Epilogue: in which the Purpose is Uncovered.

The players faced each other across the chessboard.

'I must say, my lady, your plan succeeded admirably,' Nii said, and tipped the woman opposite him a gallant (and slightly flirtatious) wink.

She smiled. 'I couldn't have done it without your technical skills. There are rules about this sort of thing, after all.'

'Ah, but we co-wrote the fanfiction, didn't we?' Nii chuckled. 'UltimateSaiyukiYaoiFangirl. They'd never have expected people like us to establish a website like that. And your work was most creative. I must admit, you've quite revolutionised my view of peanut butter.'

Kanzeon leered. 'Why thank you. It certainly had the appropriate effect on my recalcitrant nephew. This makes things so much more interesting.'

'For you and me,' Nii said. 'This kind of change makes it all the more delicious when I can manoeuvre them into despair, sorrow, and parting.' Glasses glinted. 'It will be…fun.'

'Ah, well. Things that aren't fun are so boring, as I've always said,' she shrugged. This did interesting things to her cleavage. Nii watched interestedly for a moment; she reached out and firmly shut his jaw. 'Nii, dear, it's your move.'

'My apologies, Lady Kanzeon.'

And the game continued – in many more ways than one.

A/N: final notes: When I started out, I wanted to parody fanfics by poking fun at all the clichés I could find. About the time when I finished chapter eleven, I realised that I had, in fact, incorporated every single cliché into the plot while making fun of it elsewhere – the Angst, the Sudden Illness, the Feeling of Guilt, the Cure, the (admittedly infinitesimal) UST, the Kiss, the Confrontation, the Conclusion, the Happy Last Scene – in fact, the works. At which point I laughed madly, threw up my hands and clichified the entire thing while chuckling to myself.

Shameless gloating aside, it made me realise……hell, life is one big cliché. Expect the predictability – it's penance for our sins.

Oh, and I don't support NiiKanzeon (is there actually any NiiKanzeon out there?!?), but it seemed appropriate since they're both nosy, smart, behind-the-scenes types with a creepily twisted sense of humour. That, and Kanzeon's cleavage would make even my jaw drop

Thanks to my reviewers. Almost 100 reviews - wow. Oh, there might be a sequel in a while - 58 this time.