Author's Note: Sorry for the long gap in publishing. I realize that, before the previous chapter, I hadn't updated in over a year. But, hey, that's life. One other thing; all previous chapters, possibly up to around chapter 30 or so, are really reminiscent of an older, less professional style of writing. Sorry about that. I think you can se the difference between the chapters; the ones written by a sixteen-year-old and the ones by a twenty-four-year-old. I'll keep them the way they are, though. Perhaps one day I'll go through and comb out spelling and grammar errors (there are a lot) but that'll take time. Don't really have the energy for it at this point. I'm glad, though, that everyone stuck with me through the good and bad. So, here goes, the next installment. It warms my heart and I hope it does the same for you.


The Wolf Boy

Late in the night, Umi woke up and realized that Clef was gone. His place in her bed was empty and cold. She blinked around at the darkness and sighed. Alone, again.

She reached out for his pillow and pressed her face against it. No, she couldn't smell him on it. She glanced at her wristwatch and then rolled her eyes. It hadn't worked since the teleport. She only wore it now out of habit. The clock on the wall didn't help, either. It only displayed strange runes that only a native of Autozam could read, or so she assumed. If she had to guess, though, she'd say it was around 3 in the morning.

Hours until sunrise.

She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Ultimately, she dragged herself from the bed and perched in the large sill of the window that overlooked the clouds of Cephiro. Through them, she could see the vague outline of the Castle Cephiro. Its tall spires saddened her, but she stared at them until the first rays of the sun graced their crystal surfaces.

Chiharu was just waking up as well, only much later. The sun was well-advanced, as she could see by the patterns its rays made on the wall. She sat up, remembering that she was still sharing Clef's bed with him. She saw him lying beside her and thought, He's back.

She remembered him leaving early in the evening the day before. He never told her where he was going, or even said 'goodbye' to her, but she knew he was going to see her mother. She felt slightly jealous, wondering why he hadn't taken her with him.

It had been a little over two days since her mother had left, but Chiharu still felt greatly saddened. She'd cried all the tears she could cry over it. Princess Hikaru was still on the ship, too. All Chiharu had left were Galerick, Queen Fuu, and Clef. What would she do if one of them would be kidnapped by the handsome yet terrible Eagle Vision?

She stretched her little legs out over the sheets, feeling dreadfully dull and sad over losing a mother and gaining a reluctant father.

His sleeping face seemed peaceful enough, and she wondered whether or not he was really so reluctant. He'd always been very kind to her. Letting her share his bed with him while she was so lonely and lost was indeed very comforting. She wouldn't have wanted to be with anyone else; not Gwennie, not Galerick.

Although, the white-haired young Mage-Knight crept into her mind and she realized she missed him. He'd disappeared in the last few days and she didn't know where he went. Clef had told her something about his wolf nature and that he was in hiding, but he went into no further detail.

Well, he was sleeping, and she was awake now, so… what to do?

She scooted closer to him and studied his sleeping face. It was passive and devoid of his usual faint scowl, very unlike her mother's vivid, smiling face. In fact, when Chiharu reflected on it, she realized the two were radically different; very nearly opposites. The one thing they did have in common was their quick tempers. That actually made her smile.

She reached out to touch his arm, which was curled beneath his face. Her fingertips brushed his wrist and she pulled them back. Should she hug him? Should she wake him up? She wasn't sure at all what to do with herself, so she sat back and looked curiously at him for quite some time.

Clef woke up slowly. He felt, deep in his sleep, as if he was being watched. He cracked open an eye and saw a blurry little form inches away from his face. Chiharu. He rolled away from her and blinked. "What—"

She was sitting there with her legs crossed in front of her, looking at him as if he were the strangest of oddities. It was rather amusing, really. He chuckled and rubbed his eyes. "Is something wrong?"

She shook her head and continued to stare at him. Her little fingers toyed absently with the fringe of her dress.

"You know," Clef said, "I find your silence quite endearing. You're very unlike your loud and tempestuous mother. I'm glad that you inherited that from me, if nothing else." Her eyes widened and he smiled. "Yes, you are very like me."

As was her nature, Chiharu didn't know what to say and so said nothing. She did realize, though, that his words were true. She had always been quiet; very much the opposite of Umi. She wasn't sure how to feel about being so similar to him.

"So, darling," Clef began conversationally, "Your mother pressed me with a question last night. When, oh when, shall I begin to teach you magic?"

Chiharu's jaw dropped. "Magic?"

"Yes. Any daughter of a Magic Knight and of a Madoshi, such as myself—well, former Madoshi, I should say—should be given only the best schooling in the ways of magic." He cocked his head. "I would do it myself, I think. It would be only fitting. However, I would not be your sole teacher. Your mother could teach you a bit of swordplay, or perhaps Galerick, once he is a full Mage-Knight. Of course, there's always Princess Hikaru. She once expressed a desire to me to be a teacher of young girls in the physical arts; running, swordplay, strengthening, those sorts of things." He chuckled at her beaming face. "That's many years in the future, though. You're too young as of yet to begin formal training."

The little bluette frowned. "When?"

"We usually begin training in the seventh year. Not too long now, girl."

She looked a little put out, giving Clef the urge to indulge a bit. Young Princesses and daughters of noblefolk in the castle had always been given special preference, petted and spoiled and often shown bits of magic here and there. He did long to give her magic; a part of himself really, that was how he saw it. "Come here," he said quietly. She scooted closer to him and he pressed his finger on the place where her brows met. To her shock, he leaned forward and kissed the flesh there.

Chiharu gasped. She felt a great rush of energy flow through his mouth and over her body. Her eyes focused sharply and she could suddenly see him, his aura. It was pale and lavender and it surrounded him and emanated from him. Behind him, she could see white wispy things dancing and flitting about. Spirits?

She sat back with a slack jaw and wide eyes. Everything seemed to give off this strange aura that Clef now exuded. She could even see it on herself; a faint white glow around her splayed fingers. "Clef!" she exclaimed.

He touched her forehead again. "I've only given you clear sight for a moment. This place between your eyes is very sensitive to magic." His smile brought color to her cheeks. "I think you'll be quite powerful one day, though perhaps not in the way we are." He pursed his lips. "No, I think not. Your way will be different, your path, your measure of power. You'll tap from a different source altogether. I'm not sure how I know these things, but, my foresight is usually correct and I think I'll trust it."

Chiharu rubbed her brow where the touch of his hand still burned. Magic of her own, but different from everyone else's? The thought did not exactly give her comfort. She had always been different. Just once, couldn't she be normal?

Clef yawned and stretched against the sheets, letting his joints crack. He studied the ceiling and said, "Did you sleep well?" Again, she nodded. "Well, let's get some breakfast, shall we? I'm rather hungry." Her little face was puzzled. She looked as if she wanted to say something but couldn't quite form the words. Clef sighed. It was early and he didn't feel like trying to pull the words from her mouth. He rose and dressed himself. "Come. Would you like to eat?"

She looked at his outstretched hand. Why not go? She was rather hungry. She slid from the bed, ignoring his offered hand. "Ok."

He laughed upon hearing her long-awaited speech. "You know, I could never grow tired of hearing your voice like that. It makes your silences so much better." Her blush was equally wonderful. "Come along, my girl."

She walked sedately beside him, puzzling over the term my girl. She rather liked it, though never would have said it aloud. It was nice to have him with her like this. Somehow, when her mother was around, she was more likely to be reluctant to show her feelings. However, with her miles in the sky… well, who was there to see her at her best? She smiled up at him, though was careful that he didn't see it.

She thought of Galerick and decided that she would later ask Clef where he was and whether or not she could see him today. She wanted to go out and play in the sunshine, not be holed up in this dark and dreary castle for another day. Perhaps she would go out to play with Gwenhwyfar and the other little palace girls. Absently, she reached out for her hand to be held, still lost in her own thoughts. Clef took it, smiling indulgently at her.

Much later, after they'd eaten, Clef decided to leave Chiharu with Galerick. Her mind seemed elsewhere all that day, so he assumed it was with him. They eventually found the young Mage-Knight outside in the courtyards, playing with Fuu's two children. Clef let go the little girl's hand and gave her a gentle push into the gardens. She turned on him with a nervous glance before tottering off towards Galerick.

His face was pale and drawn. Chiharu studied it with concern. He didn't seem to be quite himself. However, when he turned, he smiled warmly at her. "Hello, Chi."

Gwenhwyfar gave an excited giggle and clutched Chiharu's hands. The little bluette managed a small smile.

"Chiharu," said Hiro. She looked up. Hiro had been standing next to Galerick. He was smiling, too. He tossed her something and Chiharu managed to catch it. "For you. We've been making them."

Chiharu looked at her hands. He'd thrown her a clumsy flower chain. It was rather surprising for her, as she'd only ever exchanged about two sentences with Hiro since the day they'd met. She looked at him in awe.

"Do you like it?" he asked. He plucked the chain from her hands and tried to drape it over her head. It got stuck on her ears, causing them both to giggle. "My sister is better at it than I am, but I did my best. We made mother one, too."

"Made mother one, too!" Gwennie mimed.

"Hiro," Chiharu managed.

He smiled again, flashing cobalt eyes filled with mirth at her and took her hand. "Come on, let's play." Chiharu blinked at him, suddenly realizing how much like his father he looked when he smiled.

Gwenhwyfar donned her own flower chain and took Chiharu's other hand. She and her brother laughed and played, dragging a stunned Chiharu along behind them. Galerick watched them, grinning ear to ear. Though he still felt unwell as the moon waned in the sky, the children's frivolity gave him joy. It always had.

They had joined the fairly large group of palace children now. Most held hands, dancing around the trees. The boys scaled the branches, throwing down rocks and acorns at their counterparts. A small stone accidentally pinged off of Gwenhwyfar's head, causing the little girl to shriek in outrage.

"Griflet," Galerick called, "stop that or I'll send you inside."

A tall lanky child frowned at Galerick from his perch on the branch. His best friend, the young Prince, slapped him on the leg. "Don't hit my sister!"

"I didn't mean to!" Griflet descended, looking sulky, flattening his messy, ginger hair with a swift swipe of the hand.

Chiharu, Galerick noticed, had set herself apart from the group. She was entirely too predictable, however, she didn't appear to be solemn and watchful, as she normally was. Instead, she was entertaining herself near the bushes, crouched on the ground and poking at a large beetle with a stick. He could hear her humming to herself.

The palace boys played nearby. She looked up when they began to run circles around Galerick. She recognized most of them, but only really knew one or two, other than Hiro. The little Prince had many friends his age, children of important noblefolk who lived in the palace. The boy who'd thrown the rock was called Griflet. He was rather hard to forget, with such bright hair and eyes. The other boy, Lucan, was small and quiet, rather like herself. She watched his eyes follow the form of Gwenhwyfar. Galerick did, too.

Chiharu discarded her stick and ambled towards Galerick. She sat beside his leg and rested her forehead against his knee. "Don't you want to play?" he asked her. Rather than answer, she took to studying the group of children again. He patted her hair. "Come, Chi, it's a lovely day today. Go and play with your friends."

"My friends," she said quietly. She blinked. "Them?"

"Chi!" Gwenhwyfar giggled as she bounced up to the little girl. "Gau is right. We're your friends! Please come and play!"

"Friends," she repeated, taking Gwen's hand. She was smiling again. "Yes… you are my friends."

Galerick laughed at the retreating girls. It was always nice to see Chiharu come out of herself once in a while. Friends, he thought. It seems such an alien concept to her. She must have been lonely indeed in her old world. He watched her stand beside the tree that the boys had once again ascended, studying the branches, looking as if she wanted to join them. The young Griflet, son of one of the Council members, reached down and pulled her up to sit beside him. She was smiling and laughing with him. She looks properly at home now. Hiro had crawled to sit beside her, urging her higher. She looked a little afraid, but he pushed her up and followed her, holding her hand so that she wouldn't fall.

"You won't fall!" said Griflet. "I've just started learning magic! I could catch you, if you did!"

Chiharu gave him a nervous look that said, but you just said I wouldn't!

Chuckling to himself, Gau stood up and walked to the trees. "I will catch you if you fall, Chi. Don't be rough, boys. She's smaller than you."

"Not so small," said the mousy-haired Lucan from his perch. "She's just a little older than me."

"We all know how big and strong you are, Luc," the Mage-Knight winked.

The little boy muttered darkly to himself and disappeared into the foliage of the higher branches.

Chiharu was looking down at Galerick with wide eyes. "I'm so high!" she chirped.

Little Gwenhwyfar joined her on the branch, laughing and chattering happily about bugs and flowers and butterflies.

His stomach cramped, and Galerick clutched at it. Silently, he cursed the waning moon. In a few days, though, he would feel better. Always did. The sunlight on his face was soothing, though, and the sounds of the children's laughter made him almost forget about his dreaded wolf curse.

Fuu kept to the shadows of the hall. She peered around into the courtyard, watching Galerick play with the children. It brought a smile to her face as well. She wasn't sure what brought her there. She didn't want to believe that Lantis' words had done it, those words he'd spoken to her the morning that Umi left. Being an intuitive person, Fuu surmised that Lantis had been hinting at something very dark in regards to Galerick. It disturbed her more than she wished. Maybe that's why she was keeping an eye on the boy, though she didn't like to think of it that way. Perhaps she was just being watchful. Wary.

Ah, she thought, I never apologized to Lantis for being short with him. I must do that.

She didn't have to look far for the Kailu. Coincidentally, he had been standing right behind her. She turned to exit the hall and gave a small squeak when she collided with his tall, armored frame. "Lantis!" she gasped.

"Forgive me, Highness, for startling you."

Fuu drew herself back with a hand over her mouth. "Think nothing of it. I was miles away, really."

"What brings you to this part of the palace, if it's not too bold of me to ask, Queen?"

The blonde managed a small nervous chuckle, being rather amused by her own skittishness. "Well, it's a lovely day. I thought it'd be nice to join your protégé as he played with the palace children. It's refreshing, especially in times such as these."

Lantis peered around her at the group at play. His eyes fell on Galerick. "Ban is quite the charmer of children."

"Yes, he was always so. It may have something to do with me. I do treat him like one of my own, so naturally he bonds with the rest of my brood."

"A motherless child," Lantis mused. "Well, good day to you, Highness. Do enjoy your afternoon." He turned sharply on his heel in the fashion of any trained soldier and began to depart down the hall.

"Wait," Fuu called. He paused and Fuu felt her stomach turn. She still felt ashamed of her behavior days prior. "Kailu-san, I… well, I wanted to apologize for my unkind words the other day."

Lantis looked at her with a confused expression. "Highness?"

"After Umi left," she explained, "and after Galerick took Chiharu, you spoke ill of him and I snapped at you for it. It was ill-mannered of me, and I apologize."

"Fuu, you have been under great stress lately. Any sharp words of yours are easily forgivable. I've not thought much of it, to be honest."

The Queen twisted her fingers nervously together. "Well, it's true that we're all quite on edge, but it doesn't really excuse poor manners. I didn't mean to chastise you."

He bowed. "Do not think on it, majesty."

"Right. Well, in the future, if I'm testy with you again, I'll apologize for that too. Anyway, thank you for hearing me. It had been weighing heavily on my heart."

The Kailu gave another bow, and this time, Fuu thought she could see the shadow of a smile on his face. It was a relief—she had always been fond of Lantis. Their bond ran deep. He made to depart again, and suddenly she remembered something.

"Before you go," she stopped him, "I do have one last question."


"I—" Fuu bit her lip, wondering how to properly word her concerns. It had certainly been eating away at her for some time. Better to get clarification now than to always be wondering. "Lantis, I know you to be an honorable man. You think kindly of everyone around you. I rarely hear you speak an ill word against anyone, save for the Guru." Clef's mention caused the Kailu to look away. "Which is why your view of Galerick has always puzzled me. I can't bring myself to think of it as caused by anything unimportant. You don't seem the type to hold grudges for no reason. I'll ask you now, then. What has happened between the two of you that makes you question him? He seems the most kind and caring of any young men that I've ever met, and yet you keep a watchful eye on him. Why?"

Lantis stared at her, seemingly at a loss for words. His expression was grave. "It's not a question of what happened between us," he said.

"Then what is it a question of?" She turned to look at Galerick, who stood beneath the tree full of children with his arms spread, ready to catch any that may fall. Lantis followed her gaze and slowly made his way to stand behind her. His eyes, she could see, were dark and forbidding. "Is it his wolf nature?" she asked.

"It is."

She placed a gentle hand on the Kailu's arm. "What happened?"

For several long moments, Lantis stared at the young Mage-Knight's back. He didn't care to speak about such things with anyone, and in fact had never done so. He'd never told anyone about what he'd seen that day.

He sighed and looked away. "Do you remember the day that he was found?"

"I do."

"Hikaru and I found him in the fields, as you know, far from the castle. He was still a young boy then. This was the day after the full moon. He was ragged and wild and didn't know who we were. I don't think he even knew who he was, or where he was. But, as you remember, his hair was long and wild, and he was filthy. Hikaru remembers this but thinks nothing of it, but when I found him, he was covered in blood."

Fuu grimaced. "Likely from his transformations."

"No," Lantis said quietly. "There was too much of it on him to have come from his own body. If had been his own blood, he would surely have died. Besides, when he was unclothed and bathed, he bore no wounds. No, he was covered in something else's blood entirely."


"Someone's blood. Not his own."


Again, Lantis cast a dark look at Galerick's back before turning away. He took Fuu by the arm. "While you and Hikaru cared for him, I went into the fields to search the place where he'd been found. I'd hoped to find evidence of some recent animal kill. Perhaps he had gotten a sheep, or a deer." The Kailu grimaced. "I didn't have to go far to find what I was looking for. In the forest beside the field, I found it; the remains of a child, or what was left of one."

All color drained from Fuu's face. Her voice came high and frightened. "A—"

"There was no way to identify the child, it was too badly maimed. I could see long claw marks and gashes across the flesh that remained intact, though. It was... well, very disturbing, and I have no doubt that it was Ban's doing."

"How could he?" Fuu whispered.

"It would seem that, in his wolf rage, he had committed a heinous murder. However, when I questioned him, he had no memory of the incident. That seems to be his way while he is full wolf. He has no recollection of anything he does while under the moon's influence." He sighed. "I investigated the matter myself, very discreetly. I roamed the wide lands at once, seeking any information I could find about a child gone missing from any local village. But I heard nothing, no rumors of any missing persons. Nothing. So, what could I do? I couldn't bring myself to punish the boy. After all, he had no memory of the act."

Fuu pulled away from him and leaned against the wall. She looked as if she might be ill. "Galerick…"

"I never told anyone about what I'd found; no one. Only my most trusted Mage-Knights know, for they are the ones who keep Galerick at the moon's full."

"Where does he go?"

"The Forest of Silence, every month. My strongest men are his guardians when he turns. They keep him from getting loose and running wild in the fields. I can't have him slaughtering anyone's cattle, for then his secret would be out and he'd be outcast, or likely punished. And he absolutely must not get into the villages. A repeat of what happened years ago would mean death for him. I couldn't punish the boy, nor could I cast him out- you and Hikaru would not have had it. So, I watched him until the next moon cycle and when he turned, I put him under lock and key. His howls and cries of pain were loud and I worried that we'd be caught, so, that was when I contrived to have my men take him far from the castle each month. I don't quite know what they do to him then, but they all come back unharmed each time."

"But Galerick…" Fuu returned to the entrance to the courtyard, staring at him with wide eyes. "Such a gentle person… how can the gods have allowed such a thing—"

"I have no reason to believe you should fear for the lives of your children," Lantis said slowly, "But the image of the ravaged child hangs always in my mind when I look at him. If you think me cold and untrusting of the boy, that is why."

Galerick was smiling. He reached up to touch the outstretched hand of Gwenhwyfar, who seemed afraid for her life in the branches. Fuu's lip trembled. "Oh, Pillar. But I, I love Galerick so. He's like a son to me..." She turned to Lantis. "And you have done all in your power to protect him? None of the Council knows of this? Gods, if they knew, he would certainly be put to death, and how my heart would break if that were to happen!"

"My men are sworn to absolute secrecy. Have no fear."

"My children," she said wildly. "But surely he would die for any one of them. Ah, Lantis, Lantis, does he know now what he did?"


"He would never forgive himself. Emeraude above, how could he do such a thing? How horrible... how unbelievably horrible."

"I think that if he knew, we would never see him again. He would leave, never to return. It's in his nature to punish himself."

Fuu felt as if she would weep openly at any moment. She pushed past Lantis and staggered out into the courtyard. Her children called to her, but she didn't hear them.

Galerick turned and greeted her. "Queen Fuu! Come to join our game? I bet you could get to that tallest branch if you tried—lady, what's wrong?"

Fuu stopped short before him. Her eyes, still wide and rather watery, bored into his. Her hands were clenched in tight fists at her waist. Galerick blinked. "What?"

Before he knew it, Galerick found small, yet strong arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Fuu took him in a crushing hug with her face pressed hard into his shoulder. "Gau!" she sobbed.

The young boy stood stunned. He could feel tears seeping through the thick cotton of his shirt. "Fuu, what's the matter?" He gently patted her back, wondering if she was experiencing a brief moment of madness.

She continued to weep. "I love you Gau, very much. Never forget that."

His eyebrows rose. "Mother…"

Just as quickly as it had happened, Fuu pulled away and was walking quickly back into the castle, her face in her hands and sobbing loudly. Galerick watched her go with a slack jaw. He saw Lantis hovering in the entrance. He, too, stared incredulously as the Queen sped past him. Lantis glanced over at Galerick. The young boy stood dumbly for a moment, then stood smartly at attention, back straight and chin high.

Lantis merely nodded. He cast a strange look at Galerick before disappearing.

How very strange. Galerick slouched a bit and thought, what was that all about?

Snapping sounds echoed from above and Galerick quickly whirled around to catch a falling Chiharu in his outstretched arms. She clung to him for dear life. He laughed and said, "Told you I'd catch you."

Umi knocked on Hikaru's door. She hoped the redhead would be awake now. Ever since she resigned herself to leaving her room, she felt restless as a caged bear. She couldn't bring herself to wander the halls in search of Eagle. His company did little to ease her mind. Sure, their casual banter was entertaining, but in her current mood, she thought she might clout that ignorant pilot on the head if he made a snide remark.

Actually, if she were really honest with herself, she had left her room because she couldn't bear to see the empty space in her bed any longer. Clef had come and gone, almost like it was a dream. She felt terribly lonely. Also, with no little girl tagging along at her heels, Umi felt empty and desolate.

To her relief, the door opened and there stood a smiling Hikaru. "Umi-chan!"

"Hey, Karu. I'm bored. Let's go explore."

Hikaru took a bite out of the apple she held. "Really? You're feeling better, then?"

"Yes. I've gotten over the fever." She nodded at Hikaru's snack. "Looks like you're feeling better, too."

Hikaru giggled. "Oh, I am. I could eat an entire horse, Umi-chan, really. I'm starved, it's great! I can finally eat!"

Umi smiled and took her arm. "Just you wait. You'll want to eat the craziest things soon, like natto covered in mustard, or waffles and spaghetti." She giggled. "Not that I ever ate those things, I was just saying."

"Liar. You totally ate that."

"Yeah, I did." Umi erupted into peals of laughter.

"Actually, those things do sound really good right about now…" Hikaru closed her door and followed the cackling Umi down the hall. "Eagle told me that Clef came to visit you last night."

"Did he?"

"Yep. I guess he didn't stay though, right? Isn't he supposed to be maintaining the barrier down at the castle?"

Umi peered into the open room that they passed. "That's right. He took a break for a while, though, and that's when he came."

The redhead giggled quietly. "Lantis came to see me as well, right after Eagle brought me here. He couldn't stay long, either. Because of my sickness, though, we didn't get to spend quality time together, if you catch my meaning."

Umi swatted her on the shoulder. "Give it another try soon, then. Actually, when I was pregnant, I…well, let's just say I was definitely missing a little male contact, much more so than I ever did before."

"Weird how that works," Hikaru said thoughtfully.

Umi sighed. "So, where does this door go?"

"To the lower levels, or I think so, anyway. If we continue down into the bowels of the ship, we'd eventually find the hanger bay. Want to go poke around in the machines down there?"

"We could probably create plenty of mischief before we get caught."


Umi stole down the darkened stairways, skirting the open portals, before finally emerging on the lower levels with Hikaru close on her heels. After a while of aimless wandering, she sighed, frustrated. "Where are we?"

"Dunno," Hikaru answered. "I don't think we can get too lost though. I'm sure there'd be an intercom around here somewhere that we could use to get Eagle to find us, if need be."

"I'd rather not see Eagle. I feel like he's the reason for this mess."

Hikaru patted her arm. "We only recruited him, Umi-chan, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah…" When Hikaru reached out her hand, Umi took it, leading her farther down the hall. After a time, she said, "Hey, Karu…"


"Do you think Lantis will ever ask you to marry him?" She pulled Hikaru into a spacious room that had walls lined with shelves of books. She pulled one of them down, thumbing through its pages.

Hikaru sat down in a chair against the wall. "I don't know. The Cephrans think a little differently about that sort of thing than we do, you know."

"I know that, but it's not like he can't marry you. It's not forbidden for the Kailu."


Umi glanced at her. "Have you ever asked him about it?"

"Well, no…" Hikaru was twisting her fingers together thoughtfully. "I wouldn't want to press him about it. I think I'd rather it be his decision." She sighed. "Has Clef mentioned anything to you?"

Umi slammed the book shut. "No."

"He could, you know. He's no longer the Madoshi." Hikaru paused and frowned. She'd meant to discuss that with Clef the night they all met in Pretoria to discuss the coup. There was always the chance that, should they be successful, Clef would be offered his formal title. If that happened, things could very well be the way they were years ago, with Clef busy with affairs of state, and Umi left behind. It would be even worse this time if she had a little girl waiting in the background with her. The idea pained her, but who was she to tell Clef that he could not be what he had been destined to be?

"He wouldn't pass up the opportunity to be the Madoshi again," Umi said flatly. "Not for me."

"You think so? I'm not so sure. I mean, he was destined to be the Master Mage, but who knows? Maybe it was also his destiny to have that title forfeited. Everything happens for a reason, so they say."

Umi collapsed into the chair next to Hikaru, looking sad. "I've been trying hard not to think about all of that. I feel like I'll go crazy if I do." She pressed her hands to her cheeks. "What will happen to my family when that day comes, Karu? What will I do?"

Hikaru would have liked to offer words of comfort, but she had none. She had never been in Umi's shoes, after all. There was no help she could offer. Instead, she stroked Umi's arm and remained quiet.

"What if this is all for nothing?" Umi continued. "So what if we have the Council? We were doing fine before we decided to rebel. Actually, sometimes I think of how much better off I'd be if I'd have just stayed in Tokyo."

"Don't say that," Hikaru crooned. "We all wanted you here so badly. You know your heart wanted it as well. I think it's done you more good than you think, Umi-chan. Things will be all right. After all, all the pieces are falling into place. Things are in our hands now. When it's over, we'll have to rebuild after our own fashion. It will be fine."

"You have so much faith, Karu," Umi said. "Lately, I haven't felt anything but dread. There's this black cloud looming over all of us. In the end, I feel like I'll be standing in the ruins, wondering whether or not it was worth it."

"Well, I guess being up in this gloomy ship doesn't help anything." Hikaru rose to look out of the far window. "This feels like the Fortress in the Forest of Silence all over again."

"You're right. Pillar, I need to get out of here! I'm losing my mind!"

"I've been here for weeks, how do you think I feel?"

Umi groaned loudly with her hands thrown into the air. "This ship sucks!"

"I know," Hikaru laughed.

Umi joined her friend next to the window. She peered down through the clouds at the tall spires of the Castle Cephiro. They glittered brightly, as usual, as if nothing were amiss. She felt she'd explode with the feelings of anxiety and restlessness welling up in her. She just had to get home. Soon, the devil got her. An idea was forming in her mind. Eagle liked to be so bold and gave no thought to scaring the living daylights out of her and her friends with his last-minute, explosive plans. Maybe she should give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Karu," she said, "hold out your hand."

The redhead blinked at her. "Why?"

"I need your help. I'm not strong enough to do this on my own." Umi splayed her fingers and pressed her palm against the round window.

Hikaru gasped. "Umi-chan! No, we can't, come on, don't be silly!"

"Silly?" Umi snapped. "Hikaru, you're a prisoner here! Eagle kidnapped you when you were on your way home! He stole you away without even so much as a friendly hello! He took you from Lantis and, hell, he could have very well endangered your child!"

"Oh, and this won't?"

"Come on." Umi squinted down at her hand. "I'm doing this whether you're with me or not. Let's get out of here. You don't owe Eagle a thing."

"Well, I guess not, but really, you want me to blow a hole through his ship?"

"Why not?"

Hikaru had gone white as a sheet. She raised a trembling hand, studying it with fascination. "I can't believe this!"

"Hurry up before I lose my nerve!"

"All right, all right." Hikaru placed her hand over Umi's and bit her lip. "Oh, Eagle is going to be so mad at us…"

"Oh well!" Umi said in a sing-song voice. "Let's go!"

Simultaneously, they called forth spells and braced themselves for the impact. Water and fire combined and the result was catastrophic. A bright, white-hot flash of light blinded them before their ears were assaulted by a deafening BOOM! It had worked. An enormous hole had been blown clearly through the south wall of the ship. The resulting pressure change sucked the air out of the room and the two Magic Knights with it. Seconds later, they were gone, only the sounds of rustling paper and singing metal resonating through the room.

Hikaru shrieked as she rocketed towards the earth. Bits of burning metal and glass fell past her, flaming like shooting stars. "We're gonna DIE!" she screamed.

"FUU!" Umi cried.

Down in the castle, Fuu was in her bed, reading a book and trying to fend off the advances of her husband who lay beside her. "Fuu," he whined, "come on… it's been ages."

She giggled, only pushing him away half-heartedly. He was always fun to tease. To his shock, however, Fuu gasped and bolted upright in the bed.

"What?" Ferio said.

Fuu looked at him, clutched her fist and disappeared in a quiet swirl of winds.

Moments later, the god Windam could be seen rocketing through the barrier surrounding the Castle Cephiro. Powerful though it was, it couldn't stand against the power of the Wind God.

Fools, idiots! Fuu thought as she sped towards the two falling bodies of her best friends. Umi's call had been enough to summon her, and now she had to pluck them out of the air.

"Fuu-chan!" Hikaru shrieked. Again, she screamed. "Umi, the ground is RIGHT THERE!"

Umi spotted Windam and shouted, "Fu-u-u-u!"

Before they were liquefied against the earth, Windam flew beneath them and caught them in his giant claws. Umi's head smashed against the hard metal, causing her to shout. Hikaru was lying limp beside her, having apparently fainted. Lucky for her, because Umi could see the ground speeding below her and she shrank back in fright. "Fuu!" she cried. "Thank Emeraude!"

"Umi-san, how reckless of you!" Fuu's god-sized voice boomed. "With Hikaru-san in her condition! And just look at what you've done to the NSX! I'm sure every person in the castle is awake by now—"

"Doesn't matter, just take us home. Can you bring us back through the barrier?"

"—not to mention that we could ALL be caught out here and everything could be ruined! Umi-san, what in the world were you thinking? I'm simply astounded that—"

"Fuu, GIVE IT A REST!" Umi took Hikaru by the shoulders and shook her, shouting over the roaring wind. "Wake up, Karu, come on! We're safe now!" Hikaru's eyelids fluttered but her body remained limp. Umi gave her a few smart slaps. "Wake up!"

"I'll take you back through the barrier," Fuu called, "until then, you'll have to hang on! I cannot take you into Windam with me."

"All right." Umi curled against Hikaru, shivering hotly. "Hurry though, Fuu. We've got some thinking to do."

Review time, I suppose:

Heartofblades: Sorry for the long absence, but it's nice to be told that I'm missed! It's been a while, ne? I'm glad you like the Clef/Ferio banter. I always picture them being at odds. Ferio, to me, seems like a masculine form of Umi, actually, so I can very well see him getting into with Clef all the time. Yeah, their plans are all becoming kind of skewed and everyone's questioning themselves. It's all up in the air, which makes it exciting. Eagle doesn't help of course, that brash young pilot :D. I hope this feeds your love of Clemi, and also of the relationship between Chiharu and Clef. They're probably who I like writing most of all, though I do also enjoy writing Gau. Who would have ever thought that I'd fall in love with my own OC? I usually despise OCs. Ah well. Read on, friend.

Akira Nishikawa: You're certainly one of the ones who's been with me since the beginning! How goes it, friend? It's been AGES! I'm glad you liked the last installment I liked it as well. I sat on it for ages, of course... not sure why. I can literally hear the "XD" in your voice! This story excites me, particularly this chapter, and I hope it does the same for you. Until next time.

Luuzhu: Ah, you are new, aren't you? Sorry for the cliff hanger. It's always been my style =D Enjoy and keep reading, won't you?

YER BIGGEST FAN: Heh, don't have an ff account? You should get one... I can't respond to anonymous reviews! I actually got the email notification for this review while I was driving earlier and nearly mowed down a pack of highschool kids that was crossing the road. Eh. They wouldn't have been missed. Anyway, your review was full of CAPS! Ha! I could feel the excitement coming from you! And lucky you, you reviewed the day I post a new chapter. You must be in Heaven! Ahhh! Keep reading and reviewing. Do enjoy this chapter!

Mistress Grotesque: Technically, you reviewed on the first chapter but I'll mention you here! I was so glad to friend you on facebook. It always makes me happy to interact with readers outside ffnet. We exchanged plenty of words already so I'll keep this short, but I really, really hope you and your friend enjoyed this chapter. I know I did!