Title: Mornings With Soi

Author: Hiyonokat33

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of the characters.


Soi: Welcome to Mornings With Soi.

Audience: (applause)

Ichigo: (in the audience) Hey! Why does Soi get to be in the interview chair!! I want to be in the interview chair!!!

Soi: Shut up, and your head stays on.

Ichigo: (backs off) Okay, okay.

Soi: Our guest today is Byakuya! Welcome to the show.

Byakuya: Yeah, sure, whatever.

Soi: So…Byakuya, I hear you're coming out with a clothing line.

Byakuya: Yes, it's coming this summer.

Soi: Uh-huh…Oh! I hear you're in a movie.

Byakuya: Yup.

Soi: It's called Pride and Prejudice.

Byakuya: Yup.

Soi: What's it about?

Byakuya: Pride and prejudice.

Soi: I know the name but what's it about.

Byakuya: It's about this loser who sits around, eating chips, watching Mornings With Soi.


Byakuya: Whatever. I wanted to leave this place, anyway.

Soi: And, now, our next guest…Yoruichi!!!!!!

Audience: (crazy applause)

Byakuya: You can't just kick me out like that.

Soi: (kicks him off of chair) I just did. Please sit, Yoruichi!

Yoruichi: (smiles) Hello.

Soi: So, Yoruichi, I hear you have a new clothing line out called Kitty Kitty Meow Meow.

Yoruichi: No, that's Byakuya's clothing line.

Soi: ….ew.

Yoruichi: I have a new fragrance coming out, though. It's called Feline.

Soi: Well, Byakua said it smells like dirty cat.

Byakua: A.k.a, like you.


Rukia: No, he took Ichigo's place.

Byakuya: Hehe…can't say anything to me now, huh?

Zabimaru: (pushes Byakuya out of seat) Get out of my face, you dirty man.

Byakuya: WHAT?!

Soi: Even the monkey's more polite than you.

Byakuya: Well…I have a new perfume, too. It's called Hound.

Soi: Um…and Ichigo said he's making one called Flounder.

Zabimaru: And I have one, too, that's called Baboon and it smells like bananas.

Yoruichi: My fragrance smell like raspberries.

Byakuya: So does mine!

Yoruichi: Well, I don't think that people will buy a nice-smelling perfume that has the name Hound.

Soi: Oh, I guess we ran out of time! Thank you for watching Mornings With Soi!!!

Byakuya: Wait!!! Don't forget to buy Hound!!!



Hiyonokat: Thanks for reading, and please review!!

Soi: And let's thank Hiyono's sister for helping her write this story.

Hiyonokat: You can request a character to appear on the show, or a even a celebrity!

Byakuya: Whaaat? Ok, then, I request K-Fed!!! I LOVE YOU, K-FED!!!


Random kid: That's creepy!!!