A/N: Hope you like the rewrite! Hahaha I rhymed! :D

How I Hate High School

Chapter 1: Auditions

"So Sakura, are you going to try out?" Ino asked eagerly.

"No Ino, for the fifth time today. I'm not going to, it's pointless." I shook my head and sighed.

We were on our lunch break in our high school and being the sophmores that we proudly are, leaving the campus isn't an option. We walked past auditorium and stopped.

"But Sakura," She whined, (I hated it when she did.) "Pleeease? I'm director of the school's talent show and it's my job to recruit people who are capable of winning.

"C'mon Ino, you think I'm capable?" My pink eyebrow raised.

"Eh duh, you're like the best singer I know."

"Better than Christina Augilera?"

"Oh I lied when I said I knew her!"

(Like that was a surprise)

"Ino I don't know--

"Hey girls!" A high, squeaky voice I knew too well chirped.

Me and Ino--Ino and I turned to see Tsuki Haruka AKA The School's #1 Bitch/Slut/Whore. (Great name isn't it?)

She smiled as hard as she could. "What are you guys doing here?"

I just stared at her. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and walked over to the wall to our right. "I know. You must be admiring my talent show pictures!" Her thin hand flung to the row of golden frames with her name engraved on it.

"Eh, no I was just asking Sakura here to participate in the auditions for the talent show. You know, me being the director and all..." Ino glared at her.

I instantly regretted having the conversation. Tsuki threw her head back and laughed. I wasn't mad really if I was her I'd probably laugh too.

"This nobody?" She pointed at me with her prefectly manicured light blue fingernail. Sadly, she was right, I was a nobody. No one noticed me and to think that my pink hair was a standout among the population...hah! Whenever we walked down the hallways, they always greeted Ino and not me. They'd ask me what my name was almost everyday and the other times they didn't even acknowledge my existence. But hey, I got used to it.

"No, this is Sakura and she has a voice that can rival even yours. So you better watch out..." I silently thanked Ino, but it wouldn't be enough. Tsuki made sure that she stomped on every opponent that was in her way.

"Hah, well we'll see about that." Her glossed lips curled into another tight smile and she strutted away. When the clicking of her heels faded Ino turned to me.

"What a bimbo. Anyway, will you please sign up? We need somebody to win the talent show for once besides her and I know that you could be the one to do it." Her hands gripped my shoulders.

"I-I don't know, Ino. Is it worth it?" I slipped myself away from her grip and walked along the side of the wall.

"Of course it's worth it Sakura. You're telling me that you wouldn't like to see the look on Tsuki's face when you win? She'll be so jealous of you! Don't you want that?"

Of course, I'd like to see her jealous of me, but could I? She's been in this school longer than I have (Junior) and she knows how the system is when it came to the stage. I sang as a hobby, not meant for anybody to be aware of. And on top of that, I sort of had some stage fright. Tsuki would try anything in her power to beat me.

Then, I'd like to give her a challenge, I could say I at least tried instead of chickening out. What the hay.

"Alright Ino, I'll do it. But you have to help me."

Ino let out a squeal that disturbed my earbrums.


"Hey Sasuke! Hey Sasuke! Hi Sasuke! Wanna get together Sasuke? Where are you going Sasuke?!" Fangirls followed the group of five guys.

I sigh. Nothing's more annoying than crazy teenage girls following you wherever you go. Women are such...well annoying beings. They're always the ones screaming for no reason. Oh, and as you're reading this you might think im gay...but that's not the case no matter what Naruto says.

"Ladies! Ladies! Why don't you all leave Sasuke alone? I mean if you do he'll give you his number later!"

Immediately, the girls rush down the hall. I would say that Naruto's a genius but he doesn't make this situation any better. So I say,

"Thanks dobe, now they'll be back for my number." His blue eyes narrowed at me.

"Well, at least I got rid of them."

"For now." Shikamaru pointed out. Another friend of mine.

"It really hurts that they always chase after you and not me." Kiba took out a random mirror and looked at himself.

"Like you could ever get anyone." Neji snorted.

"Oh really?" The dog-boy looked ahead and scanned the busy hallways for a victim. A girl with black hair and blue highlights walked by. Kiba's lips turned upright, delievering a sexy smirk. But the girl just rolled her eyes and continued on her way.

Kiba gawked. "B-But that never fails! No one can resist this!" He points at his face.

"Hah, dog-boy can't get a girl!" Naruto yelled. Random people laughed as well as half the girls' population. Kiba sulked in a corner and I was getting annoyed with the world.

The continuous laughter rung through my head and I was getting a serious headache.

"I'm going to my locker. I'll see you guys at lunch break." I say to Neji.

I slipped away and walked down the hallway until I couldn't hear anymore. Sometimes they got too annoying.

My locker was far from others, I kind of liked it. No one loud and obnoxious near me to ruin my mood. When I opened the steal door, I realized that I didn't really have much in it, in fact there was only a sheet of paper. I sighed. But when I closed the frame, I wish I didn't. And that was because the most annoying girl was right behind it.

"Hi Sasuke." She smiled brightly and fluffed her hair.


Her eyes turned seductive and she smirked. "Listen, I was hoping we could have another make out session today, you know for old time's sake."

"Tsuki, we've never made out and we never will." I walked past her.

"B-But Sasuke! I-I'm wearing watermelon lip gloss!" She yelled after me but I'd already turned the corner, out of sight.

These are one of the reasons why I find women so unattractice these days. They throw themselves in front of anyone, and frankly I hated that so much. Just once I'd like to see a girl who had a little more self-respect.

Just then I heard music...and a voice that sounded like a female's. It came from the choir room I guessed, so I peeked through the window curious to find the source. There was a girl with...pink hair sitting on a stool with a guitar that was singing.

And here we go again
With all the things we said
And not a minute spent
to think that we'd regret
So we just take it back
these words
And hold our breath
the things we sworn we meant

I'll write you just to let you know
That I'm alright
Can't say I'm sad to see you go
Cause I'm not
(well I'm not)
well I'm not

And here we go again
with all the things we did
And now im wondering
just who I would have been
To be the one attached
at all times to your hip
the things we sworn we meant

I'll write you just to let you know
That I'm alright
Can't say I'm sad to see you go
Cause I'm not
(well I'm not)
well I'm not
(no I'm not)
(no I'm not)

Her eyes opened revealing innorcent emerald eyes. Then she stopped playing, but her lips were still moving as if talking to someone else. Like my prediction she was talking to Ino, the blonde that used to be president of my freakish fanclub. But when I twisted my eyes back to the pink haired girl, she was looking right back...


"Hey look 'the Sasuke Uchiha' is watching you..." Ino squealed and she faced me again. "I told you that your voice was gold!"

I didn't believe her at first until I peered at the corner of my eyes to see him. I didn't understand why the sexiest guy in school would look at me, I'm a stick with pink hair, I mean who'd want to look at that? God, I'm pessimistic...

He must be looking at Ino.

"Let's go talk to him!" Ino was thrilled, and probably wanted to check out his backside, She jumped out the chair and ran to the door.

I sigh, we were supposed to be practicing for the upcoming talent show she basically begged me to join. And she ditches me for a guy, I'm so not surprised. I might as well get something to eat while Ino tries to stalk this guy. I put down my guitar and walk out, expecting to see Ino flirting.

"Man, he's gone!" She looked down both ways of the hallway and no one was to be seen.

Wow, big deal. I walked to the cafeteria. Psh Sasuke Uchiha? Who cares.


I peeked around the corner and looked at her once agian. All she did was purse her lips and walk the other way. But that didn't matter because I think I just found the girl that I wanted to chase.


"I-Ino, I don't think I can do this anymore." I was shaking in my jeans and plaid blouse. Ino grabbed me by the shoulders and smiled her heart-warming smile.

"Don't quit on me now Sakura. You can do this. I know you can." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


She walked off to do her director duties. Today was the first round of the auditions, All around me there were people who were trained for this day, people who were born for this. All kinds of acts and I was here because I was forced to be...

I knew that I couldn't possibly be the only singer. And I knew Tsuki was lurking around here somewhere trying to scare the beginners out of their minds. I cringed.

Behind the curtains I heard an applause so I slowly peeked out only to be pushed back in by Tsuki.

"Well I guess that that blonde skank was right. You did show up."

She was dressed in a long blue sparkly dress, a total runway outfit compared to mine. She was at least an inch taller than me and a figure like a hourglass. I felt like she was the cat and I was the mouse.

"Yeah, I did show up." I say.

"Well let me tell you something, wannabe, if you think that you've got a chance in this competition, then you're oh so wrong." Her finger poked my shoulder and I tried my best to keep a non-scared face.

She chuckled a bit and wish Ino was here for once to back me up.

"What? You scared you're gonna wet yourself?" She smirked. "Break a leg." And then she stalked off.

I was angry, but not because Tsuki just threatened my life but because I was stupid enough to believe Ino. I actually thought I could beat her, and 'give her a challenge.' She was going to murder me.

"Sakura! Don't tell me that Tsuki's gotten to you!" Ino always knew what I was really thinking under my expressions.

"N-No Ino. I just don't belong here."

"Sakura Lee Haruno!" And I only knew she was absolutely serious when she pronounced my full name. "Tsuki can't do anything to you. If she does then she's going to have to go through me."

"Mrs. Sakura Haruno! You are up next!" I swallowed so much spit in one gulp that I thought I was going to choke.

"Uhh..." Is all I can say.

"You'll do great Sakura." And then I flew through the curtains and fell onto the stage. Laughter was all around me and I made a mental note to repay Ino later for the boost.

"Come on now we need to hurry." Said one of the judges, not even looking at me.

I sat up and fiddled with the microphone in front of me. I never really took into notice how huge our auditorium stage was. I felt small, puny, pathetic and alone.

Ino was watching from the side and I wish I could walk off right now.

"Mrs. Haruno what will you be performing for us today?" A male judge I didn't rcognize tipped his black-rimmed glasses back.

"I-I'll be singing 'Simple And Clean' by Hikaru Utada.

"You may begin."

The music cued and Ino threw up a last thumbs-up. I opened my mouth and prayed I didn't sound horrible.

You give me
Too many things, lately
You're all I need
You smiled at me, and said

Don't get me wrong I love you
But does that mean I have to meet you father
When we older you'll understand what I meant
When I said no I don't think life is quite that simple

When you walk away
You don't hear me say
Please, oh baby don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

I turn my head to see Ino smiling her toothy smile and I knew I was okay.


Ino was absolutely thrilled. Sakura sounded great and she was definitely triumphing in this round! She looked over to where Tsuki stood watching Sakura with an astonished look.

Ino smirked. 'Hard to believe someone's better than you huh?'

And then Tsuki's facial expression changed into a smirk and she walked away. Ino's eyebrows furrowed. 'That's not good. I better see what she's up to.'


Sasuke and his crew roamed the hallways once again today. Naruto was talking about the huge test coming up in Geometry.

"Dude, I have no idea what Gemetry is about..."

Neji sighed. "It's about triangles, theorums and crap. It's not that hard."

He could say that because he had an A+ in the class.

"Hey did you guys hear about those talent show auditions today?" Kiba asked noticing a sign on the wall. Sasuke immediately thought of the girl he saw yesterday. Maybe she was participating in this thing too. He had to get in...

"But it's too bad Tsunade basically shut it down for other kids to see because of that riot that happened last year..." He mentioned, then smirked. "Oh yeah we started that didn't we?"

They smirked. Yeah, they basically set up a chain reaction just by slapping the back of some big dude's neck. He punched the guy next to him and before you knew it mosh pits everywhere.

"Yeah, fabulous times. Let's sneak in. I want to see the pathetic people get eliminated." He laughed evilly.

"Naruto you know just as well as I do that you have no talent." Sasuke sighed.

"I'll have you know that I do have talent." He huffed.

"At what naming all the ramen flavors in alphabetical order?" Kiba guessed laughing. Naruto flushed.

"It's alright, Naruto if it makes you feel any better I think you're still a dobe." Sasuke's monotone voice didn't only made him more angry.

"Sasuke!" He growled. Naruto snatched the basketball that Kiba was holding and chucked it at his best friend. And Sasuke, being the graceful guy he is, ducked and said ball flew through the open auditorium door.

"Look what you did now, idiot! That's my favorite ball!" Kiba chased after it and the others followed.


Ino guided herself through the backstage searching for Tsuki. Finally, she saw her near the ropes to the curtains. Tsuki gripped one of the ropes with a huge smirk on her face. She looked up and saw one of those bag thingies that are always on the ceiling thing.

(I have no idea what they are called?)

It was right over Sakura's head and if it was dropped it would ruin her perfect performance and probably give her a concussion.

"You're not going to take my spot Haruno." She muttered.

"Wait right there." Ino crossed her arms and glared.

"What do you want?" She grinned.

"Just because Sakura's better than you doesn't mean that--

"She's not better than me! And this is the way of the theater, you fight for a spot." Tsuki grabbed the rope with force.

"Stop!" Ino launched at her...


A basketball flew out of nowhere and slammed into the side of Tsuki's head, kocking her out. Ino looked around and grinned. "Hah! Karma!" She laughed and walked off.

The guys came in minutes later and stopped.

"Dude, you're a murderer." Kiba picked up the basketball and hugged it.

"I-I didn't mean to! It's Sasuke's fault!" Naruto pointed at him. He really didn't care about what happened to one of his fangirls, he was in fact pleased that it was his fault.

"Hey look someone's on stage." Shikamaru observed peeking through the curtain.

'That's her!' Sasuke thought. She was here at least five meters away from him, singing on stage.

The daily things
That keep us all busy
Are confusing me
That's when you came to me said
Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water
When we older you'll understand it's enough
When I say so, and maybe
Same things are that simple

When you walk away
You don't hear me say
Please, oh baby don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning
these lyrics are found on
is a little later on
reguardless of warnings
the future doesn't scare me at all
nothing's like before

"She's so hot." Naruto said. And for once, Sasuke agreed with him, mentally of course. They all leaned on a set of boxes, watching the girl, but they didn't realize that it was slowly giving away.

when you walk away
you don't hear me say
please, oh baby don't go
simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
it's hard to let it go

hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning
is a little later on
reguardless of warnings
the future doesn't scare me at all
nothing's like before

hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning
is a little later on
reguardless of warnings
the future doesn't scare me at all
nothing's like before




They tumbled onto the stage noisily. Sasuke looked up at the girl, she was looking at him with a shocked expression. He smirked.

"SASUKE!NEJI!NARUTO!KIBA AND SHIKAMARU!" A voice of great authority called. And the guys turned around in fear.

"Oh dear." Naruto cringed.

Tsunade stood in ffront of them. "Come with me!"

Then she faced the judges and Sakura. "Sorry for the disturbance." She said pleasantly. Tsunade pulled all five of the guys off the stage and threw them out the door.

"Unless you are done with your antics and actually have a talent to show, don't come back." She hissed and slammed the doors.

"B-But I do have a talent!" Naruto yelled after her. The guys sighed and Naruto sulked.

Sasuke stared through the tiny window in the door. He knew that they were going to meet. This was only the beginning of the chase and he had a long way to go.

(A/N: Who likes Air Gear? I do! Lol. Yes, this is the rewrite and I'm sort of glad how it turned out. So things will be different and there'll be more focus on SasuSaku this time instead of the support pairings. I think that's what got me so stressed last time. Heheheh...okay Next chapter will be up soon.)

Reviewers are greatly appreciated :)