Disclaimer: I do not own naruto!

Hopefully you guys like this new and more detailed story I am trying to make it the same story line and everything but I added a few things

(Any grammer mistakes, I'm sorry, some of the words I don't know how to spell, but if you see something that needs to be spelled differently or what-not, please tell!)


Sakura Haruno was sitting peacefully in her comfortable mansion. She had been promised the whole day off, and she was not about to waste the time, so she layed down on the couch and closed her eyes.. Sighing, Sakura fell into an exubricant slumber. A few minutes later, the doorbell rung; Sakura lazily got up, yawned, and went toward the oak door. The glass doorknob seemed to push her away as the drowsy ness took over. She slapped herself and formed her hand around the doorknob, twisted to the right side, and revealed Naruto, standing outside, leaning on the frame and dying of boredom.

"Naruto what do you want?" Sakura said, smugly smiling, she wanted to sleep, but had decided that whatever he wanted was possibly important or fun.

"Granny- Tsunade asked me to retrieve you." He replied scratching behind his head smiling his oh so famous grin.

Sakura sighed and wondered what Tsunade requested from her; this was her only day off! Why did she have to choose today to come and bother her?

"Fine, ok, lets go.", She strung the words out with a little force.

Naruto and Sakura treaded through the hallway, down the stairs, and out of the building with Sakura going as slow as possible for Naruto to mind.

Arriving there, Sakura was intrigued by the fact, Tsunade was laying there...drooling on the papers littered among the desk. Sakura anime sweat dropped and rapped on the door frame that was nearby. Tsunade woke up and lethargically shouted," I'm up already! I'm up!" Naruto and Sakura sat down in front of her dark cherry wood desk sprayed with papers and scribbles. Tsunade looked at them through dazed eyes glued to her face.

Once realizing who it was, she straightened her body and coughed to delay time, then looking sternly at Sakura, Tsunade spoke," Sakura, I know that you were promised the day off but there is an important mission that you have to do for us right now, ok?" Sakura replied," Ok." Sakura thought, "Why me?" Now looking at Naruto, Tsunade spoke once again," Naruto you will be going with her ok?" "Yes, Granny." Tsunade, frowned slightly, nodded and dismissed them both, but not before telling them to go and get packed for a 5 day mission. She also told them to return in 3 hours to recieve the mission orders.

They both nodded and left, rather quickly, itching to do something proagotive in their households.

:3 hours later:

"Tsunade-sama...you there?" Sakura said as she knocked quietly on the door. It was rather late, and the sun, maroon and orange-ish, was halfway down. Naruto stood there beside her with his hands glued behind his head, pushing against the mass of hair and he was leaning smugly yet kinda proudly against the door frame.

Sakura got kinda irrititated, and started to knock faster and louder. They heard a crash come from inside and then they instantly imagined Tsunade falling ackwardly out of her chair, and papers flying everywhere, wrinkled and bent. Curses echoes through the door to greet Naruto and Sakura's ears, not so pleasantly though. The door knob shook violently as it was forced open, breaking the lock in place, along with the door as the two of them looked up only to see a very pissed off Tsunade (steam was practically foaming out of her ears!).

"What the hell do you kids want?" Tsunade said, agitated, as her work had not been filed nor completed yet.

"We came here for the mission orders...just like you had told us." Sakura said looking at her idol still flared up and slightly agitated. "Oh...yeah about that the mission still needs some more recruits so we are postponing it till tommarow, Tsunade spoke, her eyes threatening to close, Also if you need anything else go find someone else to talk to and get a good nights rest." And with that said Tsunade's eyes shut like a window and she asleep.

Naruto and Sakura were walking together as they were thinking of things to do, you know, to pass the time. Naruto spoke first with a little to enthusiasm," Maybe we could go to the Ichiraku Ramen!" Sakura sighed, not really wanting ramen and said," Ok, if that is where you really wanna go." Naruto beamed, rays of light were emitting from his sparkling eyes.

His enthusiam and excitement left him to realize that Sakura had turned on an alleyway and had ditched him.. His big-o grin dissolved into a frown.

Sakura had turned into the alley way and headed home, her head was pounding so she didn't feel like eating or doing much for that matter. A shadow flickered out of the corner of her eye. She paused transferring what she had just seen. She then turned around and analyzed her surroundings, looking for that shadow. Unfortunatly, the shadow that she had just seen seemingly dissapeared. With a sigh and a shrug, she started on her voyage back to home. Another flicker. Sakura paused as she scanned the area once more. She was starting to get freaked out so she started to pick up speed going up to a trot and with a turn on to the street she lived on, Konaha Highway, she slowed down, convinced that her stalker wouldn't follow her, close to the depths of her house and neighborhood.

Hearing some footsteps, she stopped dead in her tracks and gazed around with a shiver of fear. Seeing nothing, but sensing some unfamiliar chakra, she started to run. She silently thought 'Just one more block! Come on! One more!' Her feet were just about to give up on her when she finally reached the door. She threw herself against the door, and unlocked it. Once inside, she closed it and locked it once more. She turned around and put her back to the door, breathing heavily.

A few minutes later, Sakura decided that it was safe to go on with her normal life, so she dragged her feet, painfully, up the stairs and to her room which was located at the end of the hall, of the top floor. Once she was outside of her room, she opened the door harshly and then stepped inside. She threw her shoes off, having the shoes knock against the eastern wall, and had fallen asleep once she had reached the bed. With a soft thump the girl was asleep on the bed.

The morning sun woke her up as her alarm clock rang, making no escape to go back to her peaceful slumber. Swinging her feet over the bed, the girl got up with a yawn. Glancing at the clock she glared at the time, 5:45, Sakura continued towards her bathroom and looked into the mirror. Gently picking up a silver brush, she started to go through her hair untangling knots. After a few minutes she was done. Slipping in to her casual ninja outfit, which consited of black shorts that reached mid-thigh, and a red shirt that stopped at the end of the shoulders and also zipped up from the front. Attaching a few shuriken and kunai pouches she left out of the door.

The alley way which she was using to get to the Hokages tower seemed awefully familar. It had that cold, scary look upon it and Sakura vagaely remembered it from somewhere. Then it hit her! She was in the alley way that she was walking in last night...now why did it seem still scary? She picked up the pace when she saw that very familar shadow. She heard a rustle come from behind a rusty garbage can laying in the lawn of a manor. Deciding to ignore it, she continued walking. She was just out of the alley way when there was a blur of black and then POOF! Nothing was there. Sakura had seemingly disapeared...

People nearby claimed that they had heard a muffled scream come from nearby...


Who do you think it is? R&R!