
By fallen-angel-b

Rated: M

Summary: Vegeta tries to save his people. Goku tries to save him. On the way they both discover redemption – and a few other unexpected things as well.

Disclaimer: I suck. If I didn't I would own DBZ

Pairings: Vegeta/Goku (minor others)

Note: This prologue is pretty short and uneventful. Chapter One will be up soon.


Vegeta clutched a dragonball securely in his left hand, twisting it round in his palm as he gazed absently into its smooth surface. The vibrant yellow-orange glass felt bitter cold against his rough skin. It reflected the face of someone determined, but with troubled uncertainty shining in their coal black eyes.

Some deep part of him – buried within his subconscious mind – warned him against it…told him that it was wrong. He had seen the effects of time travel before. He knew the possible repercussions. Nevertheless, he chose to ignore these warning thoughts, just like he would often ignore other emotion. Emotion was for the weak…mostly a human thing, insipid and pathetic. He had seen thousands of great warriors crumble under emotional burden, and he had long since decided that he would not allow himself to succumb to such a thing. He was above that. The anxious premonitions he felt meant nothing.

Besides, he knew this would work. It had to. He had seen it in his dreams…

With the look of someone who had finally reached an important decision, the prince of Saiyans stood up from the rock he had been sitting on and strode resolutely across the large open field, placing the one-star ball he held in his hand beside the others in perfect order. All of them immediately began to glow brightly, illuminating the dismal grey sky with a warm, fluorescent golden glow. Thunder sounded above, threatening inevitable rainfall. But the sound was almost inexistent to Vegeta's ears. A single thought spun through his mind as he stared fixedly at his goal.

This is my last chance to save my people…

He hadn't told anyone what he planned to do. He knew he should have at least told the woman (perhaps she would have been able to help him?) but he had decided not to. He did not need any help. This was his mission…his people…his business. They had no right to know. He would do this alone.

Ever since Majin Buu had been defeated, and peace was once again restored to earth, he had spent many sleepless nights reflecting on the past…the present…the bleak and empty future. His dreams were plagued with images of his planet being destroyed by the bastard Frieza. He could hear the Saiyans screaming in agony…hurting…dying. It was maddening.

It had taken him almost a whole year, however, to discover the true nature of these dreams. He wasn't sure how it had happened, but he somehow had known it was a sign. It was hard for him to believe that he hadn't thought of it before. He had the strength…the power. He could go back. He could save them.

He would save them.

Vegeta lifted his arms, palms outstretched to the sky, and summoned the dragon.