Chapter 4

Chase felt his heart ponding inside his body. He was overjoyed. Zoey, his crush of many years, was finally his girlfriend. What could possibly go wrong now? Well... he was about to find out.

Chase walked into his first class of the day and took his seat next to Micheal just as he normally did. He was a little disappointed that his first class wasn't with Zoey, but at least his second one was.

Not long after class started Chase was called to visit the dean. This was not normal and more than likely this was bad.

Slowly he walked towards the dean's office. Worry overcame all his previous emotions. Why was he being summoned to the dean's office? What had he done wrong?

"Chase Matthews," the dean greeted.

"Yes sir?"

"You better sit down."

Without questioning why, Chase took a seat in one of the chairs.

"I've got some bad news, Chase," the dean announced sadly, "Your mother called. Your father didn't make it home from work last night."

Chase just sat there trying to understand what the dean was talking about or why he was being told this. "So when will he be coming home then?" Chase asked.

The dean looked at him with sorrow in his eyes. "Never."

Chase couldn't believe his ears. How could this happen. Why?

"Your mother," the dean continued, "Feels it'll be best for you to return home... permanently."

Permanently? Had Chase heard correctly? Permanently!

"But why? I don't wanta leave PCA, not permanently!" he argued.

"That you'll have to discuss with your mother."

"But no! This... this can't be happening!"

"I'm sorry, Chase, but you'll be leaving right after lunch."


Chase didn't even bother to listen in his morning classes. What was the point anyway, he'd be leaving forever, he'd never have to set foot in those classes again. If only he could be happy about it.

He wasn't even forced to go to his classes. The dean made it an option, but he went anyway. He figured it would give him at least a bit more time with his friends, but of course today was the one day that none of his teacher would allow talking. In one class he had a test, in another a pop quiz and in the last one, well he never talked in that class, nobody did. Talking near that teacher just meant detention and even though he couldn't get detention, his friends still could.

Finally, lunch came, which meant he'd finally be able to talk to his friends, especially Zoey.

"So Chase?" Micheal asked as the gang all sat down to eat, "Why'd you get called out of class today?"

Chase suddenly became very interested in his food. He knew he'd have to tell his friends he was leaving, but he didn't know how. "Well," he said, staring at his food as he moved it around with his fork, "They called me down because... I... I gotta... I gotta leave PCA today."

"What?" Zoey asked, "For how long?"

"For... for a really long time."

"Wait, how long is really long?" Micheal asked.

"Just a really long time, okay!?" Chase yelled.

"Chase calm down," Zoey said, "All we wanta know is when to expect you back."

"Don't," he mumbled.

"What?" she asked confused.

"I'm not coming back."

Zoey looked at her new boyfriend shocked. Finally they were together and now this had to happen! Soon that expression changed though and rather than looking shocked, Zoey looked like she was about to cry.

"Why?" Micheal asked, "You love PCA just as much as we do, don't you?"

"My dad died," he explained, "My mom figures it'd be best if I went back home."

"We are so sorry, Chase," Lola sighed.

"Is there anything we could do to help?" Quinn asked.

"Well, actually I kind of need to have all my stuff packed by the end of lunch, if you guys wouldn't mind helping..."

"We're there for ya," Lola smiled, "Come on guys let's go pack, we don't have much time."

Quickly, Micheal, Lola and Quinn got up ready to help Chase. Logan was a bit hesitant, he didn't particularly like to help people, but he soon did get up as well.

Zoey, in fact, was the only one to not get up immediately. Actually, it took her awhile to realize that everyone had left.

As soon as she did realize, she slowly rose to her feet and got rid of her lunch. She couldn't believe what was happening. This was not right. What happened to the happily ever after she'd always been told about?



Okay well, I'm SO sorry that it took me forever to update. I figured I'd have more time to update during the summer months, but honestly I'm finding the exact opposite. Anyway, if your still reading thanks and please review so I know you haven't all given up on this.