When the World Stops Seeing

AU. I myself am proud that I could assist in the down fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and I'm sure Harry Potter would just want us to live ours lives... might be slash

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Not even Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Rating: R

Category: Tons of Angst/Romance and hopefully a little bit of Mystery

Warnings-Might be slash, physical, verbal, emotional and may be sexual abuse

Bashing on pretty much everyone except Harry.


What would you do if you never knew what love was? Could you ever feel anything?

People will believe anything they hear, but what if this time it was the worst thing they could ever believe.

Because it just so happened that they believed they should forget, forget everything they ever learned from the world, and without their memories…they were no better than they were before.


There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. - Denis Waitley

The Daily Prophet:

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Dead!

This morning one of the most exciting and exhilarating things this beautiful author has ever seen happened today.

The brave and gallant Harry James Potter, age 14, destroyed the most feared man our world has yet to encounter. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named! You-Know-Who!

After a terrifying surprise attack at 9¾ train station which would lead to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Death Eaters began to terrorize and kill and injure many children and parents, both magical and muggle.

Though Aurors soon arrived at the scene and began to fight the dark and deadly crew it was a horrible sight my beautiful eyes had to behold. That's when I saw the hideous Dark Lord looming and watching the fight with glee, red eyes gleaming and glowing with his mighty power.

I jumped out of my skin in terror before I put myself in to action and ran unto the train to find Harry Potter. I later found him in the bathroom with one smart and beautiful Ginny Weasley and immediately informed him of the situation. He jumped into action and ran outside to fight the powerful and hideous man.

It was my pleasure to assist Mr. Potter on the destruction of You-Know-Who and to save many lives that day. As to Mr. Potter's health, that is unknown, after he later fell tragically to the ground after the death defying fight with the Dark Lord.

I assure you all though, that Mr. Potter has now saved our world and he would have wanted us to lift our eyes and hands to the sky and thank the world we can live again in peace and without terror.

So let us forget our once hurtful lives and the ones we lost in the process and live the life the way Harry Potter would have wanted. I myself am proud that I could assist in the down fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

A new improved, fearless author,

Rita Skeeter

Authors note:

Reviews feed my soul and make me write more…