Author's Note: Please go back and re-read chapters one and two if you haven't already. I changed a few things to fit my newly discovered plot. Oh, the new title means "Seven-sided love".

The Host Club closed early for the first time since it's founding. Kyoya called his court around his workstation, pointedly ignoring the other men still sitting on couches.

"I can't find her. She left with DeLoche-san early this morning on a private jet. The employee I talked to would not give me their location, so until we are contacted there's nothing to do but sit and wait." Kyoya pinched the bridge of his nose, removing his glasses and setting them not so gently on the table, "In the meantime I've taken the liberty of getting the information on our new guests. The folders in front of you will answer most of your questions about the businesses of the men, but their personal files are well guarded. Not even the Ohtori hackers could get past the codes."

Tamaki, serious for once, picked up the top most file and began skimming it. He got only about three pages in when his face darkened and he threw the file down on the table. "I can't handle this right now, Kyoya. I want Haruhi back, and I will do whatever I have to to get her. Have you called Ranka-san? Does he know about this?"

"He gave his blessing on the trip. He said something along the lines of it being good for Haruhi to learn about how people are treated in the Real World. As if we would ever let anyone hurt her," Kyoya said darkly.

"And do you intend to lock her up in the house for the rest of her life? From what I've noticed about Fujioka-san I doubt she would allow it." Gideon said, pulling the tie from his shoulder length blonde hair. He unbuttoned the top three buttons on his lime green dress shirt, pulling the tails out of his black dress pants. Once he was comfortable he settled himself next to his twin on a couch, his blue eyes glaring across at the younger men.

"Trust me, it would be safer to just let her go with Toni. We didn't have the benefit of a mentor for her." Pierce growled darkly, ripping his hair tie out as well although he left his bright blue shirt buttoned and tucked in "Look you young idiots, I know that the power of your names will protect her when you're around. But what happens when you aren't there? When Haruhi goes to the market, will you be with her? When she goes shopping for the fancy dresses she'll need to attend your dinner parties, are you going to go too? When she goes to the doctor, the dentist, the hairdresser, are you going to tail her everywhere she goes?"

"That's not the way things work outside this fancy school. The private police force you command, Ohtori-san, how many men can you guarantee are loyal? That won't betray you to the highest paying tabloid? Can you protect her from the glances she'll get when she goes out in public without you? The snide little comments whispered as she passes by?" Kipp demanded, speaking slowly so that each syllable resonated deep in his chest before hitting the air. He adjusted the cuff link of his left wrist, loosening the silver shirtsleeves so he could roll them up to his elbows. He glanced over towards Micah, the grey-green of his eyes stern.

"Toni used to come home from work with little bruises on her arms, bigger ones under her clothes. We did what we could to protect her, but we couldn't be everywhere. Eventually Tristan found out who was doing it, a couple of the nurses at the hospital that were jealous of her attachment to Damien. They were fired immediately, but it only caused more dissention." Micah continued, sprawling on a couch across from the shocked members of the Host Club. His shirt was already gone, wearing only dark grey pants and his grey dress shoes. His chest was the smooth gold of an American Indian, his raven hair lying flat to his shoulders.

"Damien took to walking her through the halls, kissing her in front of the hags that doubted her relationship. If you haven't noticed our Toni isn't exactly a babe. The women she works with can't understand why someone like her could snag six of the most powerful men in the country." Tristan remarked, leaning on the wall as he gazed out across the grounds. He was the only one of the older set not wearing a dresshirt, just a black longsleeved tee and darkwash jeans.

"What you have to ask yourselves, gentlemen, is if you are willing to become the black sheep of your families. If you can deal with loosing the support of your all-powerful relatives, if you can handle not being named Heir to Whatever, then I suggest you go for it. If your families mean more to you than the love of one of the most extraordinary women I've ever met, then stay the hell away from her." Damien chipped in, slouched against the wall next to Tristan, his hands deep in his pockets as he scanned the other men's faces.

Takashi stood up, moving over to where the man was leaning against the wall. Without preable he fisted his hands in Damien's shirt and lifted him off the ground. Damien didn't fight the taller man, didn't protest, but looked searchingly into Takashi's eyes. A silent communication occurred in the next few heartbeats, and Takashi set him back on his feet.

Gideon grinned, looking across at the younger group, "Well then, you've got a long way to go. We'll start work this afternoon. But first, you all have current passports, yes?"