A/N: hey everyone! This story, as you already know, is called Rebel Eye for a Good Guy. Its probably a lot different than other AkuRoku fics. I know I said LLW was gonna be different, and it is, but this is even more different. I pretty much had Axel and Roxas switch places. You'll get what I mean once we start. One last thing I want to say. The chapter setups are weird. The first half of each chapter is from Roxas' point of view. The second half of each chapter is the same time frame, from Axel's point of view. This is how most of the chapters will be. I have a few chapters planned that will be a bit different, but I'll let you know then. Well thats all want to say and I hope you enjoy this story! OH! I almost forgot, 50 of this story was totally Leod's brainchild too. We came up with it together so I totally HAVE to give her credit. This first chapter is dedicated to her. One last thing, as soon as I finish them, im gonna post the outlines for Axel, Roxas, and Sora's clothes on deviant art. The link to my page is on my user page thing under homepage. Thanks again for reading!

PS: when I do this that means the POV is changing...xXx mean the scene is changing, but its still the same POV...

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or anything, Square Enix does...-cries- I DO owm a copy of COM...does that count?


Erotic Popsicle

I swung my leg over the motorcycle and hopped down. Pulling my helmet off, I stuck it under one arm as I opened the door to Twilight Tattoo's, my current place of work. Owned and operated by my two friends Riku and Sora. Coming around the front counter, I stashed my helmet under the cash register. Coming back around, I waved at my best friend Demyx and plopped onto a nearby stool. The tall mohawked blonde came over to sit in front of me. Grinning, he plopped down on the floor at my feet.

"Whats up Rox? Anything new?"

"Not really. Where Sora and Riku?"

"Upstairs. Like either of them would ever come down before ten. By the way, you have an 'appointment' in ten."

"Alright, what is it?" Demyx walked to the counter and picked up a few pages.

"Female. Twenty One. Wants a tattoo of a butterfly on her hip." he handed me a pattern.

Blue and pink, of course.

A tall blonde walked through the door and approached the counter.

"Hey! Im Larxene. I made an appointment yesterday."

"Yup, right this way." I washed my hands and pulled on a pair of rubber gloves as Demyx walked the girl to a nearby table.

Rolling a stool over to the table, I grabbed the freshly printed transfer Demyx handed me and rolled a small table with all my tools over. Blowing a black and blonde lock of hsir out of my face, I looked up at the blonde customer.

She was wearing short shorts that were rolled down to almost the bottom of her hip bones. Blinking a few times, she flashed me a coy smile.

"So where do you want this?" I asked, giving her a not-interested look. She only smiled back and pointed to a place on her right hipbone. Nodding, I shrugged out of my leather jacket and applied the transfer.

"Now lay down on your side. Make sure your right hip is in the air." she adjusted. "Ready?" she nodded, making her antennae-like hair bounce.

Blowing another blonde and blacked tipped lock of hair out of my eyes, I picked up the first tool.

"It's just gonna feel like getting repeated shots. Nothing too bad." she bit her lip.

Nodding, I got to work, dipping ht needle into the ink.

A little while later, when the butterfly was completely done, I stood and wiped off the tattoo one last time, pulling my gloves off.

"What do you think?"

"I love it! It looked amaaaaaaazing!" she jumped up and hugged me, pressing herself as close to me as possible. Pushing her off, I set her back on the table and bandaged her up. After going to the register to pay, she winked at me and left.

I flopped down into the squishy swivel chair in front of the front desk computer, shaking my hair out of my face for the billionth time. Looking over to the counter, I saw Demyx smirking.

"Dude, she was so hitting on you!" I rolled my eyes.

"You know she's not my type."

"I know that, but she dosnt."

"What's your point?"

"Yeah Rox, maybe you should start wearing a shirt that says 'IM GAY SO DON'T GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER' in big bold letters. ' GIVE IT TO DEMYX'" I looked over at the new vioce laughing. Sora was coming out from behind a beaded curtain, Riku not far behind.

Snorting, Demyx absentmindedly clicked his rubber-tipped tongue ring against the front of his teeth. I had gotten over that habit a while ago, but Demyx was still new to the piercing. Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth and playing with my lip ring, I stared off into space, thinking about last night.

10 PM at the small convenience store down the road. Just sating my chocolate craving. Grabbing a basket and filling it full of chocolate products such as Hershey Kisses, Bon Bon's, chocolate covered cherries, Hershey bars, a Whoppers, I strode to the counter. Tossing everything next to the cash register, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. When I looked up at the cashier, my jaw almost dropped. Ringing up my random chocolate crap was one of the hottest guys I had ever seen. Fiery red hair all pulled back but a piece hanging down on each side. Jeans and a blue polo with an attached name tag that read 'Axel'. Not hearing what he said for a price, I just handed him a twenty and accepted my change. Picking up my bag, I left the store, not realizing until I was halfway back to my dorm that I didn't ask for his number. 'Damn'

"Rox. Rox. Roxas! You still with us?" Demyx waved a hand in front of my face. Glaring, at the blonde, it immediately ceased. Sora looked at my curiously.

"What was that minor zoning out about?"

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"A guy I saw last night at the store."

"Ah. Was he hot?"


"So did you get his number?"


"Have I taught you nothing?!" an exasperated Sora threw his hands in the air.

I laughed and pulled my coat back on.

"Well I've gotta go your guys, I'll be back later." catching the helmet Demyx tossed me, I walked out the door, waving as I went.

Reaching my motorcycle, I saw some hooded guy ogling over it. Sighing, I walked up behind him and pulled my keys out.

"Your fogging up the paint."

The guy jumped, his hood falling off revealing a shock of bright red hair pulled back with an elastic. He was tall, really tall, almost a foot taller than me. His long lanky frame was clad in a light colored sweatshirt and jeans.


"H-hey. Sorry. Just admiring the bike. It yours?" I nodded, tongue tied for the first time in my life.

Damn he's hott.

Pulling myself out of my stupor, I averted my eyes and hopped on the bike. Tugging on my helmet, I started the bike and peeled out of the lot.


Reaching mine and Demyx's room, I tossed my helmet on my bed and grabbed my black messenger bag. Damn, I was gonna be late if I didn't hurry. Trowing some books, notebooks, a pen, and some chocolate in my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and ran out the door. Dashing down the hall- ever grateful that my room was on the first floor -I ran down the campus sidewalk.

Three buildings down was the math building. Throwing open the front door and dashing up a flight of stairs, I skid to a halt in front of room 2C. Catching my breath and running a hand through my hair, I opened the door and casually strolled in. Taking a seat in the back, I pulled my homework and a handful of kisses out. Handing the paper forward, I popped a kiss into my mouth. School came easy to me. I didnt even have to pay attention.

Pulling my ipod out of my jacket pocket, I plugged the earphones in and turned it on. Sticking the earphones in my ears, I put on 30 Seconds To Mars 'End of the Earth' and sat back, closing my eyes.

Around an hour and a half later, when Papa Roach's 'Scars' was blaring in my ears, one earphone was violently ripped out of my ear.

"Mr. Nicholson! Maybe if you payed more attention, you wouldn't currently be sitting in my freshman class! Now get out!" the old geezer whose name currently escaped me threw the earphone back and stomped back to his desk.

Standing, I slung my bag over my shoulder and strode out the door. Many a female eye followed me, but I ignored them. Not my type.

Getting outside, I slowly made my way home. I had the rest of the day ahead of me and no more classes until tomorrow night at 8. Grinning to myself, I opened the front door of the dorm and walked down the long hall to mine and Demyx's form. Opening the door, I groaned when I saw what a mess it was.

Demyx had come through and brought a tornado. Clothes and books were strewn everywhere. Sighing and hanging my bag on the back of the door, I started straightening up.

When I was done, I changed into baggy bondage pants and a tight black sleeveless top. My leather jacket laced up the back and my combat boots made a dull 'thud' when I walked. Grabbing my keys and helmet, I locket the door behind me. Out in the sunlight, I hopped on my bike and sped out of my parking spot. Riding back to Twilight Tattoo's, I entered the facility and pulled off my helmet, running into a tall red head clad in a light colored sweatshirt and jeans.

Sighing, I wadded my hair into a lump and pulled an elastic out of my hip pocket. Wrapping the band around the bundle, I tucked the shorter layers in the front behind my ears and went back to my book. Finishing the assigned reading, I closed my history book and looked up at the clock.

Only five more minutes left. Than I can go back to my room, get changed, get some work done, and go see my cousin.

Five minutes mater, the bell rang, making both me and the rest of my class scramble for the door. Shoving everything back into my backpack, I slung it over one shoulder and pulled my hood up to hide my hair. It was so ostentatious and mom hated it. She tried to dye it once, but they dye just washed right out like it wouldn't stick to my hair. Leaving the classroom, I puffed out a breath and walked towards my new dorm room.

Pulling out a piece of ripped paper, I studied the address written down in my cousins untidy scrawl. Tucking the paper back in my pocket, I opened the door to the dorm and walked to my room. All the way at the end of the hall on the first floor. Unlocking the door, I walked into my single room and threw my bag on the bed. Kicking off my shoes, I sat in my desk chair and opened the top of my laptop. I booted it up, tugging off my hood and letting my hair free of its restraint. The red locks flowed back in silky strands reaching my shoulder blades. Shaking it out of my face, I bit my lip and turned my attention back to my computer.

Clicking on the email icon, my account came up. Logging in, I checked my inbox.

You have 6 messages.

Sighing, I saw they were all from mom. Clicking on each one in turn, I deleted them. They were all the same, wondering how I was doing, if I had made any friends, not to talk to my cousin, all that kind of crap. Sighing in exasperation, I closed off the email and shut my computer.

Leaning back in my chair, I thought back to the one person I would love to make friends with.

I'd been working for five hours. My shift was over in another hour. It was about 10 when he came in. A short guy that looked like he stepped of the front of a Hot Topic poster. His blonde hair was in a casual disarray, the tips dyed black. Tight black jeans hugged his frame as chains were draped from one back pocket to the other. His combat boots came over his jeans to climb halfway up his calves. The blood red shirt clung to his chest like a second skin and the leather jacket he had on laced tightly up the back. As he finished his shopping, I got a closer look at his face. His sky blue eyes were lined in thick liner and shimmery black shadow dusted his lids. Three piercing's climbed each ear and a small black hoop loops itself through the top of his left ear. A small black and red candy cane stripped ring was driven through the right side of his bottom lip and his pale complection glowed in the florescent lights. I saw him look me over as I rang up his multitude of chocolate and handed me a twenty. Giving him his change, he took it with his gloved left hand. The glove was skin tight and looked to be made of leather. A small buckle rested on the top of his hand. Dropping his change in his pocket, he left. Watching him walk away, I sighed. 'God he was hot.'

Blowing the hair out of my face, I stood, slipping my converse back on. Grabbing my keys, I spun them on my index finger as I left the room. It wasn't until I got into my car that I pulled my hood back up so as not to stand out.

Reaching into my jeans pocket, I pulled out the slip of paper out of my pocket and examined it again. Making sure I had the address right, I pulled into a small tattoo shop called Twilight Tattoo's. Parking, I got out of the car and was about to enter the building when the most beautiful bike I had ever seen caught my eye. A black and red crotch rocket with gold detailing gleamed in the sunlight. Sighing in lust, I didn't hear someone come up behind me.

"Your fogging up the paint."

I jumped, my hood falling off.

Its Him. The guy from last night.

"H-hey. Sorry. Just admiring the bike. It yours?"I stammered. Stupid question, of course it was his. The guy only nodded.

Averting his eyes, he swung onto the bike and pulled his helmet on. Peeling back out of the lot, he sped into the light traffic. Pulling my hair back into an elastic as I went, I walked to the front door and entered the air conditioned tattoo shop.

Approaching the front desk, I looked at the smiled guy behind the counter. His blonde Mohawk gleamed in the lights as he smiled at me.

"Hi! Can I help you?"

"Yeah, can you tell me where I would find Sora Talbot?"

As the guy opened his mouth, another voice spoke up from a stool near the back.

"Who's asking?" A brunette peaked from around the tall frame of a silver haired man.

I waved at Sora, hoping he recognized me. Squinting his eyes for a second, he smirked and stood up.

"Axel. Long time no see. Haven't seen you..."

"...Since before you got all your tattoo's" I finished for him. "Yeah, its me. I just moved a week or so ago and finally got time to drop in. Nice shop."

"Thanks." the short brunette now standing in front of me only came to about my chin. "You got taller?"

"Yeah." Sora gave me the once over and raised an eyebrow.

"You look like you just walked off of an Abercrombie and Fitch poster." he wrinkled his nose. "I remember you used to dress...differently."

"You mean I used to dress like you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Well after dad died and I had to move into mom, she turned me into a model son. Sucks. She threw out all my old clothes and turned me into this." I plucked at my Abercrombie and Fitch sweashirt. "Actually, thats kinda why im here."

"Oh? Do tell." Sora sat on one of the green plastic chairs in the waiting area. I sat next to him.

"Yeah. Now that im away from mom, far away, I want to go back to the way I used to be. Thing is, I don't really remember how. I was also wondering if you could hook me up with a date." Sora looked me over carefully, hardly moving.

"Sure. Im free around lunch tomorrow. We'll go shopping and I'll find someone for you by tomorrow night. Be here around noon with some cash and we'll get started."

"Thanks Sora." I stood to leave. "Well I better get going, I have a class in a half hour. See ya later!" I waved, pausing on my way out the door.

Just as I was about to turn around, I felt someone bump into me. Turning around, I saw a helmet being pulled off, revealing a short guy with blonde hair and black tips. My breath caught in my throat.

A/N: hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading that chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you again to Leod for helping me come up with the idea in the first place! I love you and I love all my readers too! Please review and tell me what you think!


-literary license-