Title: Egyptian Cotton

Pairing: House/Chase

Rating T (for now but I am seeing an M in the near future possibly)

Summary: Song Fic based off of the song Egyptian Cotton (By Jesse Spencer for the movie Uptown Girls) Chase is working late in the lab

Ships crossing like ghosts

In the night

Names are remembered

Faces in sight

Take what we can and

Need to survive

Chase sat at the table in the lab this was going to be another long night. He was the only one left but his job was to test all the environmentals for their latest patient, a forty-three year old man with liver failure and problems in the kidneys resulting in dark urine. He was about half way through when House appeared in the lab.

"I thought you all left already." He said surprised to see him there.

"What you don't want my help? Fine." House turned towards the door again.

"No, that is not what I meant. I am just surprised that you are still here when everyone else already left."

"Well I just wanted to make sure the wombat didn't mess things up." He came over to the microscope that was in front of Chase and he looked inside. "Looks like we found our problem."

"What?" Chase looked at him quizzically.

Sure enough with in the slide under the microscope they saw the contaminates for Hepatitis A. "How'd I…" Chase started questioning as he looked into the slide. House watched Chase as he looked into the microscope.

House had never really paid attention to his Aussie doctor but something about this night he couldn't take his eyes off the younger doctor. "You would have found it." House turned to leave the lab, "Oh and Robert if you would inform him and keep me up dated.. I'll be in my office." House walked quickly towards his office. 'Robert? Where the hell did that come from?' he thought to himself.

House went to his office and laid his head on the desk top. 'I called him Robert. Why?' House was still trying to get his head rapped around this idea.

Meanwhile, Chase smiled to himself at the idea of House calling him by his first name. He wasn't sure why House did it or even why it made him smile so, but he liked the feeling he got from hearing his name out of House's lips. It made him feel like everything was going to be alright in the end. Chase had not had the easy life that everyone thought he had, but the simple slip on House's part made him feel like nothing else mattered.

Chase thought about House the whole time he was telling their patient about Hep A and all the complications, medication and lifestyle changes it would involve. He thought about House on his walk back to House's office.

Chase stood outside House's office and watched at the older doctor played with his oversized tennis ball. He only played with that ball when he was thinking or when he was frustrated. Chase wasn't sure which this time was but remained just outside of House's gaze. He studied the older man's movements, his facial features and physical gestures.

Finally Chase felt that either he had to go into the room or he would be considered a voyeur. "He'll be discharged in the morning." Chase said.

House caught the ball he had thrown at the wall and looked over at Chase. "How long were you just standing out in the hall?"


"I saw you. Why were you just standing there?"

Chase's face turned a little redder.

House moved to the other side of his desk. Standing closer to Chase then socially acceptable, and moving closer. Chase watched as House moved nearer to him. The breath caught in his throat as House's hand softly brushed a stray hair out of his eyes. It was all Chase could do not to whimper at the touch. House leaned in and kissed Chase. Their lips met in a firry display of electricity. As quickly as he took him House released Chase, face reddened with beard-burn. House looked Chase once over then headed for the door with out a word. What was up with him tonight, he thought to himself as he left for the roof. His hiding place where no one would look for him.

Chase just stood there dumbfounded and confused as to what the hell just happened.


So Tell me what you think if I should continue or just delet it now! Thanks Much kids!!