Comfort and Peace

They sat in silence under the comfort of the trees shade, just listening to the leaves rustle in the slight breeze. "I've always loved it out here." Hermione said in an almost dream like state. Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's so calm and peaceful out here. I really don't want to go back and face all those people." Hermione put her hand in Harry's and said, "Neither do I, but it will have to happen eventually. I mean we can't stay out here forever." "I guess you're right, let's go. But slowly." Harry said trying to force a smile. Hermione giggled and said, "As slow as you need to."

They walked at a leisurely pace up to the house in a comfortable silence. Harry looked down and noticed their hands were still conjoined. He was surprised she hadn't let go, but even more glad that she didn't. As they were nearing the house, Harry gripped Hermione's a hand little tighter. She responded by giving him a gentle squeeze. Hermione led the way into the burrow, still not dropping Harry's hand. When they entered Harry noticed that the table was empty. Ron gave Harry a look of confusion as he continued his chess game with Fred. Hermione's hand loosened on Harry's, but he gripped tighter and she gave him a look of understanding. They both settled themselves in the same chair that they had occupied the night before. Hermione nestled her head the crook of Harry's neck and sighed. "What's the matter," Harry asked. "Nothing really. It's just; well it's too much to ask. Never mind." "No really what." Harry told her in a tone filled with worry and anticipation. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind, coming and staying with me for a while. I found great little flat in muggle London. I could use the company and we could help each other decide where we want to take our lives next." She said in a rushed voice. Harry was taken a back by her offer. Share a flat with Hermione? The thought of living with Hermione had never crossed his mind. "Sure but what about Ron?" "Well, he's planning on staying at the Burrow for a while. I think he feels his family has to stick together. Even more so with Ginny gone." Hermione added with a touch of sadness. "That sounds logical. I'll miss having him there though. On the bright side will have more space and a lot more food in the fridge." Harry said as if he had had an epiphany. Hermione practically glowed with happiness. "Oh, thank you Harry. It really means a lot!" Then she kissed him on the cheek. Things were looking up, this was going to be the best summer of his life.