, head in hands. Larten patted him on the back half-heartedly, looking away as if he was planning to run.

The rest of the vampires didn't seem alarmed. Arrow and Mika never planned to attend again, Gavner knew he could get around Kurda's decision somehow wink, Larten had decided he would use Darren as his excuse, and Arra... well, Kurda wouldn't argue with her.

While they were thinking, Kurda and his helpful assistant Harkat (who was quite intelligent and knew all about many of the things studied) gave everyone two different worn out old books. One was Macbeth, the other Romeo and Juliet.

Mr. Crepsley thought Darren might go completely insane as he watched the boy shakily open the books covers and read the first page. Obviously traumatized.

Larten was suddenly glad he never went to school.

Kurda briefly introduced Shakespeare and the plays with the helpful interjections of Harkat when he forgot to mention something.

As everyone opened their books to begin reading, Kurda remembered something.

'Oh, yes! Before we start, I have your uniforms!'